First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
npm dev
- Mohd Dilshad (Leader)
- Mohd Aftab
- Prakash Singh Rawat
- Krishna Chauhan
Welcome to our Trending Cryptocurrency Tracker, a powerful tool designed to provide real-time insights into the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. This project aims to offer a user-friendly interface with interactive visuals, ensuring an intuitive and informative experience for users of all levels.
User-Friendly Interface with Interactive Visuals: Navigate through complex data effortlessly with a visually appealing and interactive design suitable for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts.
Recommendations For CryptoCurrency Users: Personalize the platform to align with your preferences.
Search and Filter Options for Cryptocurrencies: Quickly focus on specific cryptocurrencies of interest, streamlining information retrieval and analysis.
Visualisation Of Each CryptoChart : Gain a comprehensive understanding of individual cryptocurrencies through detailed visualizations. Explore price trends, market capitalization, 24-hour trading volume, and more. Our platform provides insightful charts for various time frames, allowing users to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data.
Price, Market Cap, Volume (24hr), Day, Week, Month, Year, Circulating Supply
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Gross Analysis of Each Crypto And Whole Market: Keep track of cryptocurrency performance with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly gross analyses. Understand the market trends over different time frames and make informed decisions based on a holistic view of each cryptocurrency and the overall market.
Calculation Of Recommended Weightage Of Each CryptoCurrency: Optimize your cryptocurrency portfolio with our recommended weightage calculations. Our system assesses various factors, including historical performance, market trends, and risk metrics, to suggest an ideal weightage for each cryptocurrency in your portfolio. Make data-driven investment decisions and maximize your portfolio's potential.
Created an API( with 5 Routes : /day-stats(POST,"name"): daily statistical data of crypto
/change-in-crypto(GET): daily, weekly, monthly, and annual changes in crypto
/week stats(POST,"name"): weekly statistical data of each cryptocurrency
/month-stats(POST,"name"): monthly statistical data of each cryptocurrency
/year-stats(POST,"name"): annual statistical data of each cryptocurrency
For a detailed overview of our project, please check out our PowerPoint Presentation
Visit our website at CryptoBubbles.
We have built CryptoCurrency Tracker using a diverse tech stack, including:
- Chart Libraries(Matplotlib or Plotly.lib)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Analytics
- Tailwind CSS
- React
- Next.js
- RESTful API Flask
- Machine Learning
- Pandas, NumPy
- Vercel for Web Hosting, Render for API Hosting
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.js.
The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.
This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details. clear
disp('Enter the relative permittivity of the region');erl input('z > 0... \n>');
if isempty(erl): er * 1 = 1 ; elseif erl<l: er * 1 = 11 end
disp('Enterthe relative permittivity of the region'):
er2 = input('z < 0... \n>');
if isempty(er2); er * 2 = 1i elseif er2<1: er * 2 = 1z
disp('Enter the side of the interface where the electric');
side input('field is known (given)... 1n > 1if isempty(side); side =1; elseif side > 2 side = 2; end
if side = 1 ;
disp('Enter the electric field in side 1 in the ');E * 1 = (' form [Ex Ey Ez]... \n >');
E * 1n =E1(3)*[0 0 1];
E * 2n = Ein erl/er2;
E * 1t =E1-E1n z
E2t Elt:
E * (2 = E * 2t + E * 2n)
elseif side == 2;
disp('Enter the electric field in side 2 in the ');epsilon * 2 = input' (form [Ex Ey Ez]... \n >');
51t = E2t:
E * (1 = E * 1t + E * ln(z))
disp('Invalid specification, please re-try \n');
disp(sprintf('The electric fields are '));
disp(sprintf("\n El = (ld, id, d) V/m', E1(1), El (2), E1(311):disp(sprintf("\n E2 = (ed, 4d,&d) V/m', E2(1), E2(2), E2(3)));