You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 3
My Account Components
This will require integration with Symphony's Web Services and PSU's auth.
At the bottom of main summary page + each page, include links to our major policies pages:
- Update your address and other information at accounts.psu.edu
- Questions? Feedback? Need to report a problem?
- Frequently asked questions: borrowing and renewing
- Borrowing privileges: information about loan periods, check out limits, and more
- Information about library user privacy
Update: Update address had been a link to a separate page but is now managed centrally through PSU.
Numbers and links for:
- Total items checked out (now includes ILLs)
- Total items Overdue
- Total items on hold (now includes ILLs)
- Total items ready for pickup (now includes ILLs)
- Fines (total owed in $)
- Alerts
- Patron Standing for
- Patron Standing for
ILL checkouts (which will almost always be fewer in # than Symphony checkouts) display above Symphony checkouts as a list. We cannot offer renewal, so this includes a link to ILLiad to "Manage your Interlibrary Loans." This way, patrons can see all their checkouts in one place.
- View list of items checked out
- Only
circRecordList{status} = ACTIVE
should be displayed - Checkouts table should include following columns:
- If item can be renewed, checkbox.
- Title / Author (includes link to record) and volume
- Item type (map)
- Times Renewed
- Due Date
- If recalled, original and new due dates + "Recalled" are displayed
- If time due is 11:59pm, do not display time. Otherwise display time. (times other than 11:59pm are edge cases, such as course reserves)
- Status
,Claims Returned
- possibly add color highlights like Stanford?
- You Owe
- Only
- Select and renew individual items (if renewals possible)
- Renew all items checked out (this may not work if the person has too many items out -- check with current policies)
- If the person has fines, a link to the fines page.
Note: If not all items can be renewed, display error message above success message
- View holds which are currently available for pickup
- Cancel holds which are currently available for pickup
- View outstanding holds
- Edit outstanding holds (either or both: pickup location & date no longer needed)
- Cancel outstanding holds
ILL holds display above Symphony checkouts as a list. We cannot easily offer updates, so this includes a link to ILLiad to "Manage your Interlibrary Loans." This way, patrons can see all their holds in one place.
- Checkbox (to allow cancel or date/pickup update)
- Title/Author, volume, and format. Link title to record.
- Availability (only in holds not ready for pickup)
- Pickup at
- Expires
- Status (only in holds not ready for pickup)
Display fields:
- Title/Author, volume, and format. Link title to record.
- Reason
- You owe
- Date billed
The My Account hold placement screen is where patrons land after clicking "I Want It" in the catalog. Full spelled out logic elsewhere, the section below only covers display.
- Header: A Hold Will Be Placed For You
- Title
- Author
- Pickup dropdown (defaults to patron's home library)
- Not needed after (2024: defaults to 2 weeks at present)
- If multiple volumes exist, checkbox to select which call numbers you want.
- Header: An Interlibrary Loan Request Will Be Placed For You
- text: This item is not currently available in our local collections, so an interlibrary loan (ILL) request will be placed for you.
- Title
- Author
- Pickup dropdown (defaults to patron's home library)
- Not needed after (2024: defaults to 45 days at present)
- Checkbox: Will you accept an alternate edition of this item?
- Checkbox: If the item is found to be available digitally within Penn State's subscriptions, will you use the e-book?
- If multiple volumes exist, checkbox to select which call numbers you want.
- Notes field for any additional notes for our ILL staff
- below hold placement buttons: Not in a hurry? Don't want to place an ILL request? [Request a local copy].
- Home
- Testing Documentation for Product Owner
- Components, Features, and Functions
- Library Faceting and Locations Management
- Advanced Search
- Browse Items By Library of Congress Call Number
- Browse by Subject, Author, and Title
- Availability Display
- Summary Holdings Display
- Holdings and Availability for Bound-Withs
- Holds and ILL
- Requesting Items with Aeon
- Course Reserves
- Google Books and HathiTrust Integration
- Bento Integration
- Indexing and Display
- Sources of Catalog Data
- Display Fields
- Title Fields
- Author and Creator Fields
- Thesis Department
- ISSNs and ISBNs
- URL Fields
- Publication and Edition Fields
- Material Characteristics Fields
- Language Fields
- Subject Fields
- Genre Fields
- Note Fields
- Serials
- Bound-Withs
- Formats
- Media Types
- Access Facet
- Open Access Facet
- Call Numbers
- OCLC Number
- Report Numbers
- Endowment Codes and Names
- Adding Linked to Request Scanning
- Summary Holdings Indexing
- My Account
- Tests
- Development Setup and Notes
- Deployment Notes