Releases: pyomeca/ezc3d
The biggest event you can imagine is of course a surprise party! But ezc3d was not allowing you to organize one... That is no longer the case! By adding an event in the c3d, you can add an fun (and less fun) event!
Motion Analyses uses its own way to store the calibration Matrix. Unfortunately, ezc3d was unaware of it... This is now something from the past and ezc3d now knows how to deal with such C3D files :)
As in the Zeno's paradox, you think you are almost there, but never quite!
Zenodo is a bit picky.. It really wants to be there when you release! Here is a rerelease of 1.4.0 :)
So much work, but ezc3d finally got there, it is now publish! This release is the actual version of the publication
Thanks everyone for your support!
For some reason, people doesn't agree on positive and negative direction sometimes. EZC3D was therefore confuse... But now, it makes a much better job for the sign convention when reading analog data!
For some reason ezc3d was really bonded to its parameters. It didn't want to let it go!
Now ezc3d has gain in self confidence and allows for parameters deletion.
Also, ezc3d is more verbose on some errors :)
Perfection! Oh dear perfection! We all want it... but at the same time it is so far. So far away that it makes us forget that the reason we do things is not so everything is in place and well organize, but to do actual work!
Ezc3d get a bit looser, it now accept that, MAYBE! you don't know the type of your parameters... So it will convert them to another format if you ask so. More specifically, Int and Double parameters can be casted as you wish. But use this power wisely!
Covid19 thought us something important, we human love to aggregate! This is especially true when you have skin markers on you. Sadly EZC3D was limiting you to 255 skin markers.
But this is no longer true. Now, using the new tag LABELS2 (and 3 or 4!) you can define as much marker friends as you want! This even works for the Analog data as well.
So let's virtually party up (this is still lock down, after all...)
Force platform filter was only for C++, but MATLAB and Python were sad because of this. But having your programming languages sad at you is not a good thing. So we made them happy by providing them more code!