Neodium is a discord music bot with many advanced features. This bot has been made to fill the place of groovy and make it open-source so that anyone can use it. With a First come First serve and task clearing queueing system that is when a queued audio is played it gets removed from the queue so the next audio in the queue can be played. Supports playing audio from youtube and spotify.
- No disturb feature: If anyone is serving someone then the bot can't be made to leave the VC.
- Advanced No disturb: You can lock the player by using -lock command and anyone will not be able to clear the queue and pause, resume, skip or stop the player except who initiated the lock. In future planning to add a voting system.
- Live Feature: The bot can play live youtube videos using -live or -l .
- Download Feature: Download any public YT or instagram audio video file. Additional support has also been given for instagram private only.
NOTE: These are the only the exclusive features that other bots generally don't have. For full usage check usage section
This category of commands contains the basic functionalities of the bot such as joining a VC.
-join Makes the bot join the channel
of the user, if the bot has already
joined and is in a different channel
it will move to the channel the user
is in. Only if you are not trying to
disturb someone.
-leave Makes the bot leave the voice channel.
Only if you are not trying to disturb
This category of commands contains the playable functionalities of the bot. All of them can make bot join vc, play audio and queue audio.
-search, -s [query] Searches the query on YT and gives 5
results to choose from. Choosen one
will be queued or played.
-play, -p [query] Searches the query on YT and plays or
queues the most relevant result.
-live, -l [url] Plays a YT live from the URL provided
as input.
-add-playlist [playlist_url] Adds a whole YT or Spotify playlist to queue
[starting_index] [ending_index] and starts playing it. Input is taken as
the URL to the public or unlisted playlist.
You can also mention a starting point or an
ending point of the playlist or both.
This category of commands contains the visualizers which enables you to monitor some states of the bot or get some kind of info about something
-queue [limit=10] Displays the current queue. Limit is the
number of entries shown per page, default
is 10.
-lyrics Displays the lyrics of the current song if
-current, -c Displays information about the current song
in the player.
This category of commands contains the commands related to queues. Also there is a concept of queue lock which will dissable any user from using these commands except the user initiating the lock with some more exceptions. Queue lock effective commands will be marked with "Q".
-remove Q Removes an mentioned entry from the queue.
-pause Q Pauses the current player.
-resume Q Resumes the paused player.
-skip Q Skips current audio.
-stop Q Just like skip but also clears the queue.
-clear-queue, -clear Q Clears the queue.
-shuffle Q Randomly shuffles the whole queue.
-lock Locks the queue and prevents anyone from
damaging anyone\'s experience.
This category of commands contains recently added download feature which can download YT and instagram audio video files with private support for instagram only.
-download, -d [url] Downloads YT or instagram audio video files
[codec_option=0] from the url. If the bot is already playing
something then passing no input will result in
selecting that video. Codec_option is for
choosing vcodec, default is 0 for h264 but can
be set to 1 for codec provided by vendor.
-login [username] Supports the instagram private feature.
[password] This command Logs in to your instagram
account and uses it to access files through
your account. Once logged in use the download
command normally. This command can only be
used in DMs in order to protect your privacy.
-logout Logout of your account only if you are already
logged in.
This category of commands contains the special commands which can only be accessed by the owner of the bot. These commands enables the owner to remotely invoke methods for temporary fixes or other debugging stuff.
-refetch [insta_cookie_fileid] Refetches the default cookie files from the
[yt_cookie_fileid] google dive file ids' of the cookie files.
If not passed it gets the file ids' from
environmental variables.
-add-cog [cog_name] Adds a predefined cog to the bot.
-remove-cog [cog_name] Removes a already existing cog. Generally
used to disable a functionality of the bot.
First make sure you have ffmpeg installed, install it by
for debian:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Use the package manager pip to install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This bot fetches lyrics from searched using google search api. All this things are done by the lyrics_extractor module which requires SEARCH ENGINE CODE and GOOGLE SEARCH API TOKEN. How to setup lyrics_extractor is given here you just need the two values.
Now get the bot token, after that create 2 cookie files one for youtube and the other for instagram using cookies.txt chrome extension. Once done upload them to google drive, make it public and copy their file ids'.
You will also need spotify client id and client secret which you can get them after creating an app from here.
The following are all the environmental variables required for starting the bot.
In case of deploying it to heroku chekout the deploy branch which will require the following buildpacks and the above mentioned variables.
master The general and the most recent stable
version of the bot.
raw_dev The most updated version of the bot
and the one with raw development.
deploy The code that is ready to be deployed
to a heroku server.
proj-info A accessory branch which gets the most
updates regarding documentation and
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.