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Facade visibility #4
The majority of the code should go into the module action.facade_visibility. The class The variable The variable The Python list |
The result with the measure of the visibility for each facade should be written into the Python list building.visibility. It's initialized with zeros. The total number of the elements in |
Vertices of the building's footprint can be accessed via The order of vertices in |
Question. The method getAllWays provides all OSM ways including footways and paths. Shall we use only roads? |
I suggest moving the code that transforms the coordinates along an OSM way to the util package since the code can be reused elsewhere. In particular it can be used to cluster the OSM ways. |
OK. In the method createKdTree() of the class FacadeVisibilityOther, the variable bldgVerts should be an attribute of the class (self.bldgVerts ). It is required later in calculateFacadeVisibility() of the base class. It will also be required when using the derived class FacadeVisibilityBlender.
I assume that way is a complete way, consisting of way-segments. How can the individual segments be accessed? Am I right if I assume that ways are not circularly closed? |
In my code, following your proposition, visibility is the ratio of the facade width not hidden by other buildings. A value of 1.0 means, that the facade is completely visible (at least seen from one of the way-segments). Should it be converted to a boolean for building.visibility, for instance as visibility>0.5? This final part in my code is not yet solved. Currently, I get these visibility values as a list of the same length and order as bldgVerts. Using vertIndexToBldg, I can find the associated buildings. But these vertices with the straight angle irritate me. How can I find the correct index, when these are not included in bldgVerts? Am I right that the value in building.visibility belongs to the first vertice of the facade's edge? |
Difficult to answer. Maybe it should be decided based on experiments. It would be associated with great effort, but shouldn't we try to create some kind of ground truth for different town districts, maybe based on StreetView data, where available? Another way could be to add some kind of importance value to the visibility, based on the type of ways. |
Added |
The variable To get projected data for a for coord in way.element.getData(manager.data):
pass An OSM way may be closed. For example, a mapper can draw 4 streets around a rectangular quater with a single OSM way. Use I suggest that the class way.RealWay should be structured in the similar way as the class building.Building. For example the latter class has the variable Similarly, an instance of the class way.RealWay should have a variable |
I'd prefer to keep the continuous value. |
Can you post your code? I'll try it integrate it. |
Ok, let's do the experiments first. |
That would be a good solution, if you have the time. Shall I create a folder experimental_code and commit the code there (3 files)? It is heavily commented, I think you should be able to understand it. My vision is still to bad for real progress. |
I suggest to paste your code in this issue. One message for each file. |
OK. I'll put the files in the following order: testFrontFacadeDetection.py: Run this file to test the code. I used a pickle file to cache the OSM data. Set useCache to False to get new data from overpass. The tuple searchRange = (10,100) determines the rectangular search range, 10m on both sides of the way-segment and 100m above and below in the actual setting frontFaceDetection.py: This file contains the functions used for visibility detection. A small part of this code is already included in your classes. dataFromOverpass.py: Contains the code to get the OSM-data for buildings and streets from overpass. |
File testFrontFacadeDetection.py: import numpy as np
from dataFromOverpass import *
from frontFaceDetection import *
import pickle
# bbox = (13.53213,52.48910,13.53552,52.49078) # Berlin
# bbox = (13.54972,52.49592,13.55541,52.49824) # Berlin 2
# bbox = (9.43037,54.79421,9.43285,54.79555) # Flensburg
# bbox = (9.04557,54.47506,9.04760,54.47570) # Husum
# bbox = (9.05641,54.49095,9.05855,54.49194) # Husum Ecke
# bbox = (9.04687,54.47600,9.05528,54.47860) # Husum gross
# bbox = (9.04522,54.47646,9.04748,54.47801) # Husum lang
# bbox = (9.05232,54.48472,9.05418,54.48582) # Husum Kreisel
# bbox = (9.04626,54.49083,9.04937,54.49167) # Husum Schleife
bbox = (13.42697,52.51586,13.44132,52.52046) # Karl-Marx-Alle
useCache = False
if useCache:
with open('objs_new.pkl','rb') as f:
buildingsOSM, streetsOSM = pickle.load(f)
buildingsOSM = getBuildings(*bbox)
streetsOSM = getStreets(*bbox)
with open('objs_new.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([buildingsOSM, streetsOSM], f)
def iterCircularThisNext(lst):
these,nexts = tee(lst)
nexts = islice(cycle(nexts), 1, None)
return zip(these,nexts)
def iterThisNext(lst):
these, nexts = tee(lst)
next(nexts, None)
return zip(these,nexts)
# convert buildings to numpy data structure required for front facade detection
N = 0 # number of vertices in buildings
for _,b in buildingsOSM.items():
N += len(b)
vertsB = np.zeros((N,2))
nextIndx = 0
buildings = {}
for key,b in buildingsOSM.items():
# make polygon order counter-clockwise for buildings, using signed area
area = 0.
for p0,p1 in iterCircularThisNext(b):
area += (p0[0]+p1[0]) * (p0[1]-p1[1])
if area < 0.:
n = len(b)
vertsB[nextIndx:nextIndx+n,:] = np.array(b)
buildings[key] = [nextIndx, nextIndx+n]
nextIndx += n
# convert streets to numpy data structure required for front facade detection
N = 0 # number of vertices in streets
for _,b in streetsOSM.items():
N += len(b)
vertsS = np.zeros((N,2))
nextIndx = 0
streets = {}
for key,b in streetsOSM.items():
n = len(b)
vertsS[nextIndx:nextIndx+n,:] = np.array(b)
streets[key] = [nextIndx, nextIndx+n]
nextIndx += n
# now detect front facades
searchRange = (10,100)
visibility = detectFrontFacades(streets, vertsS, buildings, vertsB, searchRange)
# visualize the result
def _iterPrevNext(lst):
prevs, nexts = tee(lst)
next(nexts, None)
return zip(prevs,nexts)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6,6])
ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.], )
for _,street in streets.items():
for i0,i1 in _iterPrevNext(range(*street)):
for _,building in buildings.items():
for i0,i1 in iterCircularThisNext(range(*building)):
if visibility[i0] > 0.5:
plt.show() |
File frontFaceDetection.py: import numpy as np
from bisect import bisect_left
from itertools import *
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
def iterCircularThisNext(lst):
these,nexts = tee(lst)
nexts = islice(cycle(nexts), 1, None)
return zip(these,nexts)
def iterThisNext(lst):
these, nexts = tee(lst)
next(nexts, None)
return zip(these,nexts)
class prioEventQueue():
def __init__(self):
self.keys = []
self.queue = []
def push(self, key, item):
i = bisect_left(self.keys, key) # Determine where to insert item.
self.keys.insert(i, key) # Insert key of item to keys list.
self.queue.insert(i, item) # Insert the item itself in the corresponding place.
def pop(self):
return self.queue.pop(0)
def remove(self,indx):
for i, item in enumerate(self.queue):
if item['indx'] == indx:
def empty(self):
return not self.queue
def processEvents(eventList,edgeList):
prioQueue = prioEventQueue()
activeEvent = None
activeIn = None
for event in eventList:
if activeEvent is None:
activeEvent = event
activeIn = event['x']
elif event['type'] == 'in': # start of a new edge
if event['y'] <= activeEvent['y']: # the new edges hides the active edge
edgeList[activeEvent['indx']]['visibleX'] += event['x'] - activeIn
prioQueue.push(activeEvent['y'], activeEvent)
activeEvent = event
activeIn = event['x'] # the new edges is behind the active edge
prioQueue.push(event['y'], event)
elif event['type'] == 'out': # edge ends
if event['indx'] == activeEvent['indx']: # the active edge ends
edgeList[activeEvent['indx']]['visibleX'] += event['x'] - activeIn
if not prioQueue.empty(): # there is an hidden edge that already started
activeEvent = prioQueue.pop()
activeIn = event['x']
activeEvent = None
activeIn = None
else: # there must be an edge in the queue, that ended before
return edgeList
def detectVisibility(buildings, verts, search_Params):
Detects the visibility parameters of the buildings.
buildings: Dictionary with key: OSM id of building, content is [i0,i1]: i0: first index, and i1: last index + 1
of vertices in building with id. The vertices of the building are expected in counter-clockwise order.
verts: numpy array[N,2] of vertices, transformed to the way-segment
search_Params: Parameters used for search of edges
search_Params = {
'searchRadius': Radius of search circle
'searchWidth' : Width of search rectangle
'searchHeight': Height of search rectangle
return: List with all edges of the buildings, each a dictionary with
edge = {
'i0' : start index of edge in verts
'i1' : end index +1 of edge in verts
'dXY' : np.array[dx,dy] slopes of edge
'visRatio' : ratio of visibility of edge
A possible way do define a front facade could be for instance:
isFront = edge['ratio'] > 0.5 and abs(edge['dXY'][0,0]) > abs(edge['dXY'][0,1])
# preprocess egdes of buildings
edgeRecList = [] # holds all edges and their parameters
posEventList = [] # holds events above way-segment
negEventList = [] # holds events below way-segment
indx = 0
for key, building in buildings.items():
buildIndxs = [i for i in range(*building)]
# check for way-segments that cross the building (or dead-ends at a building)
Ys = verts[buildIndxs,1]
crossesBuilding = not (np.all(Ys > 0) if Ys[0] > 0 else np.all(Ys < 0)) # if signs of y-values are positive and negative
for i0,i1 in iterCircularThisNext(range(*building)): # indices i0,i1 of edge
edge = verts[[i0,i1],:] # vertices of transformed edge (counter-clockwise order)
dXY = np.diff(edge,1,0) # dx,dy between endpoints of edge
edgeRec = {'i0':i0, 'i1':i1, 'dXY':dXY, 'visibleX':0., 'crossBuild':crossesBuilding}
# because the algorithm scans with increasing x, the first vertice has to get smaller x
if np.argmin(edge[:,0]):
edge[[1,0],:] = edge[[0,1],:] # swap endpoints of edge
# the visibility depends on the maximum distance to the way-segment
max_y = np.max(np.abs(edge[:,1]))
# prepare events:
# posEventList holds events above way-segment: use only edges that run from left to right
# negEventList holds events below way-segment: use only edges that run from right to left
if np.min(edge[:,1]) > 0.:
posEventList.append( {'indx':indx, 'type':'in', 'x':edge[0,0], 'y':max_y})
posEventList.append( {'indx':indx, 'type':'out', 'x':edge[1,0], 'y':max_y})
negEventList.append( {'indx':indx, 'type':'in', 'x':edge[0,0], 'y':max_y})
negEventList.append( {'indx':indx, 'type':'out', 'x':edge[1,0], 'y':max_y})
indx += 1
# sort event lists by increasing x and then by increasing y
posEventList.sort(key=lambda item:(item['x'],item['y']))
negEventList.sort(key=lambda item:(item['x'],item['y']))
edgeRecList = processEvents(posEventList, edgeRecList)
edgeRecList = processEvents(negEventList, edgeRecList)
for edgeRec in edgeRecList:
edge = verts[[edgeRec['i0'],edgeRec['i1']],:]
# at least one vertice of the edge must be in rectangular search range
if not np.any(np.all( np.array( (np.abs(edge[:,0])<search_Params['searchWidth'], np.abs(edge[:,1])<search_Params['searchHeight']) ), axis=0 ) ):
edgeRec['visRatio'] = 0.
# and the building shall not be crossed by the way-segment
elif edgeRec['crossBuild']:
edgeRec['visRatio'] = 0.
vis = edgeRec['visibleX']
edgeRec.pop('visibleX', None)
edgeRec['visRatio'] = vis/abs(edgeRec['dXY'][0,0]) if not edgeRec['crossBuild'] else 0.
return edgeRecList
def transfToWayCoords(way,vertices):
Transforms the vertices to a coordinate system given by the way-segment way.
The mid-point of the way-segment becomes the origin of the new system. The x-axis points to the second
point of the way-segment. The y-axis is positive on the left of the way-segment (right-handed system)
way: start and end-point of the way-segment
vertices: numpy array[N,2] of vertices to be transformed
return: numpy array[N,2] of transformed vertices
p0, p1 = (way[0,:], way[1,:])
sV = p1-p0 # vector of way-segment
sL = np.linalg.norm(sV) # length of way-segment
# compute transform matrix T
Vu = sV/sL # unit vector of way-segment
Vp = np.array( (Vu[1],-Vu[0]) ) # perpendicular vector to Vu
T = np.array([np.transpose(Vu),np.transpose(Vp)]) # transform matrix
c0 = (p0+p1)/2 # center of new coordinate system
vertices[:,:2] -= c0 # shift origin to c0 (center of way-segment)
vertices[:,:2] = np.matmul( vertices[:,:2], T ) # rotated vertices
return vertices
def detectFrontFacades(streets, vertsS, buildings, vertsB, searchRange):
Detects the front facades of the buildings.
streets: Dictionary with key: OSM id of street, [i0,i1]: i0: first index, and i1: last index + 1
of vertices in building with id.
vertsS: numpy array[N,2] of way nodes
buildings: Dictionary with key: OSM id of building, content is [i0,i1]: i0: first index, and i1: last index + 1
of vertices in building with id. The vertices of the building are expected in
counter-clockwise order.
vertsB: numpy array[N,2] of building vertices
searchRange: tuple (dx,dy), where dx: range on left and right of way-segment
dy: Range above and below way-segment
return: list of visibility ratios in the same order as vertsB.
# back associations, buildings OSM ID for vertice index
buildingForIndex = []
for key, building in buildings.items():
buildingForIndex.extend( [key for i in range(*building)] )
# prepare kd-tree
tree = KDTree(vertsB)
# prepare result list. Its index corresponds to index of the first vertex of a facade in vertsB
visibility = [0.0 for i in range(vertsB.shape[0])]
# iterate over streets
for key, street in streets.items():
# iterate over street segments
for s0,s1 in iterThisNext(range(*street)): # indices of way-segment indices
p0, p1 = (vertsS[s0,:], vertsS[s1,:])
sV = p1-p0 # vector of way-segment
sL = np.linalg.norm(sV) # length of way-segment
# compute transform matrix T
Vu = sV/sL # unit vector of way-segment
Vp = np.array( (Vu[1],-Vu[0]) ) # perpendicular vector to Vu
T = np.array([np.transpose(Vu),np.transpose(Vp)]) # transform matrix
# compute search circle parameters
searchWidth = sL/2. + searchRange[0]
searchHeight = searchRange[1]
searchRadius = np.sqrt(searchWidth*searchWidth+searchHeight*searchHeight)
searchCenter = (p0+p1)/2
# get indices of vertices in search circle
idxs_in_circle = tree.query_ball_point(searchCenter, searchRadius)
# get all OSM-IDs of buildings associated with these vertices, remove duplicates
buildIds_in_circle = list(dict.fromkeys([buildingForIndex[i] for i in idxs_in_circle]))
# compute the list of the indices of all vertices of these buildings
indcs_all_buildings = []
buildings_selected = {}
for build_id in buildIds_in_circle:
building = buildings[build_id] # index range [i0,i1] of building
# create new dictionary of building vertices between [i0,i1], similar to buildongs, but only of selected buildings
buildings_selected[build_id] = [len(indcs_all_buildings), len(indcs_all_buildings)+building[1]-building[0]]
indcs_all_buildings.extend( [i for i in range(*building)] ) # indices of all vertices in selected buildings
# transform these vertices to way-segement coordinates, trasnform also way-segment
rangeVertsT = transfToWayCoords( vertsS[[s0,s1],:], vertsB[indcs_all_buildings,:])
search_Params = {'searchRadius':searchRadius, 'searchWidth':searchWidth, 'searchHeight':searchHeight,'segmentLength':sL/2.}
# detect visibility records of all edges of the transformed buildings in search range
visibilityRecords = detectVisibility(buildings_selected, rangeVertsT, search_Params)
# check if the result votes for a front facade and put the result in frontFacades list
for edgeRec in visibilityRecords:
# as an example of a check: At least 50% of edge visible and angle to way-segment < 45°
isFront = edgeRec['visRatio']>0.5 and abs(edgeRec['dXY'][0,0]) > abs(edgeRec['dXY'][0,1])
# the index in frontFacades corresponds to index of the first vertex of a facade in vertsB
if abs(edgeRec['dXY'][0,0]) > abs(edgeRec['dXY'][0,1]): # abs of angle to way-segment < 45°
indx = indcs_all_buildings[edgeRec['i0']]
visibility[indx] = max(visibility[indx], edgeRec['visRatio'])
return visibility |
File dataFromOverpass.py: import requests
import json
import math
# adapted from blender-osm
earthRadius = 6378137.
halfEquator = math.pi * earthRadius
equator = 2. * halfEquator
overpassURL = "http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter"
# from blender-osm
def toSphericalMercator(lat, lon, moveToTopLeft=False):
lat = earthRadius * math.log(math.tan(math.pi/4 + lat*math.pi/360))
lon = earthRadius * lon * math.pi / 180
# move zero to the top left corner
if moveToTopLeft:
lat = halfEquator - lat
lon = lon + halfEquator
return (lon, lat)
def buildingQuery(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat):
coordString = "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon)
query = """
out geom qt;
""" % (coordString,coordString)
return query
def streetsQuery(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat):
coordString = "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon)
query = """
out geom qt;
""" % (coordString,coordString,coordString)
return query
_allWays = (
_motorWays = (
def getBuildings(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat):
query = buildingQuery(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
response = requests.get(overpassURL, params={'data': query})
if not response.ok:
raise Exception("No response on query for buildings")
data = response.json()
buildings = {}
for element in data['elements']:
if element['type'] == 'way' and 'building' in element['tags']:
coords = []
for node in element['nodes'][:-1]:
v = next((item for item in data['elements'] if item["id"] == node), None)
coords.append( toSphericalMercator(v['lat'], v['lon']) )
buildings[element['id']] = coords
return buildings
def getStreets(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat):
query = streetsQuery(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
response = requests.get(overpassURL, params={'data': query})
if not response.ok:
raise Exception("No response on query for streets")
data = response.json()
streets = {}
for element in data['elements']:
if element['type'] == 'way' and 'highway' in element['tags']:
# if element['tags']['highway'] in _motorWays:
if element['tags']['highway'] in _motorWays:
coords = []
for node in element['nodes']:
v = next((item for item in data['elements'] if item["id"] == node), None)
coords.append( toSphericalMercator(v['lat'], v['lon']) )
streets[element['id']] = coords
return streets |
That's it. Naturally you may change and optimize the code wherever you like. |
Thank you. I'll post questions here as I'll proceed through your code. |
Regarding the priority queue. Python provides an implementation of the priority queue known as heapq: |
I know, this was my first attempt for this queue. But we need a priority queue that allows to remove an element, and I was not able to realize that for tuples with heapq. Should there be a solution for that, it should be preferred, as it would be O(N) in contrast to O(N*log(N)) for the current solution. |
Would it be possible to provide a high level description of the algoritm of the function |
The function starts with a sorted list eventList of events, created in detectVisibility(). The value indx of every such event is the index of an edge in egdeList, which holds the visibility results for every facade edge. The events are processed from left to right by ascending x-values in the way-segment coordinate system, therefore the event list is sorted by the x-value and then by the y-value, which is the distance to the way-segment. During this process, there are two types of events: in and out. in is the event when an edge starts and out is the event, when it ends. processEvents() maintains two variables:
The loop in processEvents() processes one event from eventList after the other, from left to right, as it is sorted. It keeps track of the edge nearest to the way-segment as visible (active) edge. for event in eventList:
The summed visible parts in the elements of the egdeList are the sum of the visible x-ranges of the corresponding edge. To compute the visibility ratio, it has to be divided by the total x-width of this edge. I hope this description makes the process understandable. If not, I will create some drawings. |
Please illustrate that case:
This case happens at the x-position E4 in the following drawing: But let me explain some part of the process history before this event. Just before the event position E1, the facade F1 (red) is the active facade and F3 is on top of the priority queue.
A note. T = np.array([np.transpose(Vu),np.transpose(Vp)]) Is the transpose neccessary here? Vu and Vp are one-dimensional arrays. Transposing a 1-D array returns an unchanged view of the original array. |
No, it's not. This seems to be a relict from the begin of the development. |
Question. There are two events at E3. Both of them have the same Y defined as the maximum Y coordinate of the vertices of the related edge. Then the position of the edges F3 and F2 in the event queue is ambiguous. Isn't it? |
What if we remove that line? |
Instead of the removal the condition should be somehow modified. |
I will check what happens there.
Then, edges that are almost perpendicular to the way-segment may get 100% visibility, if they are not hidden by any other edges.
What about some kind of weighting by the angle, so that the current visibility remains what it actually is, as long as the angle is between 0°...45°, and then gets decreased to zero in the range of 45°...XX°? |
Edge 1: The two buildings overlap each other and the edge from the outer building is partly visible: Edge 2: There is an issue in my concept that I am not yet able to solve. There are two buildings that are crossed by the way segment, where one runs behind the other partly. No idea hw to solve until now. |
I didn't notice that the blue edge has a small unhidden part nearly the upper way. Anyway, I am going to solve this issue by detecting shared edges. But right now I am working on the category of the way. |
Done. Also a way category can be accessed as A preferable way of using it in a condition is from way import Category
if way.category is Category.footprint:
... |
It can be done with |
Just a note. manmade=courtyards is an abandoned propoposal. We shouldn't rely on it. |
The angle can another factor for scoring along with way category and distance to a building edge. |
Was difficult to find, but now I committed a solution for this issue. Let me explain its reason and my solution. First a simple example that shows the behavior for crossed buildings of the old solution. Lets assume that we have a simple building (left image), that is crossed by a way-segment axis. The edges in posEvents are depicted in the right image. Because the contour is now open, the upper edge gets visibility. However, because the edges are ordered counter-clockwise, the visibility of this edge was removed, as for buildings in the positive area edges can't be visible when they run from right to left. Now a more complicated example, that symbolizes this issue (the real case was more complicated). On the left we have two buildings, both crossed by by a way-segment axis. These buildings have a common edge. Again, the edges in posEvents are depicted in the right image. Common edges are normally not a problem, because they are always hidden by the buildings. But in this case, they are visible both from the way-segment. In the sorted event list, these common edges have a ambigious order, and for manhattan_01.osm, the wrong one from the upper building was taken first and got visibility in processEvents(). Because it runs from left to right, it was not eliminated. In my new solution I introduced dummy edge events between the intersection points of the way-segment axis (red in the image below). For both examples, the building gets closed now and the edges are no more visible. The code that tested the edge direction could now be removed. This soulution runs fine and can be tested now. |
I didn't use it. Where can the "official" tags be found, is there some Wiki somewhere? |
For buildings: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building |
Is it already commited? |
Yes. |
I added a couple of OSM files to test very wide street: They look ok for me |
I introduced the class VisibilityInfo. What would be the distance for a crossed edge in the line 239? |
I would let it almost as it is. The sum of a positive and a negative value will result in a small, maybe negative, value. Using the absolute value of this sum should do it. |
I changed it to abs(Y1+Y2). |
I want to skip the visibility calculation for curved facades. There are currently four places in the module action/facade_visibility.py where the iteration through the polygon edges is done. Line 137: Line 180: Line 215: Line 267: |
I am not sure. The curved features may cross the axis of the way-segment. They have to be split in a part that is checked in positive events and another part by negative events. A dummy edge closes the gap between them. Curved features are at least required to construct this dummy edge in this case. An illustration is here.
Yes. |
Found an issue with the visibility calculation. File feature_detection/tula_bay_windows_01.osm. Edge 259 located in the middle of the screenshot below. The winning way-segment is perpendicular to the building edge 259. That leads later to the incorrect assignment of the facade class side to the building edge 259. The winning way-segment for the building edge 259 should the way-segment 58 or 59. To get that result execute the command:
Which branch did you use? |
dev |
Sorry for the late answer, I had to recover my system after a crash. Recovering using a backup system-image takes about 3 hours. Fortunately, the backup was quite new.
The perpendicular way-segment generates a classification of edge 259 as |
But the way-segments 58 and 59 parallel to the building edge 259 should take precedence over the perpendicular way-segment. One of them should be the winning one. |
You are right. The method to treat dead-ends by classification already in facade_visibility.py is the wrong way. This has already caused many problems. Tomorrow I will provide a better solution. |
A fixed version is committed. Using a test file check_deadend.osm (added to osm_extracts/facade_visibility/) and added At top left, the only dead-end way leads to the front facade. At top right, both ways have the same |
It isn't a big issue here. But the parallel way should win for that case, I think. |
Fixed and committed. |
This issue is to discuss integration of the code that calculates facade visibility.
The code should be integrated into the dev branch.
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