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20th Developer Meeting in Madeira, February 2018

Lene Fischer edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 1 revision

20th Developer Meeting in Madeira, February 2018

Period and location

The developer meeting will take place from 21 to 25 of February, 2018.

The 21st of February the meeting room will be available from 14:30

the 25th of February the meeting room will be available until 12:00


Mainland Portugal and Madeira Archipelago are in the UTC +0 timezone.


Sara Isabel Correia Freitas, [email protected]

Duarte Costa, [email protected]

Giovanni Manghi, [email protected] (mobile phone +351967058216, in Funchal from Sunday 18th)


Lene Fischer [email protected]


The venue is Hotel Four Views Monumental in Lido, Madeira (same venue as the hotel below).


The forecast for the days of the developer meeting is RAIN.


  • Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais - DROTA
  • Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza
  • OSGeo Portuguese local chapter


The developer meeting venue is inside the Hotel Four Views Monumental in Lido, close to supermarket and take away. It is close to Funchal city center- actually many people reach Funchal by foot, but plenty of public transportation and taxi service there.

Please take notice of the prices for accommodation at Hotel Four Views Monumental:

  • Single with breakfast = 58€/day (x 5 days = 290€)
  • Double with breakfast = 63€/dia (x 5 days = 315€ / 2 = 157,5€)

These prices were negotiated for this event, so if you want to stay at the hotel send your reservation to Mrs. Graça Franco through the email [email protected] referring the event QGIS meeting Madeira February 2018, so that you can have this prices, otherwise it will be more expensive.

From Madeira Airport to Hotel Four Views Monumental

Other hotels

Other Hotels:

Other Hotels: Google Maps


  • 21st 19:00, dinner at the Hotel offered by the Madeira regional government
  • 22nd, 19:30 dinner at "cá te espero" restaurant offered by QGIS project. The restaurant is 5 minutes away (by foot) from the "four views monumental". See:
  • 23rd 19:00, dinner at the Hotel offered by the Madeira regional government
  • 24th, 19:30 dinner at a restaurant offered by QGIS project. The restaurant ("Casa Italia") is 2 minutes away (by foot) from the "four views monumental". See: Meet at 19:20 at the hotel lobby. Jorge Gustavo Rocha will lead the "mission".


The participants are expected to take care for their own lunches. There are several options nearby the hotel:

Transportation. How to arrive

By air

Funchal is served by Madeira Airport. IATA code: FNC

Public transportation to/from the airport is available.


See below


You can apply for refund of travelcost to [email protected] - Deadline for application 2 weeks before the event. Use this form to apply for funding support.


!!!IMPORTANT!!!! : Arrival and departure date/time for planning accommodation and food. Also remember to add e-mail.

There are 35 places available.

# Name Arrival Time Depart. Time Room/Shelter/Tent Country Share with Notes/Food Email
1 Tim Sutton Trip Cancelled Trip Cancelled TBD - TBD ZA - Food: Vegetarian [email protected]
2 Giovanni Manghi 18 14:15 24 17:10 Double room Hotel Four Views Monumental. Already booked, share with Nelson Silva PT - [email protected]
3 Jorge Gustavo Rocha 19 12:25 (Flight TO3452) 25 16:25 (Flight TO3459) Single (booked) PT I can share [email protected]
4 Andreas Neumann 20 (arrival after holidays before) 12:00 24 13:30 (WK 285, 15:55) Single (already booked) CH - [email protected]
5 Alessandro Pasotti 20 18:40 24 15:00 booked IT - [email protected]
6 Luigi Pirelli 19 14:15 (TP1689) 25 18:00 (TP1686) Room ES/IT Share with Carlos Lopez Quintanilla [email protected]
7 Matteo Ghetta 21 ~17 25 TBD Double room Hotel Four Views Monumental. Already booked, share with Paolo Cavallini IT [email protected]
8 Régis HaubourG 21 19:30 26 4:00 AM Room FR/EN Share with Tudor [email protected]
9 Richard Duivenvoorde 19 16:00 (HV6629) 26 10:00 (HV6630) Room (already booked) NL Share with Raymond [email protected]
10 Raymond Nijssen 19 16:00 (HV6629) 26 10:00 (HV6630) Room (already booked) NL Share with Richard [email protected]
11 Mario Baranzini 20 (after holidays in Madeira) TBD 24 10:55 Room (already booked) CH [email protected]
12 Stéphane Brunner 20 12:00 25 11:00 - CH [email protected]
13 David Signer 20 12:00 3.3 (holiday from 25th) 4:30 Room (already booked) CH [email protected]
14 Inacio Castanha - - - - - - [email protected]
15 Tudor Bărăscu 19 11:00 25 18:00 Room RO Share with Régis tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
16 Arnaud Morvan 20 12:00 25 11:00 Room FR I can share [email protected]
17 Julien Waddle 20 Trip Cancelled 25 Trip Cancelled Room FR I can share [email protected]
18 Carlos Lopez Quintanilla 20 14:15 (TP1689) 25 18:00 (TP1686) Room ES I can share [email protected]
19 Larry Shaffer 19 TBD 25 TBD Room US I can share [email protected]
20 Paolo Cavallini 21 ~17 25 TBD Double room Hotel Four Views Monumental. Already booked, share with Matteo Ghetta IT [email protected]
21 Anders Barfod 23 12:00 25 19:00 Airbnb already booked DK [email protected]
22 Nelson Silva 18 14:15 24 17:10 Double room PT Share with Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
23 Lene Fischer 19 11:50 26 13:15 Booked and paid room at Hotel Four Views Monumental DK [email protected]
24 Jesper Cairo Westergaard 20th (arrival after holidays before) Noon'ish 27th Air ETD is 1055h single room already booked at Four Views Monumental DK - - [email protected]
25 João Gaspar 18 14:15 24 17:10 Booked and paid room at Hotel Four Views Monumental PT Single Gluten intolerant [email protected]
26 Hugo Mercier 20 15:50 24 10:00 Single room (booking in progress) FR hugo dot mercier at oslandia dot com
27 Vincent Picavet 20 23:55 23 evening Booked at 4 views FR vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
28 Martin Dobias 20 23:55 25 10:30 Room (booked already) SK wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
29 Viktor Sklencar 20 23:55 25 10:30 Room (booked already) SK viktor dot sklencar at lutraconsulting dot co dot uk
30 Rosa Aguilar 20 18:40 25 10:30 room (booked) at Hotel Four Views Monumental NL rosamaguilar at gmail dot com
31 Arie Akum 20 18:40 25 10:30 room IL a_arie2 at yahoo dot com
32 Madalena Gonçalves - - - - - PT [email protected]
33 Bruno Cunha - - - - - PT [email protected]
34 Sara Isabel Correia Freitas - - - - - PT [email protected]

Mentor streams and discussion topics

Here following a list of important topics for discussion and introductory topics.

If you are coming to a QGIS Developer event for the first time, you may be a little lost and confused about what you should do when you get there. For this event (and hopefully future events if it works well), we will have mentors to help you get started in the QGIS Community. If you would like to be a mentor for a topic not listed, add a new table below. If you need mentorship, add your name to the appropriate table below:

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS Documentation

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of getting your documentation environment set up, building QGIS docs and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: Yves Jacolin(?), Alexandre Neto (participating remotely)

Proposed schedule: 21/02 16:00 -*Request+to+QGIS+Documentation&iso=20180221T1600


# Name Email
1 Carlos Lopez Quintanilla [email protected]
2 Jesper Cairo Westergaard [email protected]
3 Kurt Menke (participating remotely) [email protected]
4 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
5 Nelson Silva [email protected]
6 Mario Baranzini [email protected]
7 Mie Winstrup (participating remotely) [email protected]

Zoom room for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

The QGIS organization and how to become part of it

This is a presentation of the organization structure and different tasks within it. This should be a good starting point for first time developer meeting visitors who are looking for a way to be helpful in the project.

Stream leader: Raymond Nijssen

Schedule: 21/02 17:00 -


# Name Email
1 Jesper Cairo Westergaard [email protected]
2 Mario Baranzini [email protected]
3 Arie Akum a_arie2 at yahoo dot com

Zoom room for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

Making your first Pull Request to QGIS

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of getting your development environment set up, building QGIS and fixing your first small issue, submitting a Pull Request and having it approved by someone in the community.

Stream leader: Alessandro Pasotti (linux only)

Proposed schedule: 22/02 10:30 -


# Name Email
1 Shiva Reddy [email protected]
2 Jesper Cairo Westergaard [email protected]
3 João Gaspar [email protected]
4 Rosa Aguilar rosamaguilar at gmail dot com
5 Julien Waddle julien dot waddle at camptocamp dot com
6 Mario Baranzini [email protected]
7 Alexandre Neto (remotely) senhor dot neto at gmail dot com

Connection details for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

QGIS Certification Birds of a Feather

Stream leader: Tim Sutton

Proposed schedule 22/02 13:00 (updated from previous times, makes for 6am for Kurt and 11pm for Nyall)


# Name Email
1 Tim Sutton (participating remotely) [email protected]
2 Vincent Picavet vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
3 Maco Bernasocchi (participating remotely) [email protected]
4 Kurt Menke (participating remotely) [email protected]
5 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com
6 Nyall Dawson (participating remotely) [email protected]
7 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
8 Robert Szczepanek (participating remotely) robert at szczepanek dot pl
9 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
10 Alexandre Neto (remotely) senhor dot neto at gmail dot com
11 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
12 Andre Mano (participating remotely) a.dasilvamano at utwente dot nl
13 Peteris Bruns (participating remotely) [email protected]

Connection details for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

Reporting and validating bug reports

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of creating a new issue on the QGIS issue tracker, verifying existing issues and generally participating in the effort to triage the issue queue.

Stream leader: Giovanni Manghi

Proposed schedule: 22/02 14:30 -


# Name Email
1 Nelson Silva [email protected]
2 Jesper Cairo Westergaard [email protected]
3 João Gaspar [email protected]

Connection details for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

Due to technical issues, no video could be made.

Moving the QGIS bug tracker away from Redmine?

Discussion following the recent Loomio vote about what platform to use for the QGIS bug tracker.

Details (please add!!):

Stream leader: TBD

Proposed schedule: 22/02 16:30 -


# Name Email
1 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
2 Jorge Gustavo Rocha [email protected]
3 Nyall Dawson (participating remotely) [email protected]
4 David Signer [email protected]
5 Vincent Picavet vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
6 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
7 Jürgen Fischer (remotely) jef at norbit dot de
8 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
9 Denis Rouzaud (remote, might be a bit late
Connection details for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

Future of Processing Providers

This round table discussion is a follow up of [QGIS-Developer] External providers in QGIS and related threads (

Stream leader: Paolo Cavallini

Proposed schedule: 23/02 10:30 -


# Name Email
1 Anita Graser (participating remotely) [email protected]
2 Victor Olaya (participating remotely) [email protected]
3 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
4 Jeff McKenna (participating remotely) jmckenna AT
5 Nyall Dawson (participating remotely) [email protected]
6 Vaclav Petras (participating remotely) [email protected]
7 Johan Van de Wauw (participating remotely) [email protected]
8 Rashad Kanavath (participating remotely) rashad.kanvath at
9 Alexandre Neto (remotely) senhor dot neto at gmail dot com
10 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
11 Andre Mano (participating remotely) a.dasilvamano at utwente dot nl
12 Bas retsios (participating remotely) v.retsios at utwente dot nl
Connection details for remote participants:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

Writing tests for QGIS

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of creating and running tests for QGIS. Contributing tests to QGIS can hugely help improve the quality of the code base and prevent regressions coming into the code. you should already have python or C++ skills and a a working QGIS development environment to participate in this stream.

Stream leader: Alessandro Pasotti

Proposed schedule: 23/02 12:00 -


# Name Email
1 Rosa Aguilar rosamaguilar at gmail dot com
2 Mario Baranzini [email protected]
3 David Signer [email protected]
4 Alexandre Neto (remotely) senhor dot neto at gmail dot com
5 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
6 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
7 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

QGIS 3D and applications to simulation : use cases, examples and initiatives

Stream leader: Vincent Picavet

Proposed schedule: 23/02 14:00 -


# Name Email
1 Vincent Picavet vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
2 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
3 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
4 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com
5 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
6 Jesper Cairo Westergaard [email protected]

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

QGIS & OSGeo4W compilation and GitLab CI infrastructure

Stream leader: Hugo Mercier

Proposed schedule: 23/02 15:00 -


# Name Email
1 Vincent Picavet vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
2 Hugo Mercier hugo dot mercier at oslandia dot com
3 Jorge Gustavo Rocha [email protected]
4 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
5 Jürgen Fischer (remotely) jef at norbit dot de
6 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
7 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video


Note : this was initially about Release and planning for QGIS4. It seems more interesting to approach the problem with a SWOT method for QGIS and its global quality. Participants, feel free to change your participant below.

Stream leader: Vincent Picavet

Proposed schedule: 23/02 16:00 -


# Name Email
1 Vincent Picavet vincent dot picavet at oslandia dot com
2 Giovanni Manghi [email protected]
3 Nyall Dawson (participating remotely) [email protected]
4 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
5 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com
7 Alexandre Neto (remotely) senhor dot neto at gmail dot com
8 Tudor Bărăscu tudor dot barascu at qtibia dot ro
9 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
10 Alexander Bruy (participating remotely) alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

QT Quick

Introduction to Qt Quick-based GUI components for android devices. This small library allows developers to quickly create an app with frequently required features. A small demonstration how to customize and put all components together highly possible.

Note: QT Quick presentation starts after QGIS SWOT will be completely finished.

Stream leader: Viktor Sklencar

Proposed schedule: 23/02 ~17:30 -


# Name Email
1 Viktor Sklencar viktor dot sklencar at lutraconsulting dot co dot uk
2 Luigi Pirelli luipir AT gmail DOT com
3 Régis Haubourg regis dot haubourg at oslandia dot com
4 Nelson Silva nelson dot jgs at gmail dot com
5 David Signer [email protected]

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom client download:

YouTube Video

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own computer (and power supply!). In Portugal, the power sockets are the same as almost all European countries, called type F, Schuko or CEE 7/3 socket.
  • Bring your walking shoes/bike/swimming suit/paddle board



About the area

Official Madeira tourism web site:

The island of Madeira has a surface area of 459 square miles (741 km2), (35 miles long and 13 miles wide).

Thanks to their excellent geographical location and mountainous relief, these islands have surprisingly balmy weather, with moderate humidity and pleasant average temperatures of 25ºC in the summer and 17ºC in the winter. The sea temperature is also very mild, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream, averaging 22ºC in the summer and 18ºC in the winter.

The archipelago is located in the African Plate in the Atlantic Ocean between latitude 30 ° and 33 °N, basically at the same latitude as Casablanca, 978 km southwest of Lisbon, about 700 km west of the African coast, and 450 km north of the Canary Islands.

This archipelago is formed by the Madeira Island with an area of 740.7 km², Porto Santo with 42.5 km², the Desertas Islands with a total of 14.2 km² comprising the three uninhabited islands, and by the Selvagens Islands whose set of 3 islands and sixteen uninhabited islets make up an area of 3.6 km². Of the eight islands, only the two largest (Madeira and Porto Santo) are inhabited and can be accessed via the Madeira Airport in Funchal and Porto Santo Airport.

Funchal, the capital city of Madeira, has access by sea, through a port with a modern station that stands out on the national scene, with regard to cruising. More than half a million passengers disembark here per year. The remaining islands are nature reserves. For hundreds of years, Funchal was the only city of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, until 5 other cities gained this status between the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the next century: Câmara de Lobos, Caniço, Machico, Santana and Vila Baleira.

The island of Madeira has a very rugged terrain, with the highest point being Pico Ruivo (1,862 m), the Pico das Torres (1,851 m) and Pico do Arieiro (1,818 m), respectively the third, fourth and fifth highest points of Portugal. The northern coast is dominated by high cliffs and in the western part of the island you find a plateau region, the Paul da Serra with altitudes between 1,300 and 1,500 m.

Top 10 places to visit:


What to do:

Clone this wiki locally