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This is an API Wrapper for the Checkmarx SAST (REST, SOAP and OData API)

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The goal of this project is to provide an API Wrapper for the Checkmarx SAST (REST, SOAP and OData API) for .NET Core to works in a transparent way between the different the Checkmarx versions (8.9 or Higher)

It currently already supports the Checkmarx SCA (Software Composition Analysis),

Future Support: (Access Control & IAST) support.

Running the Unit Tests

Before running the unit tests please make sure to configure the needed credentials using the Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core

How to use the SDK

Connection to SAST or SCA

A CxClient provider access to SAST and an SCAClient provides access to SCA:

// create a SAST client to interact with SAST/OSA and the Access Control (AC)
CxClient sastClient = new CxClient(new Uri(""),

// create a SCA client to interact with SCA and the Access Control (AC)
SCAClient scaClient = new SCAClient(Tenant, Username, Password);

Check the version of Checkmarx Product


Check the version of Checkmarx Product without authentication


Get the Access Control from SAST

AccessControlClient accessControlClient = sastClient.AC;

Get the Access Control from SCA

AccessControlClient accessControlClient = scaClient.AC;

SAST (Security Application Security Testing)

Check the Checkmarx.API.Tests.CxClientUnitTests.cs for a lot of code snippets on how to use the API.

List projects

foreach (var item in sastClient.GetProjects())

Create Project

sastClient.SASTClient.ProjectsManagement_PostByprojectAsync(new SaveProjectDto {
                IsPublic = true, 
                Name = "ProjectName",
                OwningTeam = "34"

Branch Project

sastClient.SASTClient.BranchProjects_BranchByidprojectAsync(123, new BranchProjectDto
                Name = "New Branch Name"

Run Scan

client.RunSASTScan(projectId, null, true, sourceCodeZipFile);



SCA (Software Compostion Analysis)

Check the Checkmarx.API.Tests.SCAClientUnitTests.cs for a lot of code snippets on how to use the API.

List projects

foreach (var project in scaClient.ClientSCA.GetProjectsAsync().Result)
    Console.WriteLine(project.Id + "  " + project.Name);

Create Project

 var scaProject = scaClient.ClientSCA.CreateProjectAsync(new API.SCA.CreateProject
     Name = scaProjectName,
     AssignedTeams = new string[] { teamFullPath }

Trigger Scan with Zip Source Code

scaClient.ScanWithSourceCode(scaProject.Id, zipPath);

Access Control API

Get/List All Users

foreach (var user in accessControlClient.GetAllUsersDetailsAsync().Result)
     Console.WriteLine(user.Email + string.Join(";", user.TeamIds.Select(x => teamsx].FullName)) +" "  user.LastLoginDate);

     foreach (var role in user.RoleIds.Select(x => roles[x].Name))
         Console.WriteLine("+ " + role);

Create a new user

ICollection<int> cxTamRoles = new int[] {
    accessControlClient.RolesAllAsync().Result.First(x => x.Name == "SAST Admin").Id

ICollection<int> cxTeamIds = new int[] {
    accessControlClient.TeamsAllAsync().Result.First(x => x.FullName == "/CxServer").Id

int localeID = accessControlClient.SystemLocalesAsync().Result.First(x => x.Code == "enUS").Id;

CreateUserModel user = new CreateUserModel
    FirstName = "firstname",
    LastName = "lastname",
    UserName = "[email protected]",
    Email = "[email protected]",
    Password = "******",
    ExpirationDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromDays(1000),
    Active = true,

    Country = "Portugal",
    JobTitle = "The World Greatest",

    AuthenticationProviderId = accessControlClient.AuthenticationProvidersAsyn().Result.First(X =>X.Name == "Application").Id, // Application User

    LocaleId = localeID,
    RoleIds = cxTamRoles,
    TeamIds = cxTeamIds,



Get/List Teams

foreach (var item in accessControlClient.TeamsAllAsync().Result)
    Console.WriteLine($"{item.Id} = {item.FullName}");

Get or Create Team



This is an API Wrapper for the Checkmarx SAST (REST, SOAP and OData API)






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