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Introduce support for the most common features of Spring Security's @…
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geoand committed Nov 29, 2019
1 parent 1fd0274 commit 02f3563
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* Used as an integration point when extensions need to customize the security behavior of a bean
* The ResultHandle that is returned by function needs to be an instance of SecurityCheck
public final class AdditionalSecurityCheckBuildItem extends MultiBuildItem {

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class SecurityCheckInstantiationUtil {
private SecurityCheckInstantiationUtil() {

public static Function<BytecodeCreator, ResultHandle> rolesAllowedSecurityCheck(final String[] rolesAllowed) {
public static Function<BytecodeCreator, ResultHandle> rolesAllowedSecurityCheck(String... rolesAllowed) {
return new Function<BytecodeCreator, ResultHandle>() {
public ResultHandle apply(BytecodeCreator creator) {
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public class AuthData {
public final Set<String> roles;
public final boolean anonymous;
public final String name;

public AuthData(Set<String> roles, boolean anonymous) {
public AuthData(Set<String> roles, boolean anonymous, String name) {
this.roles = roles;
this.anonymous = anonymous; = name;
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public class IdentityMock implements SecurityIdentity {

public static final AuthData ANONYMOUS = new AuthData(null, true);
public static final AuthData USER = new AuthData(Collections.singleton("user"), false);
public static final AuthData ADMIN = new AuthData(Collections.singleton("admin"), false);
public static final AuthData ANONYMOUS = new AuthData(null, true, null);
public static final AuthData USER = new AuthData(Collections.singleton("user"), false, "user");
public static final AuthData ADMIN = new AuthData(Collections.singleton("admin"), false, "admin");

private static volatile boolean anonymous;
private static volatile Set<String> roles;
private static volatile String name;

public static void setUpAuth(AuthData auth) {
IdentityMock.anonymous = auth.anonymous;
IdentityMock.roles = auth.roles; =;

public Principal getPrincipal() {
return () -> "whatever";
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return name;

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion extensions/spring-security/deployment/pom.xml
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import static io.quarkus.gizmo.FieldDescriptor.of;
import static io.quarkus.gizmo.MethodDescriptor.ofConstructor;
import static io.quarkus.gizmo.MethodDescriptor.ofMethod;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.jboss.jandex.ClassInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.DotName;
import org.jboss.jandex.IndexView;
import org.jboss.jandex.MethodInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.Type;

import io.quarkus.arc.Arc;
import io.quarkus.arc.ArcContainer;
import io.quarkus.arc.InstanceHandle;
import io.quarkus.deployment.util.HashUtil;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.BranchResult;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.BytecodeCreator;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.ClassCreator;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.ClassOutput;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.DescriptorUtils;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.FieldDescriptor;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.MethodCreator;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.MethodDescriptor;
import io.quarkus.gizmo.ResultHandle;

class BeanMethodInvocationGenerator {

private static final String METHOD_PARAMETER_REGEX = "#(\\w+)";
private static final Pattern METHOD_PARAMETER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(METHOD_PARAMETER_REGEX);

private final IndexView index;
private final Map<String, DotName> springBeansNameToDotName;
private final Map<String, ClassInfo> springBeansNameToClassInfo;
private final Set<String> beansReferencedInPreAuthorized;
private final ClassOutput classOutput;

private final Map<String, String> alreadyGeneratedClasses = new HashMap<>();

public BeanMethodInvocationGenerator(IndexView index, Map<String, DotName> springBeansNameToDotName,
Map<String, ClassInfo> springBeansNameToClassInfo, Set<String> beansReferencedInPreAuthorized,
ClassOutput classOutput) {
this.index = index;
this.springBeansNameToDotName = springBeansNameToDotName;
this.springBeansNameToClassInfo = springBeansNameToClassInfo;
this.beansReferencedInPreAuthorized = beansReferencedInPreAuthorized;
this.classOutput = classOutput;

* Returns the name of the generated class that implements the security check
* The generated class is an implementation of {@link AbstractBeanMethodSecurityCheck}
* that simply calls the proper bean method with the correct arguments
final String generateSecurityCheck(String expression, MethodInfo securedMethodInfo) {
String paramTypesDescriptor = getParamTypesDescriptor(securedMethodInfo);
int parametersStartIndex = expression.indexOf('(');
int parametersEndIndex = expression.indexOf(')');
String[] beanMethodArgumentExpressions = {};
if (parametersEndIndex > parametersStartIndex + 1) {
beanMethodArgumentExpressions = expression.substring(parametersStartIndex + 1, parametersEndIndex).split(",");
* We need to make sure the cache key contains the both the expression and the parameter types of the method
* on which the SecurityCheck will apply
* This is because the generated security check takes into account the parameter types in order to create the
* proper calls to the bean method.
* If however the expressions indicated that no parameters are passed to the bean method, we can just use the
* expression as the cache key
String cacheKey = beanMethodArgumentExpressions.length > 0 ? expression + "-" + paramTypesDescriptor : expression;

String cachedGeneratedClassName = alreadyGeneratedClasses.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedGeneratedClassName != null) {
return cachedGeneratedClassName;

Matcher matcher = BASIC_BEAN_METHOD_INVOCATION_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
if (!matcher.find()) { // should never happen
throw createGenericMalformedException(securedMethodInfo, expression);

String beanName =;
ClassInfo beanClassInfo = getClassInfoFromBeanName(beanName, index,
springBeansNameToDotName, springBeansNameToClassInfo, expression, securedMethodInfo);

String beanMethodName =;
MethodInfo matchingBeanMethod = determineMatchingBeanMethod(beanMethodName, beanMethodArgumentExpressions.length,
beanClassInfo, securedMethodInfo, expression, beanName);

String generatedClassName = "" + + "_"
+ HashUtil.sha1(cacheKey) + "_CheckFor_" + beanMethodName;
try (ClassCreator cc = ClassCreator.builder()
.build()) {

* The generated classes will have a static getInstance method that will allow the creation of a single instance
* This is done to avoid creating multiple objects for the same expression

FieldDescriptor instanceField = of(generatedClassName, "INSTANCE", generatedClassName);
cc.getFieldCreator(instanceField).setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PRIVATE);

try (MethodCreator getInstance = cc.getMethodCreator("getInstance", generatedClassName)
.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
ResultHandle instance = getInstance.readStaticField(instanceField);
BranchResult instanceNullBranch = getInstance.ifNull(instance);
BytecodeCreator instanceNullTrue = instanceNullBranch.trueBranch();
ResultHandle newInstance = instanceNullTrue.newInstance(ofConstructor(generatedClassName));
instanceNullTrue.writeStaticField(instanceField, newInstance);

try (MethodCreator check = cc.getMethodCreator("check", boolean.class, SecurityIdentity.class, Object[].class)
.setModifiers(Modifier.PROTECTED)) {
ResultHandle arcContainer = check
.invokeStaticMethod(ofMethod(Arc.class, "container", ArcContainer.class));
ResultHandle instanceHandle = check.invokeInterfaceMethod(
ofMethod(ArcContainer.class, "instance", InstanceHandle.class, String.class),
arcContainer, check.load(beanName));
ResultHandle bean = check
.invokeInterfaceMethod(ofMethod(InstanceHandle.class, "get", Object.class), instanceHandle);
ResultHandle castedBean = check.checkCast(bean,;
ResultHandle[] argHandles = new ResultHandle[beanMethodArgumentExpressions.length];

for (int i = 0; i < beanMethodArgumentExpressions.length; i++) {
String argumentExpression = beanMethodArgumentExpressions[i];
String trimmedArgumentExpression = argumentExpression.trim();
if (argumentExpression.startsWith("'") && argumentExpression.endsWith("'")) { // hard coded string case
if (!DotNames.STRING.equals(matchingBeanMethod.parameters().get(i).name())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter with index " + i + " of method '" + beanMethodName
+ "' found in expression '" + trimmedArgumentExpression
+ "' in the @PreAuthorize annotation on method " + + " of class "
+ securedMethodInfo.declaringClass() + " is not of type String");

argHandles[i] = check.load(argumentExpression.replace("'", ""));
} else if (trimmedArgumentExpression.matches(METHOD_PARAMETER_REGEX)) { // secured method's parameter case
Matcher parameterMatcher = METHOD_PARAMETER_PATTERN.matcher(trimmedArgumentExpression);
if (!parameterMatcher.find()) { // should never happen
throw createGenericMalformedException(securedMethodInfo, expression);

// this is the index index of the parameter we care about
int parameterIndex = getParameterIndex(securedMethodInfo,, expression);

DotName expectedType = securedMethodInfo.parameters().get(parameterIndex).name();
if (!matchingBeanMethod.parameters().get(i).name().equals(expectedType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter with index " + i + " of method '" + beanMethodName
+ "' found in expression '" + trimmedArgumentExpression
+ "' in the @PreAuthorize annotation on method " + + " of class "
+ securedMethodInfo.declaringClass() + " is not of type " + expectedType);

* the check method from AbstractBeanMethodSecurityCheck contains all parameters in an object array
* so we need to use that to read the value at runtime
ResultHandle methodArgsArrays = check.getMethodParam(1);
argHandles[i] = check.readArrayValue(methodArgsArrays, parameterIndex);
} else if (trimmedArgumentExpression.matches("(authentication.)?principal.username")) { // username use case
ResultHandle securityIdentity = check.getMethodParam(0);
ResultHandle principal = check.invokeInterfaceMethod(
ofMethod(SecurityIdentity.class, "getPrincipal", Principal.class), securityIdentity);

if (!DotNames.STRING.equals(matchingBeanMethod.parameters().get(i).name())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter with index " + i + " of method '" + beanMethodName
+ "' found in expression '" + trimmedArgumentExpression
+ "' in the @PreAuthorize annotation on method " + + " of class "
+ securedMethodInfo.declaringClass() + " is not of type String");

ResultHandle username = check
.invokeInterfaceMethod(ofMethod(Principal.class, "getName", String.class), principal);
argHandles[i] = username;
} else {
throw createGenericMalformedException(securedMethodInfo, expression);

ResultHandle result;
if (Modifier.isInterface(matchingBeanMethod.declaringClass().flags())) {
result = check.invokeInterfaceMethod(MethodDescriptor.of(matchingBeanMethod), castedBean, argHandles);
} else {
result = check.invokeVirtualMethod(MethodDescriptor.of(matchingBeanMethod), castedBean, argHandles);


alreadyGeneratedClasses.put(cacheKey, generatedClassName);
return generatedClassName;

private String getParamTypesDescriptor(MethodInfo securedMethodInfo) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("(");
for (Type type : securedMethodInfo.parameters()) {
return sb.toString();

private MethodInfo determineMatchingBeanMethod(String methodName, int methodParametersSize, ClassInfo beanClassInfo,
MethodInfo securedMethodInfo, String expression, String beanName) {
MethodInfo matchingBeanClassMethod = null;
for (MethodInfo candidateMethod : beanClassInfo.methods()) {
if ( &&
Modifier.isPublic(candidateMethod.flags()) &&
DotNames.PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN.equals(candidateMethod.returnType().name()) &&
candidateMethod.parameters().size() == methodParametersSize) {
if (matchingBeanClassMethod == null) {
matchingBeanClassMethod = candidateMethod;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Could not match a unique method name '" + methodName + "' for bean named " + beanName
+ " with class " + + " Offending expression is " +
expression + " of @PreAuthorize on method '" + methodName + "' of class "
+ securedMethodInfo.declaringClass());
if (matchingBeanClassMethod == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Could not find a public, boolean returning method named '" + methodName + "' for bean named " + beanName
+ " with class " + + " Offending expression is " +
expression + " of @PreAuthorize on method '" + methodName + "' of class "
+ securedMethodInfo.declaringClass());
return matchingBeanClassMethod;

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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jboss.jandex.DotName;

public final class DotNames {

static final DotName STRING = DotName.createSimple(String.class.getName());
static final DotName PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN = DotName.createSimple(boolean.class.getName());

static final DotName SPRING_SECURED = DotName.createSimple(Secured.class.getName());
static final DotName SPRING_PRE_AUTHORIZE = DotName.createSimple(PreAuthorize.class.getName());

static final Set<DotName> SUPPORTED_SPRING_SECURITY_ANNOTATIONS = new HashSet<>(

private DotNames() {
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