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autobot (UofT ROB1514 Project)

This project is to run turtlebot using ROS on a prebuilt .pgm map autonomous. Explore all the areas in the map to find QR code and then scan/decode the QR code. At the end, come back to the charging station and perform autodock, speak all the words in a meaningful sentence.

Running project in gazebo simulation:

Running on ubuntu 16.04 LTS: (VM works too)

  1. Source rob1514 and rob1514_simulation package
$ source ~/autobot/devel/setup.bash
  1. Launch competition world simulation. After gazebo window open, click Reset Time button in gazebo to reset the Sim Time.
$ roslaunch rob1514_simulation competition.launch 
  1. Launch amcl with proper map yaml file
$ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=/home/qingqing/autobot/maps/utias-sim-7.yaml
  1. Launch rviz
 roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_navigation.launch 
  1. Launch autobot project
$ roslaunch rob1514 autobot_sim.launch

Running whole project using launch file:

Running on robot notebook:

  1. Source rob1514 package
$ source ~/autobot/devel/setup.bash
  1. Run basic turtlebot bringup, navigation stack and amcl with the prebuilt pgm map
$ roslaunch rob1514 turtlebot_nav_basic.launch
  1. Run autobot rob1514 nodes
$ roslaunch rob1514 autobot.launch

Flow Control:

  • is used to control the whole process with regard to time
  • subscribes to nav_result and qr_word topics in order to receive the decoded QR code and navigation result from navigate_to_point
  • takes 3 arguments: mode, return time and speak time. mode can be 'normal' or 'fake' ('fake' is used to run simulation with fake data). return time is an integer in second to specify the maximum time allowed before going to the return trip. speak time is used to specifiy the maximum time allowed to speak the sentence.

Running on robot notebook:

Below is an example with return time as 30 seconds and speak time as 40 seconds. It's running in normal mode.

$ rosrun rob1514 'normal-30-40'


  • Use ROS Navigation Stack as base to feed commands to move_base
  • Localization uses particle filter implemented in amcl
  • Navigation is built based on actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction)
  • Global planner is a list of predefined waypoints in json format. All the points will feed into navigate_to_point in order. Therefore, the robot will move along a series of mid-destinations and eventually reach the final goal
  • A list of waypoints provided separately and used by Waypoints are stored in robo1514/launch/waypoints.json

Running on robot notebook: runs as a action server and takes a goal and send to navigation stack.

$ rosrun rob1514 reads all the waypoints from a json file and send these waypoints one by one in order to also takes an argument for initial delay. As soon as all the waypoints have been completed, a "GotoDock" message will be published. Once the navigate_to_point service server boot up and ready to accept points, run below (120 is the initial delay in seconds. in this case, point_feeder will wait for 120 seconds at the beginning before sending the waypoints):

$ rosrun rob1514 'path_to_json_file' 120


  • is used to active auto-docking process
  • subscribes to nav_result. As soon as "GotoDock" message is received from, the autodock will be activated.

Running on robot notebook:

$ rosrun rob1514 activate_autodock

QR code scan, decode and form meaningful sentence procedure:

Running on robot notebook:

  • Option 1: using launch file: it will launch two QR reporter. One uses notebook's camera and the other uses astra camera from the robot base. With two cameras, we increaase the possiblility of scanning QR code. But it might affect the performance of navigation and localization.
$ roslaunch rob1514 qr_sentence.launch
  • Option 2: run nodes individually:
  1. A node qr_reporter will publish scanned-decoded word onto topic qr_word every 1 second with all the currently collected words. Message format: word1, word2, word3, ....

Reporter accepts two mode: normal, fake. In normal mode, reporter uses physical interface for camera and speaker. In fake mode, no camera or speaker involved and it's used for communication logic testing only.

$ rosrun rob1514 'normal' --screen
$ rosrun rob1514 'fake' --screen
  1. A node speaker will listen on the topic sentence for the correct sentence to speak. This node will use text to speech python package pyttsx3 and audio card to speak out the sentence. Message format (std_msgs/String): The meaningful sentence is here
$ rosrun rob1514

Running on remote workstation:

  1. Display current published messages on the topic qr_word
$ rostopic echo /qr_word
  1. (manual task) Manually look at all the qr_word and come up with a meaningful sentence.

  2. Send the meaningful sentence back to the robot on the topic sentence

$ rostopic pub sentence std_msgs/String "The meaningful sentence is here"

Sentence Formation:

We are using Google Search API to find the meaningful sentence based on given words (from scanned QR codes). The implementation is based on the Google-Search-API python library.

Current implementation will send a query with scanned words and collect 3 search results. After parsing the results' description, extract the part of the sentence that matches the scanned words.