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support reading configuration from Kubernetes Secrets
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The `kubernetes` extension automatically generates a RoleBinding
that refers to the `view` ClusterRole. This ClusterRole doesn't
allow access to secrets. This commit therefore adds a configuration
property which, when enabled, makes the `kubernetes` extension
generate a special Role `view-secrets` and a second RoleBinding
referring to that role. This configuration property is build-time
only and has no other effect.

With this configuration in place, there's nothing preventing
the application from reading Secrets directly from the API server.

For convenience, a warning is printed at runtime if configuration
is read from Secrets yet the property is disabled.
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Ladicek committed Jul 29, 2020
1 parent 2d1f4ee commit 29c6d11
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Showing 17 changed files with 374 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bom/application/pom.xml
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25 changes: 17 additions & 8 deletions docs/src/main/asciidoc/kubernetes-config.adoc
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Quarkus includes the `kubernetes-config` extension which allows developers to use Kubernetes[ConfigMaps] as a configuration source, without having to mount the ConfigMaps into the[Pod] running the Quarkus application.
Quarkus includes the `kubernetes-config` extension which allows developers to use Kubernetes[ConfigMaps] and[Secrets] as a configuration source, without having to mount them into the[Pod] running the Quarkus application.

== Configuration
Expand All @@ -33,19 +33,23 @@ This will add the following to your `pom.xml`:

== Usage

The extension works by reading ConfigMaps directly from the Kubernetes API server using the link:kubernetes-client[Kubernetes Client].
The extension works by reading ConfigMaps and Secrets directly from the Kubernetes API server using the link:kubernetes-client[Kubernetes Client].

The extension understands the following types of ConfigMaps as input sources:
The extension understands the following types of ConfigMaps and Secrets as input sources:

* ConfigMaps that contain literal data (see[this] for an example on how to create one)
* ConfigMaps created from files named, ``, `application.yaml` or `application.yml` (see[this] for an example on how to create one).
* ConfigMaps and Secrets that contain literal data (see[this] for an example on how to create one)
* ConfigMaps and Secrets created from files named ``, `application.yaml` or `application.yml` (see[this] for an example on how to create one).

To configure which ConfigMaps (from the namespace that the application runs in, or the explicitly configured namespace via `quarkus.kubernetes-client.namespace`), you can set the `quarkus.kubernetes-config.config-maps` property (in any of the usual Quarkus ways). If access to ConfigMaps from a specific namespace you can set the
`quarkus.kubernetes-config.namespace` property. Keep in mind however that you will also have to explicitly enable the retrieval of ConfigMaps by setting `quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled=true` (the default is `false` in order to make it easy to test the application locally).
You have to explicitly enable the retrieval of ConfigMaps and Secrets by setting `quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled=true`.
The default is `false` in order to make it easy to test the application locally.

Afterwards, set the `quarkus.kubernetes-config.configmaps` property to configure which ConfigMaps should be used.
Set the `quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets` property to configure which Secrets should be used.
To access ConfigMaps and Secrets from a specific namespace, you can set the `quarkus.kubernetes-config.namespace` property.

=== Priority of obtained properties

The properties obtained from the ConfigMaps have a higher priority (i.e. they override) any properties of the same name that are found in `` (or the YAML equivalents), but they have lower priority than properties set via Environment Variables or Java System Properties.
The properties obtained from the ConfigMaps and Secrets have a higher priority than (i.e. they override) any properties of the same name that are found in `` (or the YAML equivalents), but they have lower priority than properties set via Environment Variables or Java System Properties.

=== Kubernetes Permissions

Expand All @@ -54,6 +58,11 @@ that is used to run the application needs to have the proper permissions for suc

Thankfully, when using the `kubernetes-config` extension along with the link:deploying-to-kubernetes[Kubernetes] extension, all the necessary Kubernetes resources to make that happen are automatically generated.

==== Secrets

By default, the link:deploying-to-kubernetes[Kubernetes] extension doesn't generate the necessary resources to allow accessing secrets.
Set `quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled=true` to generate the necessary role and corresponding role binding.

== Configuration Reference

include::{generated-dir}/config/quarkus-kubernetes-config-kubernetes-config-source-config.adoc[opts=optional, leveloffset=+1]
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import io.quarkus.deployment.util.JandexUtil;
import io.quarkus.jackson.deployment.IgnoreJsonDeserializeClassBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime.KubernetesClientProducer;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi.KubernetesRoleBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi.KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem;

public class KubernetesClientProcessor {

Expand All @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ public class KubernetesClientProcessor {
BuildProducer<IgnoreJsonDeserializeClassBuildItem> ignoredJsonDeserializationClasses;

BuildProducer<KubernetesRoleBuildItem> roleProducer;
BuildProducer<KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem> roleBindingProducer;

public void process(ApplicationIndexBuildItem applicationIndex, CombinedIndexBuildItem combinedIndexBuildItem,
BuildProducer<ExtensionSslNativeSupportBuildItem> sslNativeSupport,
BuildProducer<AdditionalBeanBuildItem> additionalBeanBuildItemBuildItem) {

featureProducer.produce(new FeatureBuildItem(Feature.KUBERNETES_CLIENT));
roleProducer.produce(new KubernetesRoleBuildItem("view"));
roleBindingProducer.produce(new KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem("view", true));

// make sure the watchers fully (and not weakly) register Kubernetes classes for reflection
final Set<DotName> watchedClasses = new HashSet<>();
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package io.quarkus.kubernetes.config.deployment;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

import org.jboss.logmanager.Level;

import io.quarkus.deployment.annotations.BuildProducer;
Expand All @@ -9,8 +12,11 @@
import io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.LogCategoryBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.RunTimeConfigurationSourceValueBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime.KubernetesClientBuildConfig;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime.KubernetesConfigBuildTimeConfig;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime.KubernetesConfigRecorder;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime.KubernetesConfigSourceConfig;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi.KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi.KubernetesRoleBuildItem;

public class KubernetesConfigProcessor {

Expand All @@ -22,6 +28,25 @@ public RunTimeConfigurationSourceValueBuildItem configure(KubernetesConfigRecord
recorder.configSources(config, clientConfig));

public void handleAccessToSecrets(KubernetesConfigSourceConfig config,
KubernetesConfigBuildTimeConfig buildTimeConfig,
BuildProducer<KubernetesRoleBuildItem> roleProducer,
BuildProducer<KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem> roleBindingProducer,
KubernetesConfigRecorder recorder) {
if (buildTimeConfig.secretsEnabled) {
roleProducer.produce(new KubernetesRoleBuildItem("view-secrets", Collections.singletonList(
new KubernetesRoleBuildItem.PolicyRule(
Arrays.asList("get", "list", "watch")))));
roleBindingProducer.produce(new KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem("view-secrets", false));

recorder.warnAboutSecrets(config, buildTimeConfig);

// done in order to ensure that http logs aren't shown by default which happens because of the interplay between
// not yet setup logging (as the bootstrap config runs before logging is setup) and the configuration
// of the okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor by io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.HttpClientUtils
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package io.quarkus.kubernetes.client.runtime;

import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigItem;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigPhase;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigRoot;

@ConfigRoot(name = "kubernetes-config", phase = ConfigPhase.BUILD_TIME)
public class KubernetesConfigBuildTimeConfig {
* Whether or not configuration can be read from secrets.
* If set to {@code true}, Kubernetes resources allowing access to secrets (role and role binding) will be generated.
@ConfigItem(name = "secrets.enabled", defaultValue = "false")
public boolean secretsEnabled;
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,17 @@ public RuntimeValue<ConfigSourceProvider> configSources(KubernetesConfigSourceCo

public void warnAboutSecrets(KubernetesConfigSourceConfig config, KubernetesConfigBuildTimeConfig buildTimeConfig) {
if (config.enabled
&& config.secrets.isPresent()
&& !config.secrets.get().isEmpty()
&& !buildTimeConfig.secretsEnabled) {
log.warn("Configuration is read from Secrets " + config.secrets.get()
+ ", but quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled is false."
+ " Check if your application's service account has enough permissions to read secrets.");

private RuntimeValue<ConfigSourceProvider> emptyRuntimeValue() {
return new RuntimeValue<>(new EmptyConfigSourceProvider());
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Expand Up @@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ public class KubernetesConfigSourceConfig {
public Optional<List<String>> configMaps;

* Secrets to look for in the namespace that the Kubernetes Client has been configured for
* Secrets to look for in the namespace that the Kubernetes Client has been configured for.
* If you use this, you probably want to enable {@code quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled}.
public Optional<List<String>> secrets;

* Namespace to look for config maps and secrets. If this is not specified, then the namespace configured in the kubectl config context
* is used. If the value is specified and the namespace doesn't exist, the application will fail to start.
* Namespace to look for config maps and secrets. If this is not specified, then the namespace configured in the kubectl
* config context is used. If the value is specified and the namespace doesn't exist, the application will fail to start.
public Optional<String> namespace;
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ public Iterable<ConfigSource> getConfigSources(ClassLoader forClassLoader) {
if (config.secrets.isPresent()) {
// TODO generate a role with permissions to read secrets, and a role binding for that role
return result;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +118,8 @@ private void logMissingOrFail(String name, String namespace, String type, boolea
String message = type + " '" + name + "' not found";
if (namespace == null) {
message = message
+ ". No Kubernetes namespace was set (most likely because the application is running outside the Kubernetes cluster). Consider setting 'quarkus.kubernetes-client.namespace=my-namespace' to specify the namespace in which to look up the " + type;
+ ". No Kubernetes namespace was set (most likely because the application is running outside the Kubernetes cluster). Consider setting 'quarkus.kubernetes-client.namespace=my-namespace' to specify the namespace in which to look up the "
+ type;
} else {
message = message + " in namespace '" + namespace + "'";
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi;

import io.quarkus.builder.item.MultiBuildItem;

* Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate
* a Kubernetes {@code RoleBinding} resource. The configuration here is limited;
* in particular, you can't specify subjects of the role binding. The role will always
* be bound to the application's service account.
* <p>
* Note that this can't be used to generate a {@code ClusterRoleBinding}.
public final class KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem extends MultiBuildItem {
* Name of the generated {@code RoleBinding} resource.
* Can be {@code null}, in which case the resource name is autogenerated.
private final String name;
* Name of the bound role.
private final String role;
* If {@code true}, the binding refers to a {@code ClusterRole}, otherwise to a namespaced {@code Role}.
private final boolean clusterWide;

public KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem(String role, boolean clusterWide) {
this(null, role, clusterWide);

public KubernetesRoleBindingBuildItem(String name, String role, boolean clusterWide) { = name;
this.role = role;
this.clusterWide = clusterWide;

public String getName() {

public String getRole() {
return this.role;

public boolean isClusterWide() {
return clusterWide;
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@@ -1,16 +1,79 @@
package io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi;

import java.util.List;

import io.quarkus.builder.item.MultiBuildItem;

* Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate
* a Kubernetes {@code Role} resource.
* <p>
* Note that this can't be used to generate a {@code ClusterRole}.
public final class KubernetesRoleBuildItem extends MultiBuildItem {
* Name of the generated {@code Role} resource.
private final String name;
* The {@code PolicyRule} resources for this {@code Role}.
private final List<PolicyRule> rules;

public KubernetesRoleBuildItem(String name, List<PolicyRule> rules) { = name;
this.rules = rules;

private final String role;
public String getName() {
return name;

public KubernetesRoleBuildItem(String role) {
this.role = role;
public List<PolicyRule> getRules() {
return rules;

public String getRole() {
return this.role;
* Corresponds directly to the Kubernetes {@code PolicyRule} resource.
public static final class PolicyRule {
private final List<String> apiGroups;
private final List<String> nonResourceURLs;
private final List<String> resourceNames;
private final List<String> resources;
private final List<String> verbs;

public PolicyRule(List<String> apiGroups, List<String> resources, List<String> verbs) {
this(apiGroups, null, null, resources, verbs);

public PolicyRule(List<String> apiGroups, List<String> nonResourceURLs, List<String> resourceNames,
List<String> resources, List<String> verbs) {
this.apiGroups = apiGroups;
this.nonResourceURLs = nonResourceURLs;
this.resourceNames = resourceNames;
this.resources = resources;
this.verbs = verbs;

public List<String> getApiGroups() {
return apiGroups;

public List<String> getNonResourceURLs() {
return nonResourceURLs;

public List<String> getResourceNames() {
return resourceNames;

public List<String> getResources() {
return resources;

public List<String> getVerbs() {
return verbs;
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package io.quarkus.kubernetes.deployment;


import io.dekorate.deps.kubernetes.api.model.KubernetesListBuilder;
import io.dekorate.deps.kubernetes.api.model.ObjectMeta;
import io.dekorate.deps.kubernetes.api.model.rbac.PolicyRuleBuilder;
import io.dekorate.deps.kubernetes.api.model.rbac.RoleBuilder;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.decorator.ResourceProvidingDecorator;
import io.quarkus.kubernetes.spi.KubernetesRoleBuildItem;

class AddRoleResourceDecorator extends ResourceProvidingDecorator<KubernetesListBuilder> {
private final KubernetesRoleBuildItem spec;

public AddRoleResourceDecorator(KubernetesRoleBuildItem buildItem) {
this.spec = buildItem;

public void visit(KubernetesListBuilder list) {
ObjectMeta meta = getMandatoryDeploymentMetadata(list);

if (contains(list, "", "Role", spec.getName())) {

list.addToItems(new RoleBuilder()
.map(it -> new PolicyRuleBuilder()

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