This program allows you to recursively find all the files and directories in a PATH and save the output as a YAML or JSON file.
walk command allows you to recursively find all the files and directories in a given location and export that information into either YAML or JSON format. It can be customized using either --json or --yaml. If you choose to include only a certain files in that walk you can provide the --contains flag. If you wish to remove extension from the output use --no-extn flag.By default the value is "true". if --dry-run flag is used to show the output on the console before checking out the file. --in and --out flags are used respectively to consume input and output path.
examples: a directory containing following file structure
├── file.go
├── file_test.go
└── src
├── deploy
│ ├── deploy.go
│ └── deploy_test.go
├── pod.go
└── pod_test.go
Command: filetree walk --outType=yaml --camel-case --no-extn --in=./sc --contains=_test --dry-run
fileTest: "true"
deployTest: "true"
podTest: "true"
filetree walk [flags]
--camel-case converts the file names against to camelcase from snake case
--contains string filters the output against the match
--dry-run prints output on console before not on file
-h, --help help for walk
--in string Path of the directory that you want to walk. (default "/Users/prashant/go/src/")
--no-extn removes the extension from the filename at the time of output
--out string output where you want to store JSON/YAML file. (default "/Users/prashant/go/src/")
--outType string Either json or yaml (default "yaml")
see docs for more info.