This cookbook helps you manage your vim plugins and configuration.
- Downloading plugins from the official site has been deprecated. It still works (unless you let this cookbook manage your plugin folder), but is no longer documented. Use vim-scripts instead.
- Config file modes "concatenate" and "delegate" deprecated. Still works, but undocumented.
# Install the nerdcommenter and endwise plugins via git
node.set[:vim_config][:bundles][:git] = [ "git://",
"git://" ]
# Install the vim-ack plugin via mercurial
node.set[:vim_config][:bundles][:hg] = [ "" ]
# Download our vimrc from github
node.set[:vim_config][:config_file_mode] = :remote_file
node.set[:vim_config][:remote_config_url] = ""
# Execute
include_recipe "vim_config"
Tested on Ubuntu and Debian. Check .kitchen.yml for the exact versions tested.
Vim configuration and vim plugins would be silly without vim, but you will have to handle that installation yourself.
Git will be installed via the default git cookbook. If you do not wish this, set node[:vim_config][:skip_git_installation] = true
In case you have queued up any plugins in mercurial repositories, mercurial will be installed. You can prevent this by setting node[:vim_config][:skip_mercurial_installation] = true
Installs git, the plugin manager of your choice, optionally mercurial, all specified plugins and, optionally, your vimrc.
All attributes are under the :vim_config
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
bundle_dir | Path where your plugins will be installed to | String | /etc/vim/bundle |
force_update | Delete installation_dir and bundle_dir before running anything else | Boolean | false |
owner | Owner of all files / directories created by this cookbook | String | root |
owner_group | Group of all files / directories created by this cookbook | String | root |
plugin_manager | Plugin manager to use. Currently supported are "pathogen", "unbundle" and "vundle" | String | pathogen |
manage_plugin_folder | Delete all plugin folders of plugins not installed by this cookbook | Boolean | false |
config_file_mode | Where to get config file from. See here | String | template |
config_file_path | Full path to the config file as it will end up on the file system | String | platform dependent |
config_file_cookbook | Used when config_file_mode is "cookbook". Name of the wrapper cookbook to get the config file from | String | nil |
Plugin bundle attributes are under the [:vim_config][:bundles]
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
git | Array of URLs of plugins to install via git | Array | [] |
hg | Array of URLs of plugins to install via mercurial | Array | [] |
There are four ways to get your configuration file installed.
Set node[:vim_config][:config_file_mode] = :cookbook
, node[:vim_config][:config_file_template]
to the name of the template file to use and node[:vim_config][:config_file_cookbook]
to the name of your wrapper cookbook.
This is my preferred way of including your vimrc
An example wrapper cookbook can be found here
Set node[:vim_config][:config_file_mode]
to :template
(or don't set it at all, since :template
is the default).
Then fork this cookbook and copy your vimrc into templates/default/vimrc.local.erb
Set node[:vim_config][:config_file_mode]
to :remote_file
, then set node[:vim_config][:remote_config_url]
to the URL of your vimrc.
Set node[:vim_config][:config_file_mode]
to :attributes
, then set node[:vim_config][:vimrc][:config][:system_wide]
to the configuration you want system wide (i.e. in /etc/vimrc
), and / or set node[:vim_config][:vimrc][:config][:user_specific]
to a hash, with the key being the username you want to set the config for and the value being the config.
The config needs to be an array, with each element representing one line in the config file and empty strings for blank lines.
If you want to indent e.g. a function, add a hash within the array, with the key being the function name and the body being again an array of strings.
Don't forget to close your function after the hash, this is not automated.
node.set[:vim_config] = {
"config_file_mode" => "attributes",
"vimrc" => {
"config" => {
"system_wide" => [
"syntax on",
"set number"
"user_specific" => {
"testuser" => [
'set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=format=%{&fileformat}\ file=%{&fileencoding}\ enc=%{&encoding}\ %b\ 0x%B\ %l,%c%V\ %P',
"set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255",
"function! JavaScriptFold()" => [
"setl foldmethod=syntax",
"setl foldlevelstart=1",
"syn region foldBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent fold keepend extend",
{ "function! FoldText()" => "return substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '{.*', '{...}', '')" },
"setl foldtext=FoldText()"
include_recipe "vim_config::default"
Plugins will be installed into a "bundle" directory under your installation directory by default. Feel free to change this by setting node[:vim_config][:bundle_dir]
Set the plugin manager in node[:vim_config][:plugin_manager]
. One of :pathogen
, :unbundle
or :vundle
The selected plugin manager will be installed automatically, but you will have to manually edit your vimrc according to your plugin manager's instructions.
Fill the node[:vim_config][:bundles][:git]
array with URLs to git repositories of plugins you want to use, e.g.
default_attributes vim_config: { bundles: {
git: [ "git://",
"git://" ]
Fill the node[:vim_config][:bundles][:hg]
array with URLs to mercurial repositories of plugins you want to use, e.g.
default_attributes vim_config: { bundles: {
hg: [ "" ]
This needs the mercurial LWRP, so make sure to include the mercurial cookbook.
If you prefer this cookbook to not manage your stuff, you can just use the LWRPs to manage your plugins.
Installs a vim plugin from a git source.
Name | Description | default? |
create | Downloads and installs the plugin | default |
delete | Deletes the plugin folder |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
repository | URL to the repository | String | name |
reference | branch | String | master |
# Let's install syntastic
vim_config_git ""
# Let's install the "shellslash_fix" branch of syntastic
vim_config_git "" do
reference "shellslash_fix"
Installs a vim plugin from a mercurial source
Name | Description | default? |
create | Downloads and installs the plugin | default |
delete | Deletes the plugin folder |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
repository | URL to the repository | String | name |
reference | branch | String, Integer | tip |
# Let's install gundo
vim_config_mercurial ""
# Let's install the "nonexistentexample" branch of gundo
vim_config_mercurial "" do
reference "nonexistentexample"
It all clicked for me when I read Tammer Saleh's "The Modern Vim Config with Pathogen".
The article got me started with pathogen, using this script to manage my plugins.
All handling of the plugins from is copied and only slightly modified from that script, which was created by Daniel C.
Creating config files from Chef attributes was contributed by Alukardd.