Release v2023.9.7
What's Changed
- Update build to use exclusively pyproject.toml by @kalebmckale in #5836
- Add PIPENV_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT and use it for requests session (Re-send due to force push) by @birdhackor in #5907
- pre-commit: Add pyproject-fmt by @cclauss in #5916
- Issue 5827 restore ignore compatibility finder by @matteius in #5887
- 5881-Full conversion from rst to md by @thiagogquinto in #5909
- Handle case where setup name is referencing a variable that is a string by @matteius in #5905
- include markers from Pipfile when skipping lock by @matteius in #5920
- Drop 3.7 test runner by @matteius in #5922
- Better handling of local file install edge cases; handle local file extras by @matteius in #5919
- Fallback to default vcs ref and determine package name from the pip line where possible by @matteius in #5921
New Contributors
- @birdhackor made their first contribution in #5907
- @thiagogquinto made their first contribution in #5909
Full Changelog: v2023.9.1...v2023.9.7