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pariterre committed Feb 24, 2025
2 parents acd7038 + 27b81ec commit 9d51c33
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Showing 3 changed files with 230 additions and 14 deletions.
138 changes: 132 additions & 6 deletions bioptim/models/biorbd/
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Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,11 @@

import biorbd_casadi as biorbd
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from biorbd_casadi import (
from casadi import MX, DM, vertcat, horzcat, Function, solve, rootfinder, inv
from casadi import MX, DM, vertcat, horzcat, Function, solve, rootfinder, inv, nlpsol

from .biorbd_model import BiorbdModel
from ..holonomic_constraints import HolonomicConstraintsList
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,11 +114,94 @@ def check_dependant_jacobian(self):
partitioned_constraints_jacobian_v = partitioned_constraints_jacobian[:, self.nb_independent_joints :]
shape = partitioned_constraints_jacobian_v.shape
if shape[0] != shape[1]:
output = self.partition_coordinates()
raise ValueError(
f"The shape of the dependent joint Jacobian should be square. Got: {shape}."
f"Please consider checking the dimension of the holonomic constraints Jacobian."
f"Please consider checking the dimension of the holonomic constraints Jacobian.\n"
f"Here is a recommended partitioning: "
f" - independent_joint_index: {output[1]},"
f" - dependent_joint_index: {output[0]}."

def partition_coordinates(self):
q = MX.sym("q", self.nb_q, 1)
s = nlpsol("sol", "ipopt", {"x": q, "g": self.holonomic_constraints(q)})
q_star = np.array(
)[:, 0]
return self.jacobian_coordinate_partitioning(self.holonomic_constraints_jacobian(q_star).toarray())

def jacobian_coordinate_partitioning(J, tol=None):
Determine a coordinate partitioning q = {q_u, q_v} from a Jacobian J(q) of size (m x n),
where m is the number of constraints and
n is the total number of generalized coordinates.
We want to find an invertible submatrix J_v of size (m x m) by reordering
the columns of J according to the largest pivots. Those columns in J_v
correspond to the 'dependent' coordinates q_v, while the remaining columns
correspond to the 'independent' coordinates q_u.
J : array_like, shape (m, n)
The constraint Jacobian evaluated at the current configuration q.
tol : float, optional
Tolerance for rank detection. If None, a default based on the machine
precision and the size of J is used.
qv_indices : ndarray of shape (r,)
The indices of the columns in J chosen as dependent coordinates.
Typically, we expect r = m if J has full row rank (i.e. no redundant constraints).
qu_indices : ndarray of shape (n - r,)
The indices of the columns chosen as independent coordinates.
rankJ : int
The detected rank of J. If rankJ < m, it means some constraints are redundant.
- If rankJ < m, then there are redundant or degenerate constraints in J.
The 'extra' constraints can be ignored in subsequent computations.
- If rankJ = m, then J has full row rank and the submatrix J_v is invertible.
- After obtaining qv_indices and qu_indices, one typically reorders q
so that q = [q_u, q_v], and likewise reorders the columns of J so that
J = [J_u, J_v].

# J is (m, n): number of constraints = m, number of coords = n.
J = np.asarray(J, dtype=float)
m, n = J.shape

# Perform a pivoted QR factorization: J = Q * R[:, pivot]
# pivot is a permutation of [0, 1, ..., n-1],
# reordering the columns from "largest pivot" to "smallest pivot" in R.
Q, R, pivot = la.qr(J, pivoting=True)

# If no tolerance is specified, pick a default related to the matrix norms and eps
if tol is None:
# A common heuristic: tol ~ max(m, n) * machine_eps * largest_abs_entry_in_R
# The largest absolute entry is often approximated by abs(R[0, 0]) if the matrix
# is well-ordered by pivot. However, you can also do np.linalg.norm(R, ord=np.inf).
tol = max(m, n) * np.finfo(J.dtype).eps * abs(R[0, 0])

# Rank detection from the diagonal of R
diagR = np.abs(np.diag(R))
rankJ = np.sum(diagR > tol)

# The 'best' columns (by largest pivots) are pivot[:rankJ].
# If J is full row rank and not degenerate, we expect rankJ == m.
qv_indices = pivot[:rankJ] # Dependent variables
qu_indices = pivot[rankJ:] # Independent variables

return qv_indices, qu_indices, rankJ

def nb_independent_joints(self):
return len(self._independent_joint_index)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,10 +343,52 @@ def partitioned_forward_dynamics(self) -> Function:
ROBOTRAN: a powerful symbolic gnerator of multibody models, Mech. Sci., 4, 199–219,, 2013.
q = self.compute_q()(self.q_u, self.q_v_init)
qddot_u = self.partitioned_forward_dynamics_full()(q, self.qdot_u, self.tau)

casadi_fun = Function(
[self.q_u, self.qdot_u, self.q_v_init, self.tau],
["q_u", "qdot_u", "q_v_init", "tau"],
return casadi_fun

def partitioned_forward_dynamics_with_qv(self) -> Function:
Docquier, N., Poncelet, A., and Fisette, P.:
ROBOTRAN: a powerful symbolic gnerator of multibody models, Mech. Sci., 4, 199–219,, 2013.
q = self.state_from_partition(self.q_u, self.q_v)
qddot_u = self.partitioned_forward_dynamics_full()(q, self.qdot_u, self.tau)

casadi_fun = Function(
[self.q_u, self.q_v, self.qdot_u, self.tau],
["q_u", "q_v", "qdot_u", "tau"],

return casadi_fun

def partitioned_forward_dynamics_full(self) -> Function:
Docquier, N., Poncelet, A., and Fisette, P.:
ROBOTRAN: a powerful symbolic gnerator of multibody models, Mech. Sci., 4, 199–219,, 2013.

# compute q and qdot
q = self.compute_q()(self.q_u, self.q_v_init)
q = self.q
qdot = self.compute_qdot()(q, self.qdot_u)
tau = self.tau

partitioned_mass_matrix = self.partitioned_mass_matrix(q)
m_uu = partitioned_mass_matrix[: self.nb_independent_joints, : self.nb_independent_joints]
Expand All @@ -287,7 +413,7 @@ def partitioned_forward_dynamics(self) -> Function:
modified_non_linear_effect = non_linear_effect_u + coupling_matrix_vu.T @ non_linear_effect_v

# compute the tau
partitioned_tau = self.partitioned_tau(self.tau)
partitioned_tau = self.partitioned_tau(tau)
tau_u = partitioned_tau[: self.nb_independent_joints]
tau_v = partitioned_tau[self.nb_independent_joints :]

Expand All @@ -299,9 +425,9 @@ def partitioned_forward_dynamics(self) -> Function:

casadi_fun = Function(
[self.q_u, self.qdot_u, self.q_v_init, self.tau],
[self.q, self.qdot_u, self.tau],
["q_u", "qdot_u", "q_v_init", "tau"],
["q", "qdot_u", "tau"],

Expand Down
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions bioptim/models/protocols/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -397,3 +397,55 @@ def compute_the_lagrangian_multipliers(self) -> Function:, 2013.
Equation (17) in the paper.

def check_state_u_size(self, state_u: MX):
Check if the size of the independent state vector matches the number of independent joints
state_u: MX
The independent state vector to check

def check_state_v_size(self, state_v: MX):
Check if the size of the dependent state vector matches the number of dependent joints
state_v: MX
The dependent state vector to check

def holonomic_forward_dynamics(self) -> Function:
Compute the forward dynamics while respecting holonomic constraints.
This combines the regular forward dynamics with constraint forces.
The holonomic forward dynamics function

def holonomic_inverse_dynamics(self) -> Function:
Compute the inverse dynamics while respecting holonomic constraints.
This combines the regular inverse dynamics with constraint forces.
The holonomic inverse dynamics function

def constraint_forces(self) -> Function:
Compute the forces required to maintain the holonomic constraints.
The constraint forces function
54 changes: 46 additions & 8 deletions tests/shard1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import os

from bioptim import HolonomicBiorbdModel, HolonomicConstraintsFcn, HolonomicConstraintsList, Solver, SolutionMerge
from casadi import DM, MX
import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as npt
import pytest
from casadi import DM, MX

from bioptim import HolonomicBiorbdModel, HolonomicConstraintsFcn, HolonomicConstraintsList, Solver, SolutionMerge
from ..utils import TestUtils

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +94,47 @@ def test_model_holonomic():
q_dot = MX([4, 5, 6])
q_ddot = MX([7, 8, 9])
tau = MX([10, 11, 12])

q_u = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q[model._independent_joint_index]))
qdot_u = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q_dot[model._independent_joint_index]))
q_v = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q[model._dependent_joint_index]))
q_ddot_u = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q_ddot[model._independent_joint_index]))

# Test partition_coordinates
output = model.partition_coordinates()
TestUtils.assert_equal(output[0], [0])
TestUtils.assert_equal(output[1], [1, 2])
TestUtils.assert_equal(output[2], [1])

# Test partitioned_forward_dynamics_with_qv
model.partitioned_forward_dynamics_with_qv()(q_u, q_v[0], qdot_u, tau), [-3.326526], expand=False

# Test partitioned_forward_dynamics_full
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.partitioned_forward_dynamics_full()(q, qdot_u, tau), [-23.937828], expand=False)

# Test error message for non-square Jacobian
ill_model = HolonomicBiorbdModel(biorbd_model_path)
ill_hconstraints = HolonomicConstraintsList()
index=slice(1, 2),
with pytest.raises(
match=r"The shape of the dependent joint Jacobian should be square\. Got: \(1, 2\)\."
r"Please consider checking the dimension of the holonomic constraints Jacobian\.\n"
r"Here is a recommended partitioning: "
r" - independent_joint_index: \[1 2\],"
r" - dependent_joint_index: \[0\]\.",
ill_model.set_holonomic_configuration(ill_hconstraints, [1, 2], [0])

TestUtils.assert_equal(model.holonomic_constraints(q), [-0.70317549, 0.5104801])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,10 +162,6 @@ def test_model_holonomic():
[[-0.5104801, 0.02982221, -0.96017029], [-0.70317549, 0.13829549, 0.2794155]],

q_u = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q[model._independent_joint_index]))
qdot_u = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q_dot[model._independent_joint_index]))
q_v = MX(TestUtils.to_array(q[model._dependent_joint_index]))

TestUtils.assert_equal(model.partitioned_forward_dynamics()(q_u, qdot_u, q_v, tau), -1.101808, expand=False)
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.coupling_matrix(q), [5.79509793, -0.35166415], expand=False)
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.biais_vector(q, q_dot), [27.03137348, 23.97095718], expand=False)
Expand All @@ -137,6 +172,9 @@ def test_model_holonomic():
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.compute_qdot_v()(q, qdot_u), [23.18039172, -1.4066566], expand=False)
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.compute_qdot()(q, qdot_u), [4.0, 23.18039172, -1.4066566], expand=False)

TestUtils.assert_equal(model.compute_qddot_v()(q, q_dot, q_ddot_u), [67.597059, 21.509308], expand=False)
TestUtils.assert_equal(model.compute_qddot()(q, q_dot, q_ddot_u), [7.0, 67.597059, 21.509308], expand=False)

model.compute_q_v()(DM([0.0]), DM([1.0, 1.0])).toarray().squeeze(),
np.array([2 * np.pi / 3, 2 * np.pi / 3]),
Expand Down

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