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This is an unofficial API of The 18th Asian Games 2018 Jakarta-Palembang.

List of Participated Countries

Flag Country's Code Country's Name Flag Country's Code Country's Name Flag Country's Code Country's Name
alt text AFG Afghanistan alt text BRN Bahrain alt text BAN Bangladesh
alt text BHU Bhutan alt text BRU Brunei Darussalam alt text CAM Cambodia
alt text CHN China alt text HKG Hong Kong, China alt text IAA Independent Asian Athletes
alt text IND India alt text IRI IR Iran alt text IRQ Iraq
alt text JPN Japan alt text JOR Jordan alt text KAZ Kazakhstan
alt text COR Unified Korea alt text KOR Korea alt text KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
alt text KGZ Kyrgyzstan alt text LAO Lao PDR alt text LBN Lebanon
alt text MAC Macau, China alt text MAS Malaysia alt text MDV Maldives
alt text MGL Mongolia alt text MYA Myanmar alt text NEP Nepal
alt text OMA Oman alt text PAK Pakistan alt text PLE Palestine
alt text PHI Philippines alt text PRK DPR Korea alt text QAT Qatar
alt text SGP Singapore alt text SRI Sri Lanka alt text SYR Syria
alt text THA Thailand alt text TJK Tajikistan alt text TKM Turkmenistan
alt text TLS Timor Leste alt text TPE Chinese Taipei alt text UAE United Arab Emirates
alt text UZB Uzbekistan alt text VIE Vietnam alt text YEM Yemen
alt text INA Indonesia

List of Sports

Name Sport's Code Name Sport's Code Name Sport's Code Name Sport's Code
Archery ar Artistic Gymnastics ga Artistic Swimming sy Athletics at
Badminton bd Baseball bb Basketball bk Basketball 3x3 b3
Beach Volleyball bv Bowling bo Boxing bx Bridge br
Canoe/Kayak Slalom cs Canoe/Kayak Sprint cf Cycling BMX cb Cycling Mountain Bike cm
Cycling Road cr Cycling Track ct Diving dv Equestrian eq
Fencing fe Football fb Golf go Handball hb
Hockey ho JetSki js Judo ju Ju-Jitsu jj
Kabaddi kd Karate ka Kurash ku Modern Pentathlon mp
Paragliding pg Pencak Silat ps Rhythmic Gymnastics gr Roller Skate rs
Rowing ro Rugby Sevens ru Sailing sa Sambo sc
Sepaktakraw se Shooting sh Skateboard sk Soft Tennis sf
Softball so Sport Climbing cl Squash sq Swimming sw
Table Tennis tt Taekwondo tk Tennis te Trampoline Gymnastics gt
Triathlon tr Volleyball vo Water Polo wp Weightlifting wl
Wrestling wr Wushu wu


How to use :

git clone

npm install -g

node index.js

GET /countries

Return a list of participated countries

GET /schedules?sport=[sport-code]

Return a list of schedules based on Sport's code [sport-code]

GET /schedules?country=[country-code]

Return a list of schedules based on Country's code [country-code]

GET /athletes

Return a list of participated athletes

GET /athletes?country=[country-code]

Return a list of country's athletes

GET /standings

Return medals standing of The 18th Asian Games


No description, website, or topics provided.






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