Simple applicaiton that generates a notification every 30 seconds and it is pushed to browser client realtime. Client can receive, read, delete notifications.
Please install docker, docker-machine, docker-compose. With this you can setup this fullstack application in just one command.
Notifications_fullstack uses following projects:
- [RethinkDB] - Must have for realtime apps
- [node.js] - Evented I/O for the backend
- [] - Full duplex communication
- [jQuery] - Super
Make sure you have docker, docker-compose, docker-machine installed properly. Then go inside the downloaded/cloned directory and execute following command.
Download the zip. Extract.
$ cd Downloaded_DIR
$ docker-compose up -d
###Check application
$ docker-machine ip
Above command should print IP ADDR e.g> Now, Go to the browser and hit *http://IP_ADDR:9999
Other notes are mentioned on the above webpage itself.
###Check logs
Open new terminal
$ tail -f -n 20 server/logs/info.log
Open another terminal
$ tail -f -n 20 server/logs/error.log
###Stop containers
$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq) // this will stop all running containers