released this
28 Nov 11:58
Major changes
#5813 - Fix security issue related to the inclusion of annotations on secured method parameters
Complete changelog
#5813 - Fix security issue related to the inclusion of annotations on secured method parameters
#5805 - Fixes the extension author guide WRT the new quarkus-extension.yaml
#5803 - Fix various usability issues in Spring @RestControllerAdvice handling
#5796 - @RestControllerAdvice that returns an object but handles errors from a void controller method does not return json
#5786 - Upgrade jandex-maven-plugin to 1.0.7
#5777 - Fix AnalysisConfigurer example in Hibernate Search documentation
#5763 - @Valid and @RolesAllowed conflict since 1.0.0.CR2
#5759 - Bump Jandex to 2.1.2.Final
#5746 - Various minor adjustments to the HTTP reference documentation
#5737 - Fix typo in REST Client guide
#5736 - doc: document how to use 999-SNAPSHOT of quarkus
#5687 - document how to use 999-SNAPSHOT of quarkus with a universe-platform based project
#5512 - Add more tests for ResponseEntity handling
#5329 - fixed typo
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