this is launchpad user control for wpf.
It contains follow functions
- ButtonPress Event
- Move, Mode, Chain, Mixer, Function ButtonPress Event
- MultiSelect (Drag and Press)
- Input and Output Methods
- Note, Control On, Off
- Button Size, Style (Currently fixing)
- Press Color and Board Color
Launchpad Size : MK2 = (340, 340) / Pro = (380, 380)
C# Version
- Net5.0 wpf (Netframwork version will add later)
- MouseKeyHook/5.6.0v for MultiSelect Funtion
- midi-dot-net2/2.0.1v for Connect midi to launchpad
Add library to use control
<lp:Launchpad_Pro x:Name="LpPro" ButtonPressed="LpPro_ButtonPressed"
// Received as RoutedEventArgs and converted to ButtonPressedEventArgs
private void LpPro_ButtonPressed(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var er = e as ButtonPressEventArgs;
// Require connect midi
// See for color value
lp.NotePress(er.PressedLocation, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), 3);
- Preview