We are pleased to announce the release of tensordict v0.7.2, which includes several bug fixes and backend improvements.
Bug Fixes:
- Consolidated lazy stacks of non-tensors (#1222, #1224)
- Passed type directly during reduction (#1225)
- Fixed non-deterministic key order in stack (#1230)
- Added _PASSTHROUGH_MEMO for passthrough tensorclass (#1231)
- Improved performance and safety of non-tensor stack (#1232)
- Fixed serialization of stacks of Tensorclasses (#1236)
- Fixed compile during _check_keys (#1239)
Backend Improvements:
Improved errors for TensorDictSequential (#1227)
Documentation Updates:
Improved documentation for TensorDictModuleBase (#1226)
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2