PM4Py 2.2.16
3956 commits
to release
since this release
- 32af0c8
- time-stamp based interleaving mining for OCEL logs
- 10dffb5
- support probability visualization in transition system visualizer
- 51c069f
- add discovery of object-centric directly follows multigraphs
- fa3031a
- add several filters for OCEL.
- d4747f7
- implementation of OCEL-based process discovery according to Reference paper: van der Aalst, Wil MP, and Alessandro
Berti. "Discovering object-centric Petri nets." Fundamenta informaticae 175.1-4 (2020): 1-40.
- implementation of OCEL-based process discovery according to Reference paper: van der Aalst, Wil MP, and Alessandro
- 9fbd1c4
- add the support for generic network creation based on a given IN/OUT column in which events are connected if the
columns match.
- add the support for generic network creation based on a given IN/OUT column in which events are connected if the
- 2b867f0
- add projection utility to fetch lists of event attributes
- 43a076c
- add artificial timestamps to artificial start and end events
- d65f807
- case attributes are replicated in events of an event stream (for xes input)
- 9075cbf
- add trace attributes to the interval tree