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Bruce committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent c2d70c0 commit bb01a9a
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Showing 4 changed files with 54 additions and 47 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@

- The FMAT methodology paper has been accepted (March 14, 2024) for publication in the *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology* (<>)!
- Added `BERT_download()` (downloading models to local cache folder "%USERPROFILE%/.cache/huggingface") to differentiate from `FMAT_load()` (loading saved models from local cache). But indeed `FMAT_load()` can also download models *silently* if they have not been downloaded.
- Added `gpu` parameter (see [Guidance for GPU Acceleration]( in `FMAT_run()` to allow for specifying an NVIDIA GPU device on which the fill-mask pipeline will be allocated. GPU roughly performs 3x faster than CPU for the fill-mask pipeline.
- Added a summary of device information when using `BERT_download()`, `FMAT_load()`, and `FMAT_run()`.
- Added `gpu` parameter (see [Guidance for GPU Acceleration]( in `FMAT_run()` to allow for specifying an NVIDIA GPU device on which the fill-mask pipeline will be allocated. GPU roughly performs 3x faster than CPU for the fill-mask pipeline. By default, `FMAT_run()` would automatically detect and use any available GPU with an installed CUDA-supported Python `torch` package (if not, it would use CPU).
- Added speed information (queries/min) for `FMAT_run()`.
- Added device information when using `BERT_download()`, `FMAT_load()`, and `FMAT_run()`.
- Deprecated `parallel` in `FMAT_run()`: `FMAT_run(model.names, data, gpu=TRUE)` is the fastest.
- A progress bar is displayed by default for `progress` in `FMAT_run()`.

Expand Down
57 changes: 29 additions & 28 deletions R/FMAT.R
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Expand Up @@ -73,32 +73,21 @@ dtime = function(t0) {

gpu_to_device = function(gpu) {
cuda = reticulate::import("torch")$cuda$is_available()
gpu = cuda
device = ifelse(gpu, 0L, -1L)
device = as.integer(device)
device = gpu

check_gpu_enabled = function(device) {
use.gpu = FALSE
if(is.integer(device)) if(device > -1) use.gpu = TRUE
if(is.character(device)) if(device != "cpu") use.gpu = TRUE
if(use.gpu) {
torch = reticulate::import("torch")
if(!device %in% c(-1L, "cpu") & !cuda)
NVIDIA GPU CUDA is not enabled!
Try not setting the `gpu` parameter.
For guidance, see",

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,7 +502,7 @@ FMAT_query_bind = function(...) {
#' (faster but requiring an NVIDIA GPU device).
#' @details
#' The function will also automatically adjust for
#' The function automatically adjusts for
#' the compatibility of tokens used in certain models:
#' (1) for uncased models (e.g., ALBERT), it turns tokens to lowercase;
#' (2) for models that use `<mask>` rather than `[MASK]`,
Expand All @@ -523,23 +512,28 @@ FMAT_query_bind = function(...) {
#' \\u2581 for ALBERT and XLM-RoBERTa, \\u0120 for RoBERTa and DistilRoBERTa).
#' Note that these changes only affect the `token` variable
#' in the returned data, but will not affect the `M_word` variable.z
#' Thus, users may analyze their data based on the unchanged `M_word`
#' in the returned data, but will not affect the `M_word` variable.
#' Thus, users may analyze data based on the unchanged `M_word`
#' rather than the `token`.
#' Note also that there may be extremely trivial differences
#' (after 5~6 significant digits) in the
#' raw probability estimates between using CPU and GPU,
#' but these differences would have little impact on main results.
#' @param models Options:
#' - A character vector of model names at
#' [HuggingFace](
#' - Can be used for both CPU and GPU.
#' - A returned object from [`FMAT_load`].
#' - Can ONLY be used for CPU.
#' - If you __*restart*__ the R session,
#' you will need to __*rerun*__ [`FMAT_load`].
#' - If you *restart* the R session,
#' you will need to *rerun* [`FMAT_load`].
#' @param data A data.table returned from [`FMAT_query`] or [`FMAT_query_bind`].
#' @param gpu Use GPU (3x faster than CPU) to run the fill-mask pipeline?
#' Defaults to `FALSE` (using CPU).
#' Defaults to missing value that will *automatically* use available GPU
#' (if not available, then use CPU).
#' An NVIDIA GPU device (e.g., GeForce RTX Series) is required to use GPU.
#' See [Guidance for GPU Acceleration](
#' Options passing to the `device` parameter in Python:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,7 +615,7 @@ FMAT_query_bind = function(...) {
FMAT_run = function(
gpu = FALSE,
file = NULL,
progress = TRUE,
warning = TRUE
Expand All @@ -644,6 +638,7 @@ FMAT_run = function(

onerun = function(model, data=data) {
## ---- One Run Begin ---- ##
if(is.character(model)) {
fill_mask = transformers$pipeline("fill-mask", model=model, device=device)
Expand All @@ -653,7 +648,7 @@ FMAT_run = function(
model = model$
if(device %in% c(-1L, "cpu"))
cli::cli_h1("{.val {model}}")
cli::cli_h1("{.val {model}} (CPU)")
cli::cli_h1("{.val {model}} (GPU Accelerated)")

Expand All @@ -663,6 +658,7 @@ FMAT_run = function(
mask.lower = str_detect(model, "roberta|bertweet")

unmask = function(d) {
## unmask function begin ##
if("TARGET" %in% names(d))
TARGET = as.character(d$T_word)
if("ATTRIB" %in% names(d))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,27 +687,32 @@ FMAT_run = function(
"(out-of-vocabulary)", out))),
prob = res$score
## unmask function end ##

t1 = Sys.time()
data = plyr::adply(data, 1, unmask, .progress=progress)
cat(paste0(" (", dtime(t1), ")\n"))
speed = sprintf("%.0f", nrow(data) / as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units="mins")))
cat(paste0(" (", dtime(t1), ") [", speed, " queries/min]\n"))


return(cbind(data.table(model=as.factor(model)), data))
## ---- One Run End ---- ##

cli::cli_alert_info("Task: {length(models)} models * {nrow(data)} queries")
t0.task = Sys.time()
data = rbindlist(lapply(models, onerun, data=data))
speed = sprintf("%.0f", nrow(data) / as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t0.task, units="mins")))
attr(data, "type") = type
class(data) = c("fmat", class(data))
cli::cli_alert_success("Task completed (total time cost = {dtime(t0)})")
cli::cli_alert_success("Task completed ({dtime(t0)}) [{speed} queries/min]")

if(warning) warning_oov(data)

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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

The *Fill-Mask Association Test* (FMAT) is an integrative and probability-based method using [BERT Models] to measure conceptual associations (e.g., attitudes, biases, stereotypes, social norms, cultural values) as *propositions* in natural language ([Bao, 2024, *JPSP*](

![FMAT Workflow](

<!-- badges: start -->

Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Han-Wu-Shuang (Bruce) Bao 包寒吴霜
## Citation

- Bao, H.-W.-S. (2023). *FMAT: The Fill-Mask Association Test*. <>
- *Note*: This is the original citation format. Please refer to the information when you `library(FMAT)` for the APA-7 format of your installed version.
- *Note*: This is the original citation. Please refer to the information when you `library(FMAT)` for the APA-7 format of the version you installed.
- Bao, H.-W.-S. (in press). The Fill-Mask Association Test (FMAT): Measuring propositions in natural language. *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology*. <>

## Installation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,13 @@ Several steps of pre-processing have been included in the function for easier us

By default, the `FMAT` package uses CPU to enable the functionality for all users. But for advanced users who want to accelerate the pipeline with GPU, the `FMAT_run()` function now supports using a GPU device, about **3x faster** than CPU.

Test results (on the developer's computer, depending on BERT model size):

- CPU (Intel 13th-Gen i7-1355U): 500\~1000 queries/min
- GPU (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050): 1500\~3000 queries/min


1. Ensure that you have an NVIDIA GPU device (e.g., GeForce RTX Series) and an NVIDIA GPU driver installed on your system.
2. Install PyTorch (Python `torch` package) with CUDA support.
- Find guidance for installation command at <>.
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28 changes: 13 additions & 15 deletions man/FMAT_run.Rd

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