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Add pattern for MultivariateNormal(affine) (#245)
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fritzo authored Sep 21, 2019
1 parent 9a5cf22 commit 6cc0a38
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Showing 7 changed files with 200 additions and 27 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions funsor/
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from funsor.torch import Tensor

# FIXME change this to a sound but incomplete test using pattern matching.
def is_affine(fn):
return True

def extract_affine(fn):
Extracts an affine representation of a funsor, which is exact for affine
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88 changes: 73 additions & 15 deletions funsor/
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import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.affine import extract_affine, is_affine
from funsor.cnf import Contraction
from import bint, reals
from funsor.gaussian import BlockMatrix, BlockVector, Gaussian, cholesky_inverse
from funsor.gaussian import BlockMatrix, BlockVector, Gaussian
from funsor.interpreter import interpretation
from funsor.terms import Funsor, FunsorMeta, Number, Variable, eager, lazy, to_funsor
from funsor.torch import Tensor, align_tensors, ignore_jit_warnings, materialize, torch_stack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,23 +450,80 @@ def eager_mvn(loc, scale_tril, value):

# Create a Gaussian from a ground observation.
@eager.register(MultivariateNormal, Tensor, Tensor, Variable)
@eager.register(MultivariateNormal, Variable, Tensor, Tensor)
# TODO refactor this logic into Gaussian.eager_subs() and
# here return Gaussian(...scale_tril...)(value=loc-value).
@eager.register(MultivariateNormal, (Variable, Contraction), Tensor, (Variable, Contraction))
@eager.register(MultivariateNormal, (Variable, Contraction), Tensor, Tensor)
@eager.register(MultivariateNormal, Tensor, Tensor, (Variable, Contraction))
def eager_mvn(loc, scale_tril, value):
if isinstance(loc, Variable):
loc, value = value, loc
assert len(loc.shape) == 1
assert len(scale_tril.shape) == 2
assert value.output == loc.output
if not is_affine(loc) or not is_affine(value):
return None # lazy

# Extract an affine representation.
eye = torch.eye(
prec_sqrt = Tensor(eye.triangular_solve(, upper=False).solution,
affine = prec_sqrt @ (loc - value)
const, coeffs = extract_affine(affine)
if not isinstance(const, Tensor):
return None # lazy
if not all(isinstance(coeff, Tensor) for coeff, _ in coeffs.values()):
return None # lazy

# Compute log_prob using funsors.
scale_diag = Tensor(, dim2=-2), scale_tril.inputs)
log_prob = (-0.5 * scale_diag.shape[0] * math.log(2 * math.pi)
- scale_diag.log().sum() - 0.5 * (const ** 2).sum())

# Dovetail to avoid variable name collision in einsum.
equations1 = [''.join(c if c in ',->' else chr(ord(c) * 2 - ord('a')) for c in eqn)
for _, eqn in coeffs.values()]
equations2 = [''.join(c if c in ',->' else chr(ord(c) * 2 - ord('a') + 1) for c in eqn)
for _, eqn in coeffs.values()]

dim, = loc.output.shape
inputs, (loc, scale_tril) = align_tensors(loc, scale_tril)
int_inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in inputs.items() if v.dtype != 'real')
real_inputs = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in affine.inputs.items() if v.dtype == 'real')
assert tuple(real_inputs) == tuple(coeffs)

precision = cholesky_inverse(scale_tril)
info_vec = precision.matmul(loc.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
log_prob = (-0.5 * dim * math.log(2 * math.pi)
- scale_tril.diagonal(dim1=-1, dim2=-2).log().sum(-1)
- 0.5 * (loc * info_vec).sum(-1))
return Tensor(log_prob, int_inputs) + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
# Align and broadcast tensors.
neg_const = -const
tensors = [neg_const] + [coeff for coeff, _ in coeffs.values()]
inputs, tensors = align_tensors(*tensors, expand=True)
neg_const, coeffs = tensors[0], tensors[1:]
dim = sum(d.num_elements for d in real_inputs.values())
batch_shape = neg_const.shape[:-1]

info_vec = BlockVector(batch_shape + (dim,))
precision = BlockMatrix(batch_shape + (dim, dim))
offset1 = 0
for i1, (v1, c1) in enumerate(zip(real_inputs, coeffs)):
size1 = real_inputs[v1].num_elements
slice1 = slice(offset1, offset1 + size1)
inputs1, output1 = equations1[i1].split('->')
input11, input12 = inputs1.split(',')
assert input11 == input12 + output1
info_vec[..., slice1] = torch.einsum(
f'...{input11},...{output1}->...{input12}', c1, neg_const) \
.reshape(batch_shape + (size1,))
offset2 = 0
for i2, (v2, c2) in enumerate(zip(real_inputs, coeffs)):
size2 = real_inputs[v2].num_elements
slice2 = slice(offset2, offset2 + size2)
inputs2, output2 = equations2[i2].split('->')
input21, input22 = inputs2.split(',')
assert input21 == input22 + output2
precision[..., slice1, slice2] = torch.einsum(
f'...{input11},...{input22}{output1}->...{input12}{input22}', c1, c2) \
.reshape(batch_shape + (size1, size2))
offset2 += size2
offset1 += size1

info_vec = info_vec.as_tensor()
precision = precision.as_tensor()
return log_prob + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)

class Poisson(Distribution):
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion funsor/
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Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ def log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y):
raise NotImplementedError

# FIXME Most code assumes this is an AssociativeCommutativeOp.
class AssociativeOp(Op):

Expand All @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ class MulOp(AssociativeOp):

class MatmulOp(AssociativeOp):
class MatmulOp(Op): # Associtive but not commutative.

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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions funsor/
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Expand Up @@ -470,10 +470,6 @@ def eager_binary_tensor_tensor(op, lhs, rhs):
shape = shape[:cut] + (1,) * (lhs_dim - rhs_dim) + shape[cut:]
rhs_data = rhs_data.reshape(shape)

print(f" = {}")
print(f" = {}")
print(f"lhs_data.shape = {lhs_data.shape}")
print(f"rhs_data.shape = {rhs_data.shape}")
data = op(lhs_data, rhs_data)
if len(lhs.shape) == 1:
data = data.squeeze(-2)
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46 changes: 44 additions & 2 deletions test/examples/
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import pytest
import torch

import funsor.distributions as dist
import funsor.ops as ops
from funsor.cnf import Contraction
from import bint, reals
Expand All @@ -13,8 +14,49 @@
from funsor.torch import Tensor

# This version constructs factors using funsor.distributions.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('state_dim,obs_dim', [(3, 2), (2, 3)])
def test_distributions(state_dim, obs_dim):
data = Tensor(torch.randn(2, obs_dim))["time"]

bias = Variable("bias", reals(obs_dim))
bias_dist = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), obs_dim))(value=bias)

prev = Variable("prev", reals(state_dim))
curr = Variable("curr", reals(state_dim))
trans_mat = Tensor(torch.eye(state_dim) + 0.1 * torch.randn(state_dim, state_dim))
trans_mvn = random_mvn((), state_dim)
trans_dist = dist.MultivariateNormal(
value=curr - prev @ trans_mat)

state = Variable("state", reals(state_dim))
obs = Variable("obs", reals(obs_dim))
obs_mat = Tensor(torch.randn(state_dim, obs_dim))
obs_mvn = random_mvn((), obs_dim)
obs_dist = dist.MultivariateNormal(
value=state @ obs_mat + bias - obs)

log_prob = 0
log_prob += bias_dist

state_0 = Variable("state_0", reals(state_dim))
log_prob += obs_dist(state=state_0, obs=data(time=0))

state_1 = Variable("state_1", reals(state_dim))
log_prob += trans_dist(prev=state_0, curr=state_1)
log_prob += obs_dist(state=state_1, obs=data(time=1))

log_prob = log_prob.reduce(ops.logaddexp)
assert isinstance(log_prob, Tensor), log_prob.pretty()

# This version constructs factors using funsor.pyro.convert.
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="missing pattern")
def test_end_to_end():
def test_pyro_convert():
data = Tensor(torch.randn(2, 2), OrderedDict([("time", bint(2))]))

bias_dist = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +86,7 @@ def test_end_to_end():

@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="missing pattern")
def test_affine_subs():
# This was recorded from test_end_to_end.
# This was recorded from test_pyro_convert.
x = Subs(
torch.tensor([1.3027106523513794, 1.4167094230651855, -0.9750942587852478, 0.5321089029312134, -0.9039931297302246], dtype=torch.float32), # noqa
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/
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Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ def test_affine_subs(expr, expected_type, expected_inputs):

@pytest.mark.parametrize('expr', [
"Variable('x', reals()) + 0.5",
"Variable('x', reals(2, 3)) + Variable('y', reals(2, 3))",
"Variable('x', reals(2)) + Variable('y', reals(2))",
"Variable('x', reals(2)) + torch.ones(2)",
"Variable('x', reals(2)) * torch.randn(2)",
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80 changes: 75 additions & 5 deletions test/
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Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,14 @@

import funsor
import funsor.distributions as dist
from funsor.cnf import Contraction
from funsor.cnf import Contraction, GaussianMixture
from import Delta
from import bint, reals
from funsor.terms import Independent, Variable
from funsor.testing import assert_close, check_funsor, random_tensor
from funsor.torch import Tensor
from funsor.interpreter import interpretation, reinterpret
from funsor.pyro.convert import dist_to_funsor
from funsor.terms import Independent, Variable, lazy
from funsor.testing import assert_close, check_funsor, random_mvn, random_tensor
from funsor.torch import Einsum, Tensor

@pytest.mark.parametrize('batch_shape', [(), (5,), (2, 3)], ids=str)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,7 +400,6 @@ def test_normal_gaussian_3(batch_shape):
'dist.Normal(x - y, scale, 0)',
'dist.Normal(0, scale, y - x)',
'dist.Normal(2 * x - y, scale, x)',
# TODO should we expect these to work without correction terms?
'dist.Normal(0, 1, (x - y) / scale) - scale.log()',
'dist.Normal(2 * y, 2 * scale, 2 * x) + math.log(2)',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,6 +489,75 @@ def test_mvn_gaussian(batch_shape):
assert_close(actual, expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-4)

def _check_mvn_affine(d1, data):
assert isinstance(d1, dist.MultivariateNormal)
d2 = reinterpret(d1)
assert issubclass(type(d2), GaussianMixture)
actual = d2(**data)
expected = d1(**data)
assert_close(actual, expected)

def test_mvn_affine_one_var():
x = Variable('x', reals(2))
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2)))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 2))
d = d(value=2 * x + 1)
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

def test_mvn_affine_two_vars():
x = Variable('x', reals(2))
y = Variable('y', reals(2))
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2)), y=Tensor(torch.randn(2)))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 2))
d = d(value=x - y)
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

def test_mvn_affine_matmul():
x = Variable('x', reals(2))
y = Variable('y', reals(3))
m = Tensor(torch.randn(2, 3))
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2)), y=Tensor(torch.randn(3)))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 3))
d = d(value=x @ m - y)
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

def test_mvn_affine_einsum():
c = Tensor(torch.randn(3, 2, 2))
x = Variable('x', reals(2, 2))
y = Variable('y', reals())
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2, 2)), y=Tensor(torch.randn(())))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 3))
d = d(value=Einsum("abc,bc->a", c, x) + y)
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

def test_mvn_affine_getitem():
x = Variable('x', reals(2, 2))
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2, 2)))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 2))
d = d(value=x[0] - x[1])
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

def test_mvn_affine_reshape():
x = Variable('x', reals(2, 2))
y = Variable('y', reals(4))
data = dict(x=Tensor(torch.randn(2, 2)), y=Tensor(torch.randn(4)))
with interpretation(lazy):
d = dist_to_funsor(random_mvn((), 4))
d = d(value=x.reshape((4,)) - y)
_check_mvn_affine(d, data)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('batch_shape', [(), (5,), (2, 3)], ids=str)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('syntax', ['eager', 'lazy'])
def test_poisson_probs_density(batch_shape, syntax):
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