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Summer of Code 2019 projects

Isha Gupta edited this page May 24, 2019 · 15 revisions

List of the summer of code projects for 2019:

Please add the brief introduction and the planning issue link of your project below.

Project 1: Global Environment Monitoring with Image Sequencer

Project assignees: Margaret Norton (@MargaretAN9)


Planning issue link:

Project 2: Spectral-Workbench-Capture

Project assignees: Siddhant N Trivedi (@sidntrivedi012)

Description: Refactoring, Testing and Bundling of the "capture" feature of the Spectral Workbench web app in a standalone Javascript Library with an API with the app around it written in React.

Planning issue link:

Project 3: Mapknitter DevOps improvements and Rails 3.2 -> Rails 6.0 upgrade

Project assignees: Álax Alves (@alaxalves) and Kaustubh Nair (@kaustubh-nair)

Description: Redesign DevOps pipeling for Development, Test and Production environments. Upgrade Continuous integration workflow. Increase Test Coverage to near ~100%. Fix deprecation warnings. Upgrade project framework version to the latest available.

Planning issue link:

Project 4: Mapknitter Image Management

Project assignees: Divya Baid (@divyabaid16)

Description: MapKnitter is based around the upload of images, the positioning of those images on a map, and the compositing of those images into map export formats. This project idea focuses on the systems for tracking changes on those images, collecting them into sets, storing image history, and other improvements which we hope will simplify and reconfigure the MapKnitter codebase.

Planning issue link:

Project 5: Mapknitter synchronous editing

Project assignees: Vidit (@ViditChitkara) and Divya (@divyabaid16)

Description: Mapknitter Synchronous Editing is a long-sought feature of MapKnitter is the ability to collaborate in real time on image upload and placement as if it were Google Docs.

Planning issue link:

Project 6: UI improvements of

Project assignees: Lekhika (@CleverFool77) and Gautami Gupta (@gautamig54)

Description: Improve the UI design of as per style guide designs and do further relevant server changes.

Planning issue link:

Project 7: Notification System

Project assignees: Naman Gupta (@namangupta01) and Gautami Gupta (@gautamig54)

Description: Implement a Notification Wall on the and a real-time notification system using Action Cable.

Planning issue link:

Project 8: Extend leaflet environmental layers

Project assignees: Ananya Arun (@ananyaarun)

Description: Extend Leaflet Environmental Layers with new layer menu and layer addition workflow. LEL a new library, is rapidly seeing many new layers, and this project aims to add some additional structure to help make the display/management of this map data smoother.

Planning issue link:

Project 9: Community toolbox overhaul

Project assignees: Rishabh Rawat (@Rishabh570)

Description: Add features to to take a better look at the growing community while maintaining its reliability with tests and adding documentation so everyone can get along.

Planning issue link:

Project 10: Sensor Data Upload and Display Library

Project assignees: Isha Gupta (@IshaGupta18) and Naman Gupta (@namangupta01)

Description: An HTML, CSS and JavaScript-based stand-alone library for uploading CSV based (sensor) data and plotting graphs through it by column selection, apart from other features like different import and export options, range slider and multiple graphs from the same or different file. This library will be integrated with the main site as well, which would allow a more personalized user experience through the data they have uploaded.

Planning issue link:

Project 11:

Project assignees:


Planning issue link: