Sos is an extensible, portable, support data collection tool primarily aimed at Linux distributions and other UNIX-like operating systems.
This project is hosted at:
For the latest version, to contribute, and for more information, please visit the project pages or join the mailing list.
To clone the current master (development) branch run:
git clone git://
Please report bugs via the mailing list or by opening an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker
The sos-devel is the mailing list for any sos-related questions and discussion. Patch submissions and reviews are welcome too.
Patches can be submitted via the mailing list or as GitHub pull requests. If
using GitHub please make sure your branch applies to the current master as a
'fast forward' merge (i.e. without creating a merge commit). Use the git rebase
command to update your branch to the current master if necessary.
Please refer to the contributor guidelines for guidance on formatting patches and commit messages.
User and API documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx and Read the Docs.
To generate HTML documents locally, install dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
and run
Please run make test
before sending a pull request, or run the
test suite manually using the nosetests
command (ideally for the
set of Python versions currently supported by sos
To help get your changes merged quickly with as few revisions as possible please refer to the Contributor Guidelines when submitting patches or pull requests.
You can simply run from the git checkout now:
$ sudo ./sosreport -a
Or, if you only have python3 installed:
$ sudo python3 ./sosreport -a
- Note: the
command requires a configuration file: if nosos.conf
is present in the/etc
directory (i.e. no system installation of sos exists), use the--config
option to provide one:
$ sudo python ./sosreport -a --config ./sos.conf
To install locally (as root):
# make install
To build an rpm:
$ make rpm
Fedora/RHEL users install via yum:
yum install sos
Debian users install via apt:
apt install sosreport
Ubuntu (14.04 LTS and above) users install via apt:
sudo apt install sosreport