With the rise in trolls going server to server. I made this list of IDs that I've personally banned due to various reasons listed below. If you wish to ban them then here's the steps.
- Download and install the LobbyLifeguard mod for Webfishing
- Download the leatest release and place
in the configs folder (Browse local files on steam, GDWeave/configs) - Load the game and know they will all be permabanned And ya done! Easy as that.
If you're looking to get on the front lines and join the list moderators. Check out this and learn more there!
If you just want to be removed or report someone. Join the discord
With Grincher releasing his tools. This list will most likely start being updated over and over again. Please be on the lookout for updates. Join the discord to get pinged when the list is updated.
If you have any questions then please read faq file to see if your question is answered there.
The creator of this list (puppygirl.zone) and any contributors who have added to this list are in no means responsible for what you do with this list. We don't condone illegal actions. Any illegal actions stemming from the use of this list does not make neither creator nor contributor liable for any actions done.
Don't go out of your way to hunt people on this list down. A good portion of this list is innocent but haven't asked to be removed. A few bad eggs who want to ruin our community and crash our lobbies shouldn't mean you bare virtual arms in order to combat them. Do not stoop down to their level. It's not worth it.
I'm not begging, asking nor requiring payment. This is for those who have money they can spare and wish to support me. I know I make a glorified txt file.
Myraaleth |
Ahlo |
UnmatchedLunacy |
Twalaght |
backwardspy |