Simple torrent client to download torrents into Google Drive. Also we maintain a Drive link library for easy to download torrent.
Inspired by cloud-torrent
Drive torrent is written in Go1.10.4 and Vue On top of anacrolix/torrent.These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node.js
- Go 1.10.4 (This version is required)
- Firebase Project with Flame Plan or Blaze Plan ( Not Spark Plan )
- Algolia Account (Free Plan is ok)
Download Dependancy
go get
go run main.go
Test it , Login to http://localhost:3000 from a web browser
open static/config/firebase.sample.config and add your firebase project credentials
Change the directory and install dependancies
cd front
npm install
npm run dev
save your firebase service.json in syncer directory
open syncer/server.js and paste your Database url and add how many pages you need to feed to your database
next install dependancies and run the script
cd syncer
npm install
node server.js
With firebase functions we sync our film Database to Algolia to proper indexing.
For a getting start with Cloud Functions follow this guide
cd functions
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
npm install
firebase deploy
You can easiely deploy with docker image
docker build
docker run drive-torrent
- Prasad Kavinda
- Danushka Herath
PRs are welcome