In this repository, we provide the code for our ECN re-ranking method described in the CVPR2018 paper A Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking. paper.
This repo includes both Python and Matlab code of our Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking.
If you find our work helpful in your research, please cite:
author = {M. Saquib Sarfraz, Arne Schumann, Andreas Eberle, Ranier Stiefelhagen},
title = {A Pose Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Exapanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2018}
Our matlab implementation of ECN can be found in the file ECN_rerank and Python implementation can be found in The script can be called with default parameters in the following way to calculate the re-ranked distance for a query and a test set.
from ecn import ECN
ECN_dist = ECN(query, test)
or from command line
python3 --queryset=path-to-your-query-features-csv-file --testset=path-to-your-test-features-csv-file --outputpath=path-to-write-ECN-distance
ECN_dist= ECN_rerank(queryset, testset);
This will run ECN with the default parameters k=25
, t=3
, q=8
and method=rankdist
. The returned ECN_dist
can then be used to calculate the scores.
Alternatively, you can also supply different values for these parameters by running it like
ECN_dist= ECN_rerank(queryset, testset, 'k',25, 't',3, 'q',8, 'method','rankdist') (Matlab or python)
python3 --queryset=path-to-your-query-features-csv-file --testset=path-to-your-test-features-csv-file --outputpath=path-to-write-ECN-distance --method='rankdist' --k=25 --t=3 --q=8 (Python)
Supported values for parameter method
(default): Using the rank distance for ECN re-rankingorigdist
: Using the original euclidian distance for ECN re-ranking
Our ECN_rerank script expects the query and testsets in the following format:
- queryset: probe matrix (#_of_probes x feature_dimension); feature vectors in rows
- testset = gallery matrix (#_of_gallery_images x feature_dimension); feature vectors in rows
You can download our PSE model's features for the Market-1501 and Duke datasets here
- In MATLAB You can then run the evaluation by setting the evalPath to your download features folder in the function evalECNRerankingForPath.
** If you would like to test our ECN reranking on your own features , you can directly use the evalECNRerankingForFeatures or directly the main ECN_rerank.
- In Python: From command line
python3 --querypath [path to query prediction folder ../../query] --testpath [path to test prediction folder ../../test]
** or if you want to evalute with ECN reranking, speciy with flag --do_rerank
python3 --querypath [path to query prediction folder ../../query] --testpath [path to test prediction folder ../../test] --do_rerank
from evaluate_person_reid import evaluate
mAP, CMC= evaluate(querymat=queryset, testmat=testset, query_ids=query_labels, gallery_ids=test_labels, query_cams=query_cams_id, gallery_cams=test_cam_id, do_rerank=False)