The Tech Radar is a tool to inspire and support Engineering teams at Printify to pick the best technologies for new projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and continuously evolve our technology landscape. Based on the pioneering work of ThoughtWorks, our Tech Radar sets out the changes in technologies that are interesting in software development — changes that we think our engineering teams should pay attention to and use in their projects.
Radar is setup in the most naive way possible - as static index.html based on Zalando technical radar implementation.
In order to start "local development" serve it with any webserver. F.e. with python:
python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/
and proceed to the editing.
Radar content is defined in the data.json file. From it you can control:
- Radar Title -
- Radar publish date -
- Radar rings (exactly 4 rings are supported):
- Ring title. Also serves as ID for item ring placementrings.[].color
- Ring colorrings.[].description
- Ring description. Supports HTML styling
- Radar quadrants names list (exactly 4 rings are supported). Also serves as ID for item quadrants placement
- Blips or entries:
- Blip titleblips.[].quadrant
- Quadrant name/IDblips.[].ring
- Ring name/IDblips.[].moved
- Previous Blip state enum. Supported values are:IN
- Link for blip details
Radar is fully defined in 2 files:
The only necessary parts are next scripts being included:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Other than that any html/css/scripting styling can be applied.
No additional setup is required. By default, the repository is configured to serve static files from the main branch. Once your PR is merged, you can access our public Tech Radar. Please note that GitHub Pages may take some time to update, so changes might not be immediately visible after the merge.