Faucet has 3 components
- Smart Contract
- Backend
- Frontend
Make sure ports 80,443 are open
Do install git, tmux, nano
sudo apt-get install -y git tmux nano
Check out this github repo
git clone https://github.com/pops-one/Harmony-faucet.git
Install node version v12.13.1+
NVM is a node version manager which lets us get a specific version of node easily Refer nvm github repo to find latest version of nvm e.g to install v0.35.3
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
Now, to install node v12.13.1, do
nvm install v12.13.1
Smart Contract Installation
Navigate to faucet-contract folder a) Add a
file . refer the same.env.sample
file. Sample contentsGAS_LIMIT=3321900 GAS_PRICE=1000000000 //Address onexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY='0xYOURPRIVATEKEY' TESTNET_MNEMONIC='YOUR MNEMONIC'
Note: This address will be the smart contract owner and will be used to disperse the funds from faucet.
b) Edit the network.js file to have the relevant network details. Following is the example for testnet.
lrtn_testnet: { network_id: '2', provider: () => { const truffleProvider = new TruffleProvider( 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io/', { menmonic: process.env.TESTNET_MNEMONIC }, { shardID: 0, chainId: 2 }, { gasLimit: gasLimit, gasPrice: gasPrice}, ); const newAcc = truffleProvider.addByPrivateKey(process.env.TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY); truffleProvider.setSigner(newAcc); return truffleProvider; }, },
c) Install openzeppelin
npm i @openzeppelin/cli -g
npx oz init
c) Go to Harmony-faucet folder and run the following command to install all dependencies
npm install
e) Go to faucet-contract folder and run the following command to deploy th smart contract
npx oz deploy
When prompted, select deployment type as regular, network as lrtn_testnet, and name of contract HarmonyFaucet
Sample output Nothing to compile, all contracts are up to date. ? Choose the kind of deployment regular ? Pick a network lrtn_testnet ? Pick a contract to deploy HarmonyFaucet ✓ Deployed instance of HarmonyFaucet 0x3893a4E7a16eA08Ee750e8AbBD1A1aA10D60c0A2
Make a note of the contract address Also, find the corresponding bech32 wallet format (e.g. one.....) of the contract by using
./hmy utility addr-to-bech32 CONTRACT_ADDRESS_IN_0x_FORMAT
Sample outputone18zf6feapd6sgae6saz4m6xs65yxkps9z7qcv77
- Domain configurations. a) Configure a sub-domain which will be used for the faucet. e.g. add an A record as faucet.pops.one with the IP address
b) Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create and create a recaptchaV3 for the sub-domain, add localhost too if you are testing. Note down the API key + secret
- Backend Navigate to faucet-backend folder. a) Add a .env file similar to .env.sample given Change the CAPTCHA_SECRET to the one obtained in step 4b.
b) navigate to faucet-backed/config folder and create a config.json file similar to config-sample.json Sample contents as follows
{ "networks": [ { "id": "2", "network": 0, "chainId": "0x2", "name": "Testnet", "url": "https://api.s0.b.hmny.io", "explorerUrl": "https://explorer.pops.one/#/tx/", "contractAddress": "CONTRACT_ADDRESS_IN_one...FORMAT", "privateKey": "PRIVATEKEY_OF_SMARTCONTRACT_OWNER_CONFIGURED_IN_.env_OF_faucet-contract folder", "mnemonic": "MNEMONIC_OF_SMARTCONTRACT_OWNER_CONFIGURED_IN_.env_OF_faucet-contract folder" } ], "gasPrice": 1, "gasLimit": 3321900 }
c) Navigate to the root folder (Harmony-faucet) and run
npm run copy
This will copy the HarmonyFaucet.json from faucet-contract/build/contracts folder to faucet-backend/config
d) Run the backend process as follows
pm2 start npm --name "faucet-backend" -- start
pm2 save
pm2 startup
To view the running processes
pm2 status
To view the logs for backend process, usepm2 logs faucet-backend
- Frontend Navigate to faucet-frontend a) Add a .env file similar to .env.sample Sample
b) Build a production version of frontend by issuing the following command
npm run build
c) Setup ngnix and certbot.
sudo apt-get install nginx -y
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/faucet.pops.one/
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/faucet.pops.one/
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/faucet.pops.one
Copy all the contents of the faucent-frontend/build folder to the html folder e.g.
cp -R faucet-frontend/build/* /var/www/faucet.pops.one/
d) Edit this file
sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Uncomment the following line (Remove the preceeding # symbol) server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;e) Create a file /etc/nginx/sites-available/faucet.pops.one with contents as follows
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name faucet.pops.one; root /var/www/faucet.pops.one; index index.html; location / { try_files $uri.html $uri $uri/ =404; } location /api/ { proxy_pass; } }
f) Enable the site
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/faucet.pops.one /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
g) Verify all is okay. You should get an OK response
sudo nginx -t
h) Restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
i) Install certbot
sudo apt-get install certbot -y
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx -y
sudo certbot --nginx
After going through the prompts and accepting Option 3) redirect all http traffic to https the site should be accessible e.g. https://faucet.pops.one
- How to change the default amount issued by the faucet and the cool-off period between multiple requests.
e.g. To change the default amount to say 10,1100 (Enter as 10100e18)
Navigate to faucet-contract folder
npx oz send-tx
? Pick a network lrtn_testnet
? Pick an instance HarmonyFaucet at 0x3893a4E7a16eA08Ee750e8AbBD1A1aA10D60c0A2
? Select which function setRate(_sendAmount: uint256)
? _sendAmount: uint256: 10100e18
✓ Transaction successful. Transaction hash: 0x1027c0b30c5c584532143c7948051acd741688fe2c00c670d03da4deeb9b5b3a
e.g. Changing the default number of blocks between consecutive requests. We can set the time to allow for each request in terms of block height. If you want to set the time of 24 hours then with the 5 sec block time it would require 17280 (86400/5) blocks. Similarly set the block number as per requirement.
npx oz send-tx
? Pick a network lrtn_testnet
? Pick an instance HarmonyFaucet at 0x3893a4E7a16eA08Ee750e8AbBD1A1aA10D60c0A2
? Select which function setBlockHeight(_blockHeight: uint256)
? _blockHeight: uint256: 18000
✓ Transaction successful. Transaction hash: 0x9eaad5521ccbb39144b9a76842fc77ec3ad0a6531467bcfce58319aaee000c34
Visit https://faucet.pops.one to get the latest faucet contract address. e.g. one18zf6feapd6sgae6saz4m6xs65yxkps9z7qcv77
Use Harmony ONE wallet and send the amount required to be topped-up to Faucet with Gas Price as 1 and Gas Limit as 250000
Refresh faucet home page to verify that the balance has been topped-up