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ccraddock committed Oct 19, 2016
1 parent eb4ba59 commit 0c37368
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,147 additions and 595 deletions.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions data_analysis/calc_icc_touse.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#' Code to calculate the modern ICC version (using linear mixed-effects model).
#' A lot is borrowed from AFNI's 3dICC_REML.R. Big shout out to the AFNI folks.

#' # Setup
#qc_anat <- read.csv("abide_anat.csv")[,-1]
#qc_func <- read.csv("abide_func.csv")[,-1]
qc_anat <- read.csv("corr_anat.csv")[,-1]
qc_func <- read.csv("corr_func.csv")[,-1]

#' # Anatomical
#' Examine the reliability for the anatomical measures.
#' ## Filter Data
#' We only want subjects with multi-session data (i.e., more than one session of data).
#+ anat-filter1
qc_anat_trt <- ddply(qc_anat, .(subject), function(x) {
if (nrow(x) == 1) {
} else {
qc_anat_trt$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_anat_trt$site))

#' Now we check the number of subject per session
#' and for each site, we only keep those with 10 subjects per session.
#+ anat-filter2
table(qc_anat_trt$site, qc_anat_trt$session)
qc_anat_trt <- ddply(qc_anat_trt, .(site, session), function(x) {
if (nrow(x) < 10) {
} else {
qc_anat_trt$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_anat_trt$site))

#' For each site, we make the number of subjects per session the same.
#+ anat-filter3
table(qc_anat_trt$site, qc_anat_trt$session)
qc_anat_trt <- ddply(qc_anat_trt, .(site), function(x) {
# Find the session with the minimum number of subjects
nsubs_per_sess <- tapply(x$subject, x$session, length)
sess_min_subs <- as.numeric(names(nsubs_per_sess)[which.min(nsubs_per_sess)])
# Only use those subjects
subs_to_use <- x$subject[x$session == sess_min_subs]
x_to_use <- subset(x, subject %in% subs_to_use)

#' Finally, a few subjects have more than one scan per site. Keep the first one.
#' There aren't enough to look at within-session reliability.
#+ anat-filter4
table(qc_anat_trt$site, qc_anat_trt$session)
qc_anat_trt <- ddply(qc_anat_trt, .(site, subject, session), function(x) {

#' Now we are done, let's see what we have left
#+ anat-filter5
table(qc_anat_trt$site, qc_anat_trt$session)

#' ## Reshape
#' We want to do the computations for each site and each measure. So we will need to reshape the matrix.
#+ anat-reshape
qc_anat_trt2 <- melt(qc_anat_trt, id=c("subject", "session","series", "site"),"measure")

#' ## ICC
#' For each measure and site, we calculate the ICC.
#' We do this with our own code so we can ensure non-negative values amongst other things.
#+ calc-icc
calc_icc <- function(x) {
# ICC Juicy Core
nFact <- 2
myStat<-vector(mode="numeric", length=nFact+1)
fmAOV <- lmer(value ~ 1 + (1|subject) + (1|session), x)
for(i in 1:nFact) myStat[i] <- VarCorr(fmAOV)[[i]][1] # factor variances
myStat[nFact+1] <- attr(VarCorr(fmAOV), "sc")^2 # residual variance
myStat <- myStat/sum(myStat)
icc <- myStat[1]
qc_anat_icc <- ddply(qc_anat_trt2, .(measure, site), function(x) {
# matrix: subject x session
x$subject <- as.factor(x$subject)
res <- calc_icc(x)
nsubjects <- length(unique(x$subject))
nsessions <- length(unique(x$session))
c(subjects=nsubjects, sessions=nsessions, icc=res)

#' # Functional
#' Examine the reliability for the functional measures.
#' ## Filter Data
#' We only want subjects with multi-session/scan data. Since functional data has
#' many scans within a session, we will make that clean and only look at within session
#' data for the 1st scan.
#+ func-filter1
qc_func_trt <- ddply(qc_func, .(subject), function(x) {
if (nrow(x) == 1) {
} else {
qc_func_trt$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_func_trt$site))

# There seems to be some duplicates, remove them
qc_func_trt <- ddply(qc_func_trt, .(subject, session, scan), function(x) x[1,])

#' Now we check the number of subject per session
#' and for each site, we only keep those with 10 subjects per session.
#+ func-filter2
table(qc_func_trt$site, qc_func_trt$session)
qc_func_trt <- ddply(qc_func_trt, .(site, session), function(x) {
if (nrow(subset(x, scan == 1)) < 10) {
} else {
qc_func_trt$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_func_trt$site))

#comp <- ddply(qc_func_trt, .(site), function(x) {
# table(x$session, x$scan)
#comp[] <- 0
table(qc_func_trt$site, qc_func_trt$scan)

#' Here we get the between session data.
#' For each site, we make the number of subjects per session the same.
#' Finally, a few subjects have more than one scan per site. Keep the first one.
#+ func-filter3
table(qc_func_trt$site, qc_func_trt$session)
qc_func_trta <- ddply(qc_func_trt, .(site), function(x) {
# Find the session with the minimum number of subjects
nsubs_per_sess <- tapply(x[x$scan == 1,]$subject, x[x$scan == 1,]$session, length)
sess_min_subs <- as.numeric(names(nsubs_per_sess)[which.min(nsubs_per_sess)])
# Only use those subjects
subs_to_use <- unique(x$subject[x$session == sess_min_subs])
x_to_use <- subset(x, subject %in% subs_to_use)
qc_func_trta$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_func_trta$site))
qc_func_trta <- ddply(qc_func_trta, .(site, subject, session), function(x) {
qc_func_trta <- ddply(qc_func_trta, .(site), function(x) {
if (length(unique(x$session)) == 1) {
} else {
qc_func_trta$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_func_trta$site))

#' Here we get the within session data. We will only look at the first session
#' and keep all the possibly scans for each subject.
#+ func-filter4
table(qc_func_trt$site, qc_func_trt$session)
qc_func_trtb <- ddply(subset(qc_func_trt, session == 1), .(site), function(x) {
# Find the scan with the minimum number of subjects
nsubs_per_scan <- tapply(x$subject, x$scan, length)
scan_min_subs <- as.numeric(names(nsubs_per_scan)[which.min(nsubs_per_scan)])
# Only use that many scan
subs_to_use <- unique(x$subject[x$scan == scan_min_subs])
x_to_use <- subset(x, subject %in% subs_to_use)
qc_func_trtb <- ddply(qc_func_trtb, .(site), function(x) {
if (length(unique(x$scan)) == 1) {
} else {
qc_func_trtb$site <- as.factor(as.character(qc_func_trtb$site))

#' Now we are done, let's see what we have left
#+ anat-filter5
table(qc_func_trta$site, qc_func_trta$session)
table(qc_func_trtb$site, qc_func_trtb$scan)

## shlee: add perturbation
original = qc_func_trta
qc_func_trta = original

qc_func_trta1 <- ddply(qc_func_trta, .(subject), function(x) {
y1 = x$num_fd; y1 = y1 + rnorm(1,0,1); x$num_fd =y1
y2 = x$perc_fd; y2 = y2 + rnorm(1,0,1); x$perc_fd=y2


#' ## Reshape
#' We want to do the computations for each site and each measure. So we will need to reshape the matrix.
#+ anat-reshape
qc_func_trt_btw <- melt(qc_func_trta, id=c("subject", "session", "scan", "site"),"measure")

qc_func_trt_win <- melt(qc_func_trtb, id=c("subject", "session", "scan", "site"),"measure")

#' ## ICC
#' For each measure and site, we calculate the ICC.
#+ calc-icc
calc_icc <- function(x) {
# ICC Juicy Core
nFact <- 2
myStat<-vector(mode="numeric", length=nFact+1)
fmAOV <- lmer(value ~ 1 + (1|subject) + (1|session), x)
for(i in 1:nFact) myStat[i] <- VarCorr(fmAOV)[[i]][1] # factor variances
myStat[nFact+1] <- attr(VarCorr(fmAOV), "sc")^2 # residual variance
myStat <- myStat/sum(myStat)
icc <- myStat[1]
qc_func_icc_btw <- ddply(qc_func_trt_btw, .(measure, site), function(x) {
# matrix: subject x session
x$subject <- as.factor(x$subject)
res <- calc_icc(x)
nsubjects <- length(unique(x$subject))
nsessions <- length(unique(x$session))
c(subjects=nsubjects, sessions=nsessions, icc=res)

#' # Save
write.csv(qc_anat_icc, file="corr_qc_anat_icc_btw_sess.csv")
write.csv(qc_func_icc_btw, file="corr_qc_func_icc_btw_sess.csv")

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