Link OSGi-relevant aspects without changing the source code of the original project.
Modules | General purpose | OSGi integration |
API | ||
Core | Domain object scanning - see class DomainInfo | Important: Ensure the appropriate classloader gets used |
Embedded-Driver | Fragment Host: org.neo4j.ogm-core | |
Bolt-Driver | Fragment Host: org.neo4j.ogm-core | |
Http-Driver | Fragment Host: org.neo4j.ogm-core | |
Feature | Generate deployment description (DD) | Launch the project within the OSGi-ecosystem Apache Karaf |
Integration of original source code into a higher-level build system.
The build of the original project integrated through git submodule has to be extended. The primary aspect of extending the build system is to provide additional instructions, so the inner build instructions acknowledge outside adjustments.
mvn -s settings-modify.xml clean install -f pom-modify.xml
The result of this build step is that the base module of the project accepts an external parent element. Also, some properties might be of interest to change from an outside control.
The pom file of the original project will result
Requirement: Docker installation on the build system
mvn -s settings.xml clean install
Without a docker installation
mvn -s settings.xml clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
The project has a build and deployment pipeline; Gitlab gets used for this purpose.
To learn more about the build and deployment pipeline, look at the .gitlab-ci.yml file in the base directory of the project structure.
Artifact will be deployed to Gitlab`s maven repository if changes happen in the default branch (master).
Other branches, such as features or pull requests, only pass through the build phase, including the execution of tests; there is no deployment of artifacts into the repository.
Using the project`s maven repository in your project
Note: Neo4j Java Driver repository mentioned is optional. Depending on what neo4j-java-driver you are using in your project either integrate this repository (custom build) or use maven`s default (maven-central). The artifacts hosted in the repository mentioned here use the latest java driver version from the respective master branch.
<!-- Neo4j Java Driver - custom build dependency hosted at Gitlab maven registry -->
<!-- Neo4j OGM - custom build dependency hosted at Gitlab maven registry -->