Official PyCon SK 2024 website. And a staging site deployed to GitHub pages.
Contributions are welcome. If you found a bug please open an issue at our GitHub repo, or submit a pull request. We do welcome any kind of pull request event if it is just a typo ;)
1 branch:
- the Flask app, templates, static files, translations (make your changes here)
clone repository locally:
git clone cd
install pipenv (official pipenv documentation instructions):
pip install pipenv
installs all requirements:
pipenv install
setup enviroment variables (required by Flask, windows users can official flask documentation instructions):
export FLASK_ENV=development export
activate pipenv virtual environment:
pipenv shell
start flask server, and you can view it in browser (
flask run
Translations are made with Flask-Babel. All translations are located in translations
directory, update messages.po
with your translations messages.
collect translation strings from Flask app:
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot .
update translation
files with collected translation strings:pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations
compile translated messages and generate
files:pybabel compile -d translations
Frozen-Flask freezes a Flask application into a set of static files. The result can be hosted without any server-side software other than a traditional web server.
generate static files, and you can find them in
verify the generated result in browser (
cd docs python -m http.server 8000
Anything committed to master branch will be automatically deployed on live server. Live site contain only generated static site in docs
- web:
- facebook:
- twitter:
- MIT license for code (code - GitHub repo)
- CC-BY for content, except sponsors logo's and speakers avatars (consult with particular party if you would like to use their logo or avatar)
- SIL for embedded fonts
For more details read the LICENSE file.