hsync 2021.4.16
Build Date: Saturday, 17 April 2021
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Copyright (C) 2020-2021. project violet-server.
Usage: ./hsync [OPTIONS...]
-v, --version Show version information.
--recover-settings Recover settings.json
-r, --related-tag-test Related Tag Test [use --related-tag-test <db file path> <threshold>]
-h, --character-test Character Test [use --character-tag-test <db file path> <threshold>]
-p, --series-test Series Test [use --series-tag-test <db file path> <threshold>]
--create-ehentai-inv-table create e/exhentai hash inverse table [use --create-ehentai-inv-table]
--create-datetime-estimator create datetime estimator [use --create-datetime-estimator]
--init-server Upload all data to server database [use --init-server]
--init-server-pages Upload all data to server article pages [use --init-server-pages]
--export-for-es Export database bulk datas for elastic-search to json [use --export-for-es]
--export-for-es-range Export database bulk datas for elastic-search to json using id range [--export-for-es-range]
--export-for-db-range Upload data to server database by user range [--export-for-db-range]
-s, --start Starts hsync [use --start]
-c, --compress Compress exists data [use --compress]
-x, --include-exhentai Include ExHentai Database [use --include-exhentai]
-l, --low-perf hsync run on low performance system [use --low-perf]
-n, --sync-only Sync only when start [use --sync-only]
--hitomi-sync-range Set lookup id range manually [use --hitomi-sync-range <start id> <end id>]
--hitomi-sync-lookup-range Set hitomi id lookup range. (default: 4,000 [-4,000 ~ 4,000]) [use --hitomi-sync-lookup-range <count>]
--exhentai-lookup-page Set exhentai lookup page. (default: 200) [use --exhentai-lookup-page <range>]
-e, --use-server Upload sync data to server database [use --use-server]
-a, --use-elastic-search Upload sync data to elastic-search server [use --use-elastic-search]
--sync-only-hitomi Sync only hitomi [use --sync-only-hitomi]
-t, --test hysnc test option [use --test <what>]
High-Performance E-Hentai/EX-Hentai/Hitomi Works Data Synchronizer
You can see real-time synchronization information from https://koromo.xyz/version.txt See sync.py for more information.
At least 8 GB of memory is required.
1. Set your own hitomi.la crawling range
This use exhentai-based ID.
The default of 6,000 means to crawl 157,000 to 163,000 based on 160,000.
2. Set exhentai.org search range
This use exhentai search result page number.
You need to set up how many pages you want to browse. The default is 150 pages.
3. Build
I recommend the debug build, but if you want to release,
check the batch files in https://github.com/project-violet/violet-server/tree/master/tools/hsync/hsyncc folder.
4. Download base database
Download base database from https://github.com/project-violet/violet-server/releases
5. Run ./hsync.exe
6. Wait for complete
This option is implemented to run on low performance system.
1. Install
mkdir sync
cd sync
wget https://github.com/project-violet/hsync/releases/download/2020.10.11/hsync
chmod 777 hsync
wget https://github.com/project-violet/hsync/releases/download/2020.10.11/data.db
mkdir runtimes
cd runtimes
wget https://github.com/project-violet/hsync/releases/download/2020.10.11/runtimes.zip
unzip runtimes.zip
cd ..
2. Syncronize
./hsync --start --low-perf
1. Adjust NetQueue thread pool min threads count
2. Adjust database query buffer size