This package is pronounced 'Krimmer' in honour of my wife's family. The CRHMr functions are used with the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling (CRHM) platform, which is was developed at the Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan. CRHM is available from
Functions are provided to create time series of forcing meteorological data, read and aggregate CRHM output, set model run parameters, run the CRHM program, and to post-process the output. This package works on Windows, OSX or Linux, although running CRHM on Linux or OSX requires the installation of WINE, which is available from
CRHMr also contains functions for gap removal, infilling and imputation of time series data, which may be useful for other models. Functions are also provided to deaccumulate, plot and correct weighing gauge precipitation data.
CRHMr depends on several other packages, which you need to install first, from CRAN, before installing CRHMr. These packages are:
- ggplot2(>= 2.0.0)
- lubridate(>= 1.3)
- plyr
- reshape2
- scales
- signal
- stringr(>= 1.0)
- zoo
In addition, CRHMr also supports the package HYDAT by Dave Hutchinsion, which is available from If you are using this package, then you will have to install it, as well as the package RSQLite.
The package EcoHydRology is optionally used by the CRHMr function distributeQsi. If you are going to be generating sub-daily incoming shortwave radiation data, it is hightly recommended that you install this package.
To install the dependencies, you can use the menu command Packages | Install in Rstudio, or the command install.packages as in
You can download the complete package, as well as the manual .pdf by clicking on releases. However, you can download and install the most up-to-date version directly from this repository. The procedure is
- Install the package "devtools" - you only have to do this once. Note that this will also install several dependancies
- Load the devtools library
- Install the package.
The commands are: