In order to train the DeepPicar models the following Python modules are required:
$ pip install tensorflow numpy pandas scikit-learn opencv-python tensorflow-model-optimization
The model architecture can be set by changing the modelname field in any
modelname = "pilotnet"
For example, to train the PilotNet model with Depthwise Separable layers, change "pilotnet" to "pilotnet_depthwise".
We assume that all datasets are located in a directory named "Datasets/" with the following structure:
|____<dataset #1>
| |____<epoch #1>
| | | out_video.avi
| | | out_key.avi
| |____<epoch #2>
| | ...
|____<dataset #2>
| ...
The dataset used for training can then be changed in any
dataset="<dataset #1>" # Replace with actual dataset name
The datasets used to train the models in the paper can be found at:
- Real-world dataset:
- Udacity simulator dataset:
To create both Keras and TFLite models for the chosen architecture, run the following:
$ python
To create a TFLiteMicro compatible model representation, run the following command inside the desired models directory:
$ xxd -i quant-model.tflite <model-name>.cc
Where is the name of the new file.
To perform a NAS for a given model backbone/dataset combination, the following commands can be run:
$ python <max_MACs>
$ python
$ ./ <dataset_name>
Note: The NAS process can be resource intensive in terms of system and GPU memory. In the paper, we used a PC with 64GB of system memory and a GPU with 10GB of memory.
Detailed instructions can be found in the Pico directory.
Detailed instructions can be found in the UdacitySim directory.