Simulator of digirule 2 ( written in Python (by roro & wawa & toto)
You must have Python 3.6 or above with tkinter - usually installed with your python distribution. On Ubuntu, if you don't have tkinter install it via
sudo apt install python3-tk
besides that, you will need ton install serial and serial-tool with
sudo pip3 install serial serial-tool
Digimulator offers several instruction sets :
- the legacy Digirule 2A
- the Digirule 2B enhanced instruction set. See for more informations.
- the new digirule 2U with USB communication
- %define : defines constants. Usage :
%define NAME VALUE
// Constants
%define statusRegister 252
%define dataLEDRegister 255
%define hideAddressBit 2
- %data : inserts one or many bytes in the code. Usage :
%data NAME byte1 byte2 ... byten
// Variables declarations
%data index 0
%data lineadr 0
// Drawing
%data POV 126 129 165 129 165 153 129 126
Labels begin with :
copyir lineadr dataLEDRegister
incr lineadr
decrjz index
jump loop
Comments begin with //
Numbers are 8 bits long and can be in decimal (127
for example), hexadecimal (beginning with '0x') or in binary , beginning with 0b
for example).
Offsets are allowed in the instructions arguments. Assume you have a data buffer buf
and you want to access the third byte, just call buf+2
Example: This copies 0x02
into the Accumulator.
copyra buf+3
%data buf 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04
- Strings are allowed with %data directive
- caracters are allowed as instruction parameters
Example : ``` copyla '0' %data message "Hello, World!" 0
# Licence
GNU General Public License v3.0