An customizable action button subclassing UIView where the mainButton, itemButton, and animation can all be customized.
Besides flexibility of customization, default settings and built-in functions also provide great usability of the pod.
- Customized configuration
- Main button
- Item button
- Background view
- Item position
- Animation
- Duration
- Configuration for active/inactive state
- DataSource protocol
- Set number of item buttons
Item buttons configurationoptional
Center position of each item button
- Delegate protocol
- Item button action
Function called after action button did become active/inactive
- Animation delegate protocol
Animation timeoptional
Main button, item button and background view configuration for active/inactive status
- Documentation
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
HActionButton is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "HActionButton"
Swift version | version |
2.3 | 2.0.x |
3.0 | 2.1.0 or later |
You can either add HActionButton
programmatically with code
let actionButton = HActionButton()
// Customized configuration
// actionButton.mainButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
// actionButton.backgroundView.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor()
// .
// .
or simply drag and drop an UIView in storyboard (Interface Builder) and set the class to HActionButton
class ViewController: UIViewController, HActionButtonDataSource, HActionButtonDelegate{
@IBOutlet weak var actionButton: HActionButton!
// .
// .
// .
override func viewDidLoad(){
actionButton.dataSource = self
actionButton.delegate = self
// .
// .
// .
// MARK: - HActionButtonDataSource
func numberOfItemButtons(actionButton: HActionButton) -> Int {
return 20
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, itemButtonAtIndex index: Int) -> UIButton {
// return circle button with random color by default
return HActionButton.CircleItemButton(actionButton)
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, relativeCenterPositionOfItemAtIndex index: Int) -> CGPoint{
// return circle button with random color by default
return HActionButton.EquallySpacedArcPosition(actionButton, atIndex: index, from: 0, to: 2 * M_PI)
// MARK: - HActionButtonDelegate
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, didClickItemButtonAtIndex index: Int) {
print("button \(index) clicked")
Now, your action button is supposed to work. Checkout the following parts to customize the action button.
The main action button can be customized by configure mainButton
, which is defined in HActionButton
// swift 2.3
public var mainButton: UIButton!
// swift 3.0
open var mainButton: UIButton!
Implement to customize each item button.
class ViewController: UIViewController, HActionButtonDataSource{
// .
// .
// .
// MARK: - HActionButtonDataSource
func numberOfItemButtons(actionButton: HActionButton) -> Int {
return 20
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, itemButtonAtIndex index: Int) -> UIButton {
// return circle button with random color by default
return HActionButton.CircleItemButton(actionButton)
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, relativeCenterPositionOfItemAtIndex index: Int) -> CGPoint{
// return circle button with random color by default
return HActionButton.EquallySpacedArcPosition(actionButton, atIndex: index, from: 0, to: 2 * M_PI)
Implement to delegate the button action.
class ViewController: UIViewController, HActionButtonDataSource, HActionButtonDelegate{
// .
// .
// .
// MARK: - HActionButtonDelegate
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, didClickItemButtonAtIndex index: Int) {
print("button \(index) clicked")
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, didBecome active: Bool) {
Implement to customize the animation
class ViewController: UIViewController, HActionButtonDataSource, HActionButtonDelegate, HActionButtonAnimationDelegate{
// .
// .
// .
// MARK: - HActionButtonAnimationDelegate
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, animationTimeForStatus active: Bool) -> NSTimeInterval {
// return 0.3 by default
return active ? 2 : 0.3
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, confugureMainButton mainButton: UIButton, forStatus active: Bool) {
// rotate button with PI/2 back and forth for status by default
HActionButton.RotateButton(mainButton, byAngle: M_PI/4, forStatus: active)
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, confugureItemButton itemButton: UIButton, atIndex index: Int, forStatus active: Bool) {
// set alpha of itemButton by default
itemButton.alpha = CGFloat(active)
// Optional
func actionButton(actionButton: HActionButton, confugureBackgroundView backgroundView: UIView, forStatus active: Bool) {
// set alpha of backgroundView by default
backgroundView.alpha = CGFloat(active)
backgroundView.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: CGFloat(drand48()), green: CGFloat(drand48()), blue: CGFloat(drand48()), alpha: 0.4)
HActionButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.