A Meraki app to facilitate contactless pickup for customer orders.
This section describes our code formatting tools.
The docker image checks for proper styling using black.
You should install black
locally to automatically format your code with
black .
at the repo root.
The local stack provides all the services needed to run the application.
# Build and bring up the API container and its dependencies
docker-compose up --build api
Unit tests which are mocked or require no external dependencies will always run during the container build process to prevent building broken images. For integration tests, we use docker-compose to bring up dependent services and run our tests.
# Build and run integration tests
docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from test test
We're not really using Production or we'd be building and publishing images, but we have a "production"-ish docker-compose we can use to spin up the services we want in a more locked fashion.
# Start up the stack in daemon mode, rebuilding the images as needed
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build
Leverages the CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk to extend capabilities into the Teams chat for operational efficiency.
See the dotenv.example
file to see all environment variables expected.
The chat bot named [email protected]
should be invited into the room that the
orders are being processed in.
See the file chat_bot_requirements.txt. Install with `pip install -r chat_bot_requirements.