Release v0.6.0
* Adds the [``expandable`` decorator][dyce.evaluation.expandable] as well as the [``foreach``][dyce.evaluation.foreach] and [``explode``][dyce.evaluation.explode] convenience functions.
* Deprecates [``P.foreach``][dyce.p.P.foreach], [``H.foreach``][dyce.h.H.foreach], and [``H.substitute``][dyce.h.H.substitute].
* Allows outcomes with zero counts in non-normalized [``H`` objects][dyce.h.H].
Outcomes with zero counts are dropped when calling [``H.lowest_terms``][dyce.h.H.lowest_terms].
Adds the [``H.zero_fill``][dyce.h.H.zero_fill] convenience method.
* Fixes memoization in [Risus multi-round combat translation](
* Migrates from [``setuptools_scm``]( to [``versioningit``]( for more flexible version number formatting.
* Allows deployments to PyPI from CI based on tags.
* Uses JupyterLite instead of Binder for examples.
* Refactors [``P.is_homogeneous`` property][dyce.p.P.is_homogeneous] into a similarly-named method and adds the [```` method][] property.
* Removes ``H.order_stat_func_for_n`` and instead caches order stat functions for ``n`` inside [``H.order_stat_for_n_at_pos``][dyce.h.H.order_stat_for_n_at_pos].
* Now requires ``numerary>=0.4.0``.