The solution adopted involves the use of a backend service implemented by the json-server
module listening on port 3000.
The service exposes CRUD functionality on the bookmarks
resource and minimal user
management like login.
The application is divided into the following modules:
The CoreModule should contain singleton services (which is usually the case), universal components and other features where there’s only once instance per application.SharedModule
The SharedModule is where any shared components, pipes/filters and services should go.
For this app was used for manage libs modules, like angular material.modules/AuthModule
The AuthModule contains authentication features.modules/BookmarkModule
The BookmarkModule contains the features related to bookmark management.
For this module was used ngrx and redux pattern.
# clone the repo
git clone
# change directory to repo
cd bookmarks-app
# Use npm to install the dependencies:
npm install
# start the server
npm run-script start:bundle-env
open browser to this url: http://localhost:4200
For login on app use: