gem install carrier-pigeon
require "carrier-pigeon"
Send a private message
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "cooooo, coo coo" )
Send a notice
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "cooooo, coo coo", :notice => true )
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "coo, secret plan", :ssl => true )
Join a channel (required for most Freenode channels)
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "cooooo, part of the flock", :join => true )
Join a channel that requires a password
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "coo, the password is ..." :channel_password => "secret", :join => true )
Identify with NickServ
CarrierPigeon.send( :uri => "irc://nick:[email protected]:6667/#channel", :message => "nickserv, coo coo", :nickserv_password => "secret" )