It is an API server, you don't need this to watch films on the client.
Just download the client from project page (
If you want to add some trackers or create a self-hosted server then you can fork it.
It is hosted in free tier google cloud - search is slow - no elastic and 580 mb ram.
No anime for at the moment, please extend the api if you know an api for anime like TMDB for films and shows.
It is a standard symfony v5 application that requires:
nginx, php-8.1, mariadb, cron, tor, elasticsearch, git, redis
It is highly recommended that you configure a nginx cache.
You can find the installation guide for RHEL 8/9 based systems here.
You can find the installation guide for Debian 10/11 based systems here.
You can configure search in config/services.yaml
If you have issues with some spiders, setup tor node and configure tor proxy.
Refer to the respective installation guides above for tor
You can run the following command to initialise the database.
bin/console spider:run --all
Additionally, you may set up grafana and use grafana.json
for the app dashboard.
The deployment playbook for a single server is located in the deploy folder.
You can run the following command to view a live debug log of the API.
bin/console enqueue:consume -vvv --logger=stdout