This package implements the NanoWrap algorithm (see, which fits a surface through single-molecule localization microscopy data, subject to a curvature constraint.
(only needed for comparison in the testing suite)
ch_shrinkwrap is a plugin for the PYMEVis component of the PYthon Microscopy Environment. The easiest way to install ch_shrinkwrap is to download the executable installer for PYME from as this comes with ch_shrinkwrap already bundled.
Alternatively, follow the PYME installation instuctions and perform a conda install, or build from source. Once PYME is installed, open a command line and execute the following.
Clone this repository.
python ch-shrinkwrap/ install
Launch PYMEVis and and open a localization data set, the plugin will appear in PYMEVisualize (PYMEVis
) as a new menu item Mesh-->Shrinkwrap membrane surface.
NOTE: The easiest way of launching PYMEVis will depend on how it was installed. With the executable installer on windows, PYMEVis should be accessible from the PYME start menu group. On other platforms or for manual installs you will need to open the appropriate anaconda command prompt. On Mac or Linux this will be your normal command prompt / console. On Windows this will be the the
Anaconda prompt
accessed through the start menu. If you have installed in a dedicated conda environment (recommended) you will need to activate the environment (e.g.conda activate PYME
- substituting the relevant environment name). Once in the correct environment, runPYMEVis
- Create a coarse initial density isosurface that slightly over-approximates your data by going to Mesh-->Generate isosurface.
- Navigate to Mesh-->Shrinkwrap membrane surface. A dialog will pop up. Parameters for this dialog are described below.
Parameter | Description | Standard values |
input | The data source containing the coarse isosurface. | surf0 |
points | The data source containing the points to fit. | filtered_localizations |
curvature_weight | The contribution of curvature (vs. point attraction force) to the fitting procedure. Higher values create smoother surfaces. | 5 - 50 |
max_iters | Maximum number of fitting iterations. | 9 - 99 |
output | The name of the data source that will contain the fit isosurface. | membrane0 |
NOTE: If points
contains multiple channels (multicolor data), points in all channels will be fit as a single point set.
Parameter | Description | Standard values |
remesh_frequency | Remesh the isourface every N iterations. Helps keep the fitting numerically stable. Should be often. | 5 |
neck_first_iter | Every neck_first_iter iterations, check for and remove necks in the mesh. | 9 |
neck_threshold_low | Vertices with Gaussian curvature below this threshold are necks. | -1e3 |
neck_threshold_high | Vertices with Gaussian curvature above this threshold are necks. | 1e2 |
punch_frequency | Every punch_frequency iterations, check for and add holes in regions of the mesh where there is a continuous empty area in between two "sides" of the mesh. | 0 |
kc | Lipid stiffness coefficient of membrane in eV (can be looked up in the literature). | 0 - 1 (20k_bT) |
minimum_edge_length | The smallest allowed edge length in the mesh. If not set (left at -1.0), it will default to min(sqrt(sigma_x^2+sigma_y^2+sigma_z^2))/2.5. | -1.0 |
smooth_curvature | Each vertex's estimated curvature will be replaced by the weighted average of its calculated curvature and curvature of its neighbors. | True |
truncate_at | Stop the mesh fitting at this iteration. Useful for visualizing intermediate states of the iterative fitting procedure. The rate at which edge lengths subdivide is set by max_iters, so varying this value (as opposed to max_iters). lets a user see the itermediate state without also changing the subdivision behavior. | 1000 |
Parameter | Description | Standard values |
error_x | The variable in the points data source containing localization precision in the x-direction. If error is only known for one axis, supply it here and it will be assumed for all axes. |
error_x |
error_y | The variable in the points data source containing localization precision in the y-direction. |
error_z | The variable in the points data source containing localization precision in the z-direction. |
The test suite will compare a mesh generated from a noisy approximation of a shape to the shape's actual structure. The test suite runs as a recipe pipeline (see within PYME.
An example configuration (YAML) file for the test suite can be found at ch_shrinkwrap/test_example.yaml.
An example recipe file for Shrinkwrapping can be found at ch_shrinkwrap/test_evaluation_recipe.yaml.
This section lists the parameters included in a test suite configuration file.
- save_fp : str Path indicating where to save test suite intermediate files.
The parameters are related to the behaviour of the optical system used to generate the theoretically simulated images that were localized to create the point cloud. In reality, we go directly to the point cloud. See ch_shrinkwrap.recipe_modules.simulation.PointcloudFromShape.
- psf_width_x : float The FWHM (2.355 x sigma) of the PSF along the x-dimension.
- psf_width_y : float The FWHM (2.355 x sigma) of the PSF along the y-dimension.
- psf_width_z : float The FWHM (2.355 x sigma) of the PSF along the z-dimension.
- mean_photon_count : int Average number of photons within a PSF.
- bg_photon_count : int Average number of photons in an empty pixel.
These are related to the theoretical structure, defined by a signed-distance function (see ch_shrinkwrap.shape), that gives rise to the simulated point cloud. See ch_shrinkwrap.recipe_modules.simulation.PointcloudFromShape.
- type : str Name of the shape. The class name of an object derived from ch_shrinkwrap.shape.Shape, and located in ch_shrinkwrap.shape.
- parameters : dict
The arguments passed to
for a shape of class type.
The parameters define the sampling of the point cloud and the amount of background noise added to the point cloud. See ch_shrinkwrap.recipe_modules.simulation.PointcloudFromShape.
- density : float The density of the point cloud. Sampled on a regular grid, this is 1/(dx^3) where dx is the grid spacing.
- p : float The "acceptance probability" of a randomly generated point in the point cloud. This further decreases the density.
- noise_fraction : float The amount of background noise in the point cloud, as a fraction between 0 and 1. At 0.1, 10 percent of the localizations in the point cloud are background noise.
These are the parameters used to generate the initial isosurface. By default we assume smooth_curvature, repair, remesh, and cull_inner_surfaces are all true. See
Note that, unlike the rest of the parameters in this file, which vary independently of
one another, threshold_density
and n_points_min
vary together along with
Point Cloud's p
and density
- threshold_density : float The point cloud density at which a surface divides signal from background with a surface.
- n_points_min : int The minimum number of points required in a volume to estimate point cloud density.
These are the parameters used to shrinkwrap the initial mesh generated by Dual Marching Cubes to the simulated points. See ch_shrinkwrap.recipe_modules.surface_fitting.ShrinkwrapMembrane.
The parameters kc, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z and minimum_edge_length are left at sensible defaults.
- max_iters : int Maximum number of fitting iterations to run.
- curvature_weight : float The influence of the curvature force relative to the point attraction force.
- remesh_frequency : int Remesh (improve numerical quality) the mesh every remesh_frequency iterations.
- punch_frequency : int Every punch_frequency iterations, check for and add holes in regions of the mesh where there is a continuous empty area in between two "sides" of the mesh.
- min_hole_radius : float The minimum size of the continuous empty area.
- neck_first_iter : int Every neck_first_iter iterations, check for and remove necks in the mesh.
- neck_threshold_low : float Vertices with Gaussian curvature below this threshold are necks.
- neck_threshold_high : float Vertices with Gaussian curvature above this threshold are necks.
These are the parameters used to generated a Screened Poisson Reconstruction (SPR) surface from a point cloud. SPR is a state-of-the-art surface reconstruction algorithm for point clouds, designed for use with range scanning and LIDAR. See ch_shrinkwrap.recipe_modules.surface_fitting.ScreenedPoissonMesh.
Note that he first few parameters in ScreenedPoissonMesh are related to normal estimation from a point cloud. These are ignored in the evaluation pipeline as we pass normals calculated directly from the signed distance function of the test shape to SPR for reconstruction.
The parameters visiblelayer, depth, fulldepth, cgdepth, scale, confidence, preclean and threads are left at sensible defaults (see ch_shrinkwrap.screened_poisson.screened_poisson).
- samplespernode : float The minimum number of sample points that should fall within an octree node as the octree construction is adapted to sampling density. For noise-free samples, small values in the range [1.0 - 5.0] can be used. For more noisy samples, larger values in the range [15.0 - 20.0] may be needed to provide a smoother, noise-reduced, reconstruction.
- pointweight : float This floating point value specifies the importants that interpolation of the point samples is given in the formulation of the screened Poisson equation. The results of the original (unscreened) Poisson Reconstruction can be obtained by setting this value to 0. The default value for this parameter is 4.
- iters : int Gauss-Seidel Relaxations: This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the hierarchy. The default value for this parameter is 8.
- k : int Number of neighbors to use when estimating the normal of a point in the input point cloud.