Extracts the french-to-english translations from the French Wiktionary
You can simply use frwiktionary-20140612-euradicfmt.csv (in this repository).
You can also download a dump and process it yourself. Download a frwiktionary dump from http://dumps.wikimedia.org/frwiktionary/ (frwiktionary-YYYYMMDD-pages-articles.xml.bz2). The last version which is known to work is 2014-06-12. Next, run:
python3 frwiktionary_extract.py frwiktionary-20140612-pages-articles.xml 2> translation.log | sort | uniq > dictionary.csv
The bilingual dictionary follows the EurADiC format. Each entry contains the source word, the source part-of-speech, the label of the dictionary (TR-FR-EN), the target word, and the target part-of-speech. Here's an example:
100 mètres haies;S;TR-FR-EN;100 metre hurdles;S;
Only four parts of speech are currently supported:
- S - nouns
- V - verbs
- J - adjectives
- D - adverbs
Please report an issue or send a pull request for any problem you encounter!