Simplify deployments and interactions with the QuantCDN API by using the support cli tool.
The preferred method for installation is via npm.
npm i -g @quantcdn/quant-cli
or locally to a project
npm i -D @quantcdn/quant-cli
$ quant <command>
quant crawl Crawl and push an entire domain
quant deploy [dir] Deploy the output of a static generator
quant file <file> <location> Deploy a single asset
quant info Give info based on current configuration
quant init Initialise a project in the current directory
quant page <file> <location> Make a local page asset available via Quant
quant proxy <path> <origin> [status] Create a proxy to allow traffic directly to
[basicAuthUser] [basicAuthPass] origin
quant redirect <from> <to> [status] [author] Create a redirect
quant unpublish <path> Unpublish an asset
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--clientid, -c Project customer id for QuantCDN [string]
--project, -p Project name for QuantCDN [string]
--token, -t Project token for QuantCDN [string]
--endpoint, -e API endpoint for QuantCDN [string] [default: ""]
Please refer to the "get started" guide for more details on getting set up.
Quant accepts options or will ready configuration values from a quant.json
file in the current directory.
$ quant init
An interactive walk-through for configuring your API connection.
$ quant info
Customer: quant
Project: dev-docs
Token: ****
✅✅✅ Successfully connected to dev-docs
Automated via CodeFresh for all PRs and mainline branches.
$ npm run lint
$ npm run test
Issues and feature requests are managed via Github and pull requests are welcomed.