Versions 3.x.x. work only with Kodi 19 and newer. For Kodi 17 and 18 use 2.12.4 versions.
The most notable features:
- feature to choose video quality before playing
- configurable start screen items
- custom context menu items: "Will watch", "Mark as seen", "Change bookmarks", " comments"
- watch and resume points are synced across multiple devices
- folders "Hot" and "Watching"
- support of
- support of 4k
- support of inputstream.adaptive add-on
- search history
- HTTP and SOCKS proxy support
- localization on en_gb, ru_ru, uk_ua
In order to automatically receive updates enable Kodi add-on repository and install the add-on from it:
- download the repo addon from
- go to "Add-on manager"
- choose "Install from ZIP file"
- go to "Add-on manager"
- choose "Install from repository"
- go to " Add-on Repository" / "Video add-ons" / ""
- download the latest version here
- go to Add-on manager
- choose "Install from ZIP file"