Calculations with non-decimal units and mixed bases
Many units of measurement in use today have not yet been decimalized, and work in non-decimal and mixed bases. Arithmetic using these units can be convoluted, requiring either conversion or error-prone carrying. Abacist builds upon the representations of physical quantities provided by Quantitative to support compound units in mixed bases.
- allows arbitrary constructions of cascading units of the same dimension, such as (miles, yards, feet and inches)
- provides addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication operations on those units
- allows conversion to and from decimal
values - unit types are opaque aliases of
for performance
All terms and types are defined in the abacist
package, and are exported to
the soundness
package, and build upon
definitions in Quantitative. You
can import from either:
syntax scala
before selective imports
after universal soundness import
replace abacist.*, quantitative.* soundness.*
import abacist.*, quantitative.*
Prior to the adoption of the metric system for quantities of mass and length, other systems based on non-decimal (but exact) multiples of other units were widely used. These are commonly called "the Imperial System", particularly for lengths, and for masses, "Avoirdupois", but actually represent several different systems (often with units of the same name representing different physical amounts, confusingly) adopted in various jurisdictions with varying degrees of officiality.
Abacist can accommodate all such systems through a single type which defines a cascade of units (of the same dimension), in a tuple. The unit types are defined in Quantitative, and Abacist makes it possible to use them in discrete multiples.
For example, one variant of the Imperial System measuring human heights could be defined as,
syntax scala
type ImperialHeight = (Feet[1], Inches[1])
or for longer distances,
syntax scala
type ImperialDistance = (Miles[1], Yards[1], Inches[1])
that is, a number of miles, yards and inches, represented as a Tuple
of these units' types
(each raised to the power 1
). Another example for mass is,
syntax scala
type Avoirdupois = (Hundredweights[1], Stones[1], Pounds[1], Ounces[1], Drams[1])
or alternatively:
syntax scala
type SimpleAvoirdupois = (Pounds[1], Ounces[1])
Each type, a tuple of subtypes of Measure
, statically represents a system of discrete cascading units,
provided that,
- each element of the tuple has the same dimensionality (i.e. represents the same sort of physical quantity)
- the elements are ordered by decreasing magnitude
and furthermore, for most useful operations, that contextual
instances exist between each unit and the principal unit for their common dimension.
With a valid definition, such as one of the above, we can represent values in its units, called a Count
(because it's a count of integer multiples of each of the units).
To construct a new Count
, simply call its factory method with the appropriate tuple type, and as many
integer arguments as necessary. The rightmost Int
argument will be interpreted as the multiple of the
rightmost unit in the tuple, and additional arguments will represent (right-to-left) multiples of units of
increasing magnitude. For example, Count[ImperialDistance](180, 24)
represents, "180 yards and 24 inches",
while, Count[ImperialDistance](1, 180, 24)
represents, "1 mile, 180 yards and 24 inches".
Individual units from a Count
may be extracted by applying the units value
to extract, without its dimension, to the Count
value, like so:
syntax scala
type Height = (Feet[1], Inches[1])
val height: Count[Height] = Count(6, 4)
val feet = height[Feet]
val inches = height[Inches]
The value feet
will be set to 6
, and the value inches
will be 4
s of identical units may be added and subtracted, and multiplied and divided by numbers, but not
by other quantities. They may be converted to Quantity
s with the quantity
method, much as a Quantity
be converted, or constructed from a Quantity
by calling count
on the
, e.g.
syntax scala
Note that in many cases, the discrete units of a Count
will not be able to
precisely represent a Quantity
. A Quantity
will be rounded to the nearest
whole Count
value. Converting back to a Quantity
will include this
rounding error.
For example, note how the error changes when more precise Count
units are
syntax scala
before Imprecise height
after Precise height
replace Inches[1] Inches[1], Points[1]
replace 0.00460 0.0000139
type Height = (Feet[1], Inches[1])
val height: Quantity[Metres[1]] = Quantity(1.3)
val error = height - height.count[Height].quantity
assert(error == 0.00460)
A Count
is an opaque type alias for a Long
, meaning that operations involving Count
s do not involve
any heap objects. The underlying value of a count represents an integer
multiple of the smallest unit in the cascade. For example, a length of
1ft 3in
would be stored as 15
, being the sum of the 12 inches in one foot,
plus 3 inches.
Abacist is classified as fledgling. For reference, Soundness projects are categorized into one of the following five stability levels:
- embryonic: for experimental or demonstrative purposes only, without any guarantees of longevity
- fledgling: of proven utility, seeking contributions, but liable to significant redesigns
- maturescent: major design decisions broady settled, seeking probatory adoption and refinement
- dependable: production-ready, subject to controlled ongoing maintenance and enhancement; tagged as version
or later - adamantine: proven, reliable and production-ready, with no further breaking changes ever anticipated
Projects at any stability level, even embryonic projects, can still be used, as long as caution is taken to avoid a mismatch between the project's stability level and the required stability and maintainability of your own project.
Abacist is designed to be small. Its entire source code currently consists of 319 lines of code.
Abacist will ultimately be built by Fury, when it is published. In the meantime, two possibilities are offered, however they are acknowledged to be fragile, inadequately tested, and unsuitable for anything more than experimentation. They are provided only for the necessity of providing some answer to the question, "how can I try Abacist?".
Copy the sources into your own project
Read the
file in the repository root to understand Abacist's build structure, dependencies and source location; the file format should be short and quite intuitive. Copy the sources into a source directory in your own project, then repeat (recursively) for each of the dependencies.The sources are compiled against the latest nightly release of Scala 3. There should be no problem to compile the project together with all of its dependencies in a single compilation.
Build with Wrath
Wrath is a bootstrapping script for building Abacist and other projects in the absence of a fully-featured build tool. It is designed to read the
file in the project directory, and produce a collection of JAR files which can be added to a classpath, by compiling the project and all of its dependencies, including the Scala compiler itself.Download the latest version of
, make it executable, and add it to your path, for example by copying it to/usr/local/bin/
.Clone this repository inside an empty directory, so that the build can safely make clones of repositories it depends on as peers of
. Runwrath -F
in the repository root. This will download and compile the latest version of Scala, as well as all of Abacist's dependencies.If the build was successful, the compiled JAR files can be found in the
Contributors to Abacist are welcome and encouraged. New contributors may like to look for issues marked beginner.
We suggest that all contributors read the Contributing Guide to make the process of contributing to Abacist easier.
Please do not contact project maintainers privately with questions unless there is a good reason to keep them private. While it can be tempting to repsond to such questions, private answers cannot be shared with a wider audience, and it can result in duplication of effort.
Abacist was designed and developed by Jon Pretty, and commercial support and training on all aspects of Scala 3 is available from Propensive OÜ.
An abacist is a person who operates an abacus, for counting and arithmetic. Counting of mixed-base units is the purpose of Abacist.
In general, Soundness project names are always chosen with some rationale, however it is usually frivolous. Each name is chosen for more for its uniqueness and intrigue than its concision or catchiness, and there is no bias towards names with positive or "nice" meanings—since many of the libraries perform some quite unpleasant tasks.
Names should be English words, though many are obscure or archaic, and it should be noted how willingly English adopts foreign words. Names are generally of Greek or Latin origin, and have often arrived in English via a romance language.
The logo shows a single bead on a rod of an abacus, the device an abacist specializes in.
Abacist is copyright © 2025 Jon Pretty & Propensive OÜ, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.