To install GoFast package, you need to install Go and set your Go workspace first.
The first need Go installed (version 1.20+ is required), then you can use the below Go command to install GoFast.
$ go get -u github.com/qinchende/gofast
# assume the following codes in example.go file
$ cat main.go
import (
var handler = func(str string) func(c *fst.Context) {
return func(c *fst.Context) {
var handlerRender = func(str string) func(c *fst.Context) {
return func(c *fst.Context) {
c.FaiData(cst.KV{"data": str})
func main() {
appCfg := &fst.GfConfig{
RunMode: "debug",
_ = conf.LoadConfigFromJsonBytes(&appCfg.WebConfig, []byte("{}"))
_ = conf.LoadConfigFromJsonBytes(&appCfg.LogConfig, []byte("{}"))
_ = conf.LoadConfigFromJsonBytes(&appCfg.SdxConfig, []byte("{}"))
appCfg.WebConfig.PrintRouteTrees = true
appCfg.LogConfig.LogLevel = "debug"
appCfg.LogConfig.FileFolder = "_logs_"
app := fst.CreateServer(appCfg)
// 拦截器,微服务治理 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
app.UseHttpHandler(func(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println("app enter before 1")
next(w, r)
log.Println("app enter after 1")
app.Before(sdx.PmsParser) // 解析请求参数,构造 ctx.Pms
// 根路由
app.Reg404(func(c *fst.Context) {
c.Json(http.StatusNotFound, "404-Can't find the path.")
app.Reg405(func(c *fst.Context) {
c.Json(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "405-Method not allowed.")
// ++ (用这种方法可以模拟中间件需要上下文变量的场景)
app.Before(func(c *fst.Context) {
c.Set("nowTime", time.Now())
//time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
app.After(func(c *fst.Context) {
// 处理后获取消耗时间
val, exist := c.Get("nowTime")
if exist {
costTime := time.Since(val.(time.Time)) / time.Millisecond
fmt.Printf("The request cost %dms", costTime)
// ++ end
// curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"data":"bmc","nick":"yes"}'
// curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// -X POST --data "data=bmc&nick=yes"
type MyData struct {
Data string `v:"must,len=[1:16]"`
Nick string `v:"must,len=[1:32]"`
app.Post("/root", func(c *fst.Context) {
var myData MyData
c.PanicIfErr(c.BindAndValid(&myData), "数据解析错误")
log.Printf("%v %+v %#v\n", myData, myData, myData)
ids, _ := c.GetString("ids")
firstname := c.GetStringDef("first", "Guest")
lastname := c.GetStringMust("last")
message := c.GetStringMust("data")
nick := c.GetStringDef("nick", "anonymous")
//names := c.PostFormMap("names")
"message": message,
"nick": nick,
"first": firstname,
"last": lastname,
"ids": ids,
//"data": myData,
//c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("file uploaded!"))
//c.JSON(http.StatusOK, myData)
//app.Post("/root", handler("root"))
app.Before(handler("before root")).After(handler("after root"))
// 分组路由1
adm := app.Group("/admin")
adm.After(handler("after group admin")).Before(handler("before group admin"))
tst := adm.Get("/sdx", handlerRender("handle sdx"))
// 添加路由处理事件
tst.Before(handler("before tst_url"))
tst.After(handler("after tst_url"))
tst.BeforeSend(handler("beforeSend tst_url"))
tst.AfterSend(handler("afterSend tst_url"))
// 分组路由2
adm2 := app.Group("/admin2").Before(handler("before admin2"))
adm2.Get("/zht", handler("zht")).After(handler("after zht"))
adm22 := adm2.Group("/group2").Before(handler("before group2"))
adm22.Get("/lmx", handler("lmx")).Before(handler("before lmx"))
// 应用级事件
app.OnReady(func(fast *fst.GoFast) {
log.Println("App OnReady Call.")
log.Printf("Listening and serving HTTP on %s\n", "")
app.OnClose(func(fast *fst.GoFast) {
log.Println("App OnClose Call.")
// 开始监听接收请求
# run main.go and visit website on browser
$ go run main.go
API server listening at:
2024/08/22 15:22:21 Current GoFast version: v0.5.0.20240306.2
2024/08/22 15:22:21 App OnReady Call.
2024/08/22 15:22:21 Listening and serving HTTP on
[08-22 15:22:21][debug]: POST /root main.main.func6 (1 hds)
[08-22 15:22:21][debug]: GET /admin/sdx main.init.func2.1 (1 hds)
[08-22 15:22:21][debug]: GET /admin2/zht main.init.func1.1 (1 hds)
[08-22 15:22:21][debug]: GET /admin2/group2/lmx main.init.func1.1 (1 hds)
+++++++++++++++The route tree:
└── /admin [0-/2]
├── /sdx [1]
└── 2/ [0-zg]
├── zht [1]
└── group2/lmx [1]
└── /root [1]
2024/08/22 15:41:07 app enter before 1
2024/08/22 15:41:07 before root
2024/08/22 15:41:07 before group admin
2024/08/22 15:41:07 before tst_url
2024/08/22 15:41:07 handle sdx
2024/08/22 15:41:07 beforeSend tst_url
2024/08/22 15:41:07 afterSend tst_url
2024/08/22 15:41:07 after tst_url
2024/08/22 15:41:07 after group admin
2024/08/22 15:41:07 after root
2024/08/22 15:41:07 app enter after 1
The request cost 0ms
[GET] /admin/sdx ( 15:41:07) [200/63/0]
B: {}
P: {"nowTime":"2024-08-22T15:41:07+08:00"}
R: {"status":"fai","code":0,"msg":"","data":{"data":"handle sdx"}}
app.OnReady(func(fast *fst.GoFast) {
log.Println("App OnReady Call.")
log.Printf("Listening and serving HTTP on %s\n", "")
app.OnClose(func(fast *fst.GoFast) {
log.Println("App OnClose Call.")
tst.Before(handler("before tst_url"))
tst.After(handler("after tst_url"))
tst.PreSend(handler("preSend tst_url"))
tst.AfterSend(handler("afterSend tst_url"))
func QueryUserCache(c *fst.Context) {
userId := c.GetIntMust("user_id")
var ccUser acc.SysUser
ct := cf.DDemo.QueryPrimaryCache(&ccUser, userId)
userId += 1
var ccUser2 acc.SysUser
ct = cf.DDemo.QueryPrimaryCache(&ccUser2, userId)
//kvs := make(cst.KV)
//ct := cf.DDemo.QuerySqlRow(&kvs, "select * from sys_user where id=?;", userId)
if ct > 0 {
c.SucData(cst.KV{"name1": ccUser.Name, "name2": ccUser2.Name})
// c.SucData(kvs)
} else {
c.FaiMsg("can't find the record")
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.