The Google Cloud Gateway enables the following certificate authority management functions via Keyfactor Command: PFX & CSR Enrollment, Revocation, and Synchronization (Full & Incremental)
See the Google website for details on the Google Certificate Authority Service
It should be noted that currently, due to the design of the DevOps tier of CA, Enterprise tier CAs are only supported by the AnyGateway.
This AnyGateway is designed to be used with version 21.3.2 of the Keyfactor AnyGateway Framework
A JSON file generated for a Google Service Account will need to be created and placed on the AnyGateway Server. The path of this file into the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to be used during a CA session. Since the AnyGateway is required to run as the Network Service account, the registry will need to be modified to provide the service access to the Environment variable above. The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable should be placed in the following registry location and read access provided:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
Currently the only method supported for authentication is a Service Credential with the following IAM authorizations. Any built in role with the below authorizations will function as well.
- privateca.caPools.list
- privateca.caPools.get
- privateca.certificateTemplates.list
- privateca.certificateTemplates.get
- privateca.certificateTemplates.use
- privateca.certificateAuthorities.list
- privateca.certificateAuthorities.get
- privateca.certificates.create
- privateca.certificates.get
- privateca.certificates.list
- privateca.certificates.update
- privateca.reusableConfigs.get
- privateca.reusableConfigs.list
- resourcemanager.projects.get
In order to enroll for certificates the Keyfactor Command server must trust the Private CA chain. Once you create your Root and/or Subordinate CA, make sure to import the certifiate chain into the Command Server certificate store
Install the AnyCA Gateway Framework using the MSI from the Software Download Portal
Download latest successful build from GitHub
Copy *.dll to the Program Files\Keyfactor\ Keyfactor AnyGateway directory
Update the CAProxyServer.config file
- Update the CAConnection section to point at the GoogleCAProxy class
<alias alias="CAConnector" type="Keyfactor.AnyGateway.Google.GoogleCAProxy, GoogleCAProxy"/>
- Depending on the version of the AnyCA Gateway installed, additional binding redirects may need to be applied from the app.config. These redirections will be added to the CAProxyServer.config file
The following sections will breakdown the required configurations for the AnyGatewayConfig.json file that will be imported to configure the Google CA.
The Google CA has introduced the concept of Templates for the V1 release. The product ID mapped below must be the Template Name from the cloud console. The API does not provide certificate lifetime information, but any value can be placed here. If the value is over the configured value, the Google CA will set to the maximum value as determined by the template configuration.
"Templates": {
"GoogleCAWebServer": {
"ProductID": "GatewayProductID",/*resource id of the certificate template if applicahble. Required field for the AnyCA Gateway framework*/
"Parameters": {
"Lifetime": "300",/*days*/
The security section does not change specifically for the Google CA. Refer to the Keyfactor AnyGateway Documentation for more detail
/*Grant permissions on the CA to users or groups in the local domain.
READ: Enumerate and read contents of certificates.
ENROLL: Request certificates from the CA.
OFFICER: Perform certificate functions such as issuance and revocation. This is equivalent to "Issue and Manage" permission on the Microsoft CA.
ADMINISTRATOR: Configure/reconfigure the gateway.
Valid permission settings are "Allow", "None", and "Deny".*/
"Security": {
"Keyfactor\\Administrator": {
"READ": "Allow",
"ENROLL": "Allow",
"OFFICER": "Allow",
"Keyfactor\\gateway_test": {
"READ": "Allow",
"ENROLL": "Allow",
"OFFICER": "Allow",
"Keyfactor\\SVC_TimerService": {
"READ": "Allow",
"ENROLL": "Allow",
"OFFICER": "Allow",
"Keyfactor\\SVC_AppPool": {
"READ": "Allow",
"ENROLL": "Allow",
"OFFICER": "Allow",
The Certificate Managers section is optional. If configured, all users or groups granted OFFICER permissions under the Security section must be configured for at least one Template and one Requester. Uses "" to specify all templates. Uses "Everyone" to specify all requesters. Valid permission values are "Allow" and "Deny".
The CA Connection section will determine which CA in the Google cloud is integrated with Keyfactor. There are 3 required configuration fields
- ProjectId
This is the Resource ID of the project that contains the Google CA Service - LocationId
This is the resource ID of the geographical location (i.e. us-east1) within the Google Cloud - CAId
This is the resource Id of the CA created using the Google Cloud Console - CAPoolId This is the resource id of the CA Pool created using the Google Cloud Console
"CAConnection": {
"ProjectId": "concise-frame-296019",
"LocationId": "us-east1",
There are no Google Specific Changes for the GatewayRegistration section. Refer to the Keyfactor AnyGateway Documentation for more detail on required changed to support the AnyCA Gateway
"GatewayRegistration": {
"LogicalName": "GoogleCASandbox",
"GatewayCertificate": {
"StoreName": "CA",
"StoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
"Thumbprint": "bc6d6b168ce5c08a690c15e03be596bbaa095ebf"
There are no Google Specific Changes for the GatewayRegistration section. Refer to the Keyfactor AnyGateway Documentation for more detail on required changed to support the AnyCA Gateway
"ServiceSettings": {
"ViewIdleMinutes": 8,
"FullScanPeriodHours": 1,
"PartialScanPeriodMinutes": 60