- Attempt Location Picker - Harris
- Link challenge locations to the map view - Harris
- [-] In list view, filter challenges based on a location radius - Harris
- Implement timeline of past record holders - Marty
- As a user, I would like to know how long each record was held for - Marty
- Implement User Profile Page - Marty
- Implement Bookmarks - Harris
- Implement History - Marty
- Implement Likes - Harris
- Implement Filters on Photos - Harris
- Implement Filters on Videos - Harris
- Implement Notifiactions design - Marty
- Implement Notifications with correct data - Marty
- Fix all the bugs!
- Refactoring
- Implement challenge cell design - Marty
- Google Analytics! - Harris
- Implement tabs for recent, popular, and global - Harris
- [.5] Express an opinion on past records by liking - Harris
- [-] Express an opinion on past records by commenting - Marty
- Link challenge locations to the map view - Harris
- [-] In list view, filter challenges based on a location radius - Harris
- As a user, I would like to be identified by a username - Harris
- As a user, I would like to be able to link my Facebook account to the app - Harris
- Provide support for profile pictures - Harris
- As a user, I would like to be able to view a list of my records held - Harris
- Implement Challenge Detail Page - Marty
- Implement timeline of past record holders - Marty
- As a user, I would like to know how long each record was held for - Marty
- [.5] Implement bookmark button on challenge detail page. - Harris
- Implement bookmarked challenges page - harris
- New changes in bookmarked challenges should be sent to notifications - Harris
- Implement Challenge Creation Page - Harris
- Implement getting media from phone or camera - Marty
- Implement challenge attempt uploading - Harris
- Setup Storyboard layout - Marty
- Create LoginViewController - Harris
- Create LocalChallengesViewController - Marty
- Create PopularChallengesViewController - Harris
- Create GlobalChallengesViewController - Marty
- Create NotificationsViewController - Harris
- Create ChallengeDetailViewController - Harris
- Embed view controllers in main UINavigationController - Marty
- Create APIClient - Marty
- Create Challenge Model - Marty
- Create and embed all ViewControllers in the MainTabBarController - Marty
- Implement the newsfeed - Marty
- Implement the newsfeed row UI class - Marty
- Call API endpoint to retrieve newsfeed items - Marty
- Implement tabs for recent, popular, and global - Harris
- Implement a ranking function based on upvotes and time since post - Harris
- Add UI elements to display challenges popularity and upvote/downvote - Marty
- Add UI element to display records category - Marty
- Implement filters to filter challenges by category - Marty
- Implement media containers for each challenge. - Marty
- Implement an infinite scroll in the newsfeed containing the containers. - Marty
- Link GoogleMaps API - Harris
- Implement Map Views - Harris
- Make pop-up challenge panel - Harris
- Link challenge locations to the map view - Harris
- [-] In list view, filter challenges based on a location radius - Harris
Copyright [2016] [Marty Kausas & Harris Christiansen]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.